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Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Printable Version

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RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-14-2009

Nico hurried to keep up and soon grew worried "What are we going to do aout your mother?"

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - MasterZero - 09-14-2009

"I....I don't know," Alex sighed. "We'll just have to try and convince her about my other half...." he let out a sigh as they ran. "I don't know how we'll do that though. Man this sucks," he groaned as they ran closer and closer to his home, and to his scarred mother.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Maero - 09-18-2009

The moment the two entered they could tell something was amiss. The place was wrecked much more than the way they had left it and it was clear some kind of struggle had been had. Upstairs the computer was frying, the plastic and electronics heating up to dangerous levels as it started flying down through row after row of fantasy fiction data.

Blood clearly marked some of the floor and walls and it seemed that something had dragged itself into the kitchen. Alex's mom was not in sight, and the house was nearly silent. They could go to kitchen to see if anyone was there, to the bedroom to see if Alex's mom was still alive, or upstairs to unplug the computer before it busted or popped out another fantasy creation.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - MasterZero - 09-18-2009

"Nico...Go to my mom's bedroom, and see if you can find her," Alex ordered, practically whispering. "I'm going into the kitchen," he added, and gulped, before kissing Nico's cheek and slowly walking forward, to the kitchen.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-18-2009

"Okay." Nico nodded and blushed pleasantly from the affection, before carefully and quietly making her way to the mothers room, some extra arms ready just in case something happened "Ms. King? Are your here? Hello?" she called just loud enough for anything in the room to hear.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Maero - 09-19-2009

As Alex entered the kitchen, he found that it was a complete and total wreck. Half the wall to the outside was missing to! Whatever had happened in there had been massively destructive...and then he would see them. Over what remained of the kitchen counter Alex could just spot a pair of long horns curling up into the air. If he had any wonderment about what the horns were, he didnt need to wait long before the creature they were attached to rose up from what Alex probably would have thought was a pile of debris.

If Alex knew anything about the world this particular set of horns came from, then he would understand that if he didnt have something like Goku around within the next few seconds, they were all going to die, for from what one would think to be rubble rose a Chaos space marine! Its armor was cracked and bloodied, but it wasnt his blood, at least not most of it. He revealed this by throwing a blood pulp onto the ground, a bloody pulp tat, after some examination, would reveal itself to be Pikachu, or what was left of the pokemon.

Doing a signature spasm, the corrupted space marine turned toward Alex and any chance of escape was lost when he leveled his bolter with his head. The gun he held could easily chew holes through a modern day tank, no cover would be enough to protect him if he started firing it. Its breath could be heard over its echoing audio speakers, breathing in and out with unnatural rasps, and one had to thank there luck that at least its helmet was still on, so Alex would not have to stare into its mutated face. It began to cackle with evil laughter as it prepared to sacrifice Alex to Khorn, just as he had done with Pikachu, and judging from the blood all over the walls, many others.

But the sound of shifting rubble turned the evil warrior's attention to the right, just in time to see a quick silver flash of steel as something shot from the right and struck the chaos space Marine hard on his shoulder, sinking into a breach in its armor and cutting deeply into mutated flesh. The Marine howled in pain and turned to face his attacker.

The new comer was much less recognizable than his counterpart. In place of an enourmous Space warrior stood and enourmous elf. Like the Space chaos space marine, the elf was seven feet tall at least, towering over Alex and everything else aside from his foe. But where the armored monster was terrifying and bulky, the elf was by far the most elegant creature that Alex could have ever laid eyes on. Every movement was so perfect, every aspect flawless, and if the elf had been a woman, he would have been the most attractive woman to ever exist.

The only flaw the elf had was the blood that seeped into his perfect raven hair from a wound on his head, which marred the otherwise perfect creature. "Damn Eldar!" The Marine roared, dropping his bolter and drawing a Chainsword. With it he charged at the elf, sword revving and screaming as he did. The elf drew his own long blade and clashed with the monster, striking at every weak point and landing many more hits then his foe, who couldnt seem to keep up. But even with all the hits he was landing, and his apparent tremendous strength, the elven warrior could not manage to inflict any serious wounds on the man, since the chaos marine was using the thickest parts of his armor to block.

In no time the monster was covered in dents, but very few new wounds found their way to his flesh, he was clearly a very skilled close range combatant. To add to that, he was forcing the elf back, and the whirling blades of his chain sword made parrying and blocking almost impossible for the nimble elf, and before long his blade was shattered and he was sent into the opposite wall, now disarmed. The Elven man reached to his belt for something but the chaos marine was upon him already, jumping into the air as he prepared to rip the elf in half.

Suddenly though, a rain of bolter fire showered the daemonic marine and he fell clumsily onto his side as his already broken up armor was riddled with painful slugs. Another marine, a space marine, charged into what was left of Alex's kitchen, firing bolts at the chaos marine all the while, even as his twisted counterpart attempted to rise to his feet. Dropping the now empty bolt gun, the space marine draw his own chainsword, and tackled the chaos marine onto his back as the dazed khornite warrior. As this happened the Space marine flipped his grip on the sword and drove it down, deep into the daemonic space marine's chest, cutting open armor, flesh and bone all in one bloody strike, spraying the walls and floor with a new layer of gore.

The Chaos space marine defeated, the new space marine began to rise from his kill. If Alex knew anything about space marines, then he would know that this could be just as bad as the chaos space marine if he didnt play his cards right. Luckily for him, he didnt have to. The Elven warrior, forgotten in the fray, suddenly out flanked the space marine and delivered a devastating blow with a large mace. As the Mace smashed into the side of the chest plate, it huge blew and white shock wave blasted outward, sending the marine and his pieces sailing into a wall, leveling it as well. The space marine landed near Alex, and his armor had basically been shattered by the blow, smashing open one whole side of the impressively large power suit and knocked away the helmet. This revealed to Alex something he was probably not expecting.

The now unconscious Space Marine was now revealed to him, and as it turned out, he was not a he at all. The elf stepped forward toward Alex and raised his mace one more time but then fell backward against the remains of the counter and dropped the weapon. Finally his wound had taken its toll and although he was no unconscious, he was at least disabled for the moment.


Nico would find the bedroom as trashed as Alex had found the kitchen....well, not as trashed, but there was blood on the floor, and there was a whole on the wall. Aside from that, everything inside the room seemed to be broken or smashed. But unlike Alex, Nico would notice that she was not alone instantly. Although she probably would not recognize him, she would find herself in nearly as much peril as Alex, if not more, for when she walked into the bed room she would find herself staring directly at Orochimaru's back.

The villain was smirking and looking down on the bed where he had trapped someone within the coils of several large snakes. Since this was possibly Alex's mom, Nico would have to rescue her before Orochimaru was done doing whatever it was that he was doing. But then again, he didnt seem to know she was behind him, and so, if Nico wanted, she could easily retreat from the fight now and go to Alex, which may be best considering the racket coming from the kitchen. But Alex had powers, more than her, and Alex's mom had none. Nico had a choice to make, try to save Alex, if he was in danger, or try to save Alex's mom, who was in deep shit.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - MasterZero - 09-19-2009

"H-hello? Anyone in....oh shit," Alex whispered as he saw the Chaos Space Marine. It was true, Alex had powers, but he was too afraid to use them well right now. His darker half held the skill, the power, and the bravery. He, instead, nearly crapped his pants. "I KNEW I SHOULD HAVE DELETED THAT GAME!" he cried as he fell on his butt and tried to crawl away.

He nearly barfed as the remains of Pickachu fell before him, and gulped as the nightmarish warriors stepped forward. Afraid Alex? You should be. A pathetic pack of shit like you can't win. I almost feel bad for you. Let me in control, and I'll deal with this bitch.

"N-no! Y-you're evil! Bad!" the boy argued with his darker half as he watched the videogame character rise up. The Chaos Marine aimed his gun at the boy, and laughed as the human cowered in fear.

He closed his eyes, and awaited his death, but was surprised to find himself still alive. "Is this Heaven?" he thought aloud, as he opened his eyes to see an Elf and the evil monster fight one another. "Um...Go elf?"

He tried to pick himself up and run to safety, but his legs did not move. Awww...What's wrong? Trying to leave? Too bad. I want to find out how this ends, so shut up and stay where you are!

As Alex was forced to watch the warriors fight, he gulped as the Chaos Marine raised his weapon to kill the Elf. Suddenly though, a Space Marine killed the Chaos Marine, and then the Elf attacked the Space Marine, revealing a barely clothe girl, who landed nearby.

"Wow...." he whispered, looking at her body. He quickly shook his head, and when he came back to the world, he saw the Elf fall to the ground. "...I got to turn the computer off!" he screamed, and quickly jumped up and ran to his room, to stop his computer.

Why is this happening? Why my computer? he wondered as he ran to stop his computer from unleashing any other monsters or warriors.

This is getting fun...

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-23-2009

Seeing the strange man, at least she thought it was a man, and the snakes Nico immediately took action, creating half a dozen arms on his back and grabbing his arms and head, threatening to break them if he tried anything "I don't know who you are or what you're doing here, but if you value your life you'll call off the snakes now!"

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - Maero - 09-24-2009

Orochimaru hissed and struggled for a moment..but he was caught. "Very deceptive of you." He growled, though not angrily. "Yours is another jutsu I must posses...but that can wait until I find out where I am..." Suddenly the snakes began to unwrap from the quivering form in front of him, and Orochimaru himself spat up more snakes. They came out his mouth, nose, ears and eyes, and poured out of his clothing. And as they did, They slithered away, leaving Nico holding his empty clothes and old skin, now empty and devoid of life. But where Alex's mother should have been she found someone else entirely. the girl was unconscious and half stripped of her green clothing. She groaned slightly and looked up weakly at Nico before falling unconscious again.


Leaving the elf and space marine behind, Alex ran to his room to find that he didnt have to worry any longer about his computer. However or whatever had happened to cause fictional characters to start appearing had ended up overloading and blowing up everything, the monitor, the keyboard and mouse, and even the hard drive itself. It was gone and useless, leaving a large blackened spot in his room...which was trashed, predictably, by all the people that came through it.

If he returned to the elf or space marine, he would find them how he left them, both unconscious and wounded, and their fates in his hands.

RE: Real Life Hentai (Kingzero, Salem A. Delgado, and Silver) - MasterZero - 09-24-2009

Alex didn't know what to do. He looked at the elf, and then the girl. He really didn't trust either, too afraid that they both wanted him dead. Finally, he sighed and walked over to the Space Marine and lightly poked her cheek. "Hey...Hey, wake up..." he said.