Digiartists' Domain Community!
Let the fun start! - Printable Version

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RE: Let the fun start! - Bee - 09-18-2008

Know how you feel, Kalyx. Ike forced me to flee to my aunt's house in San Antonio.

Without DaD, or even some privacy for some *ahem* alone time, I was driven up the walls.

Kudos to all those who pulled together to bring the site back, and to those that had to endure Ike, keep fighting on.

RE: Let the fun start! - UnknownH - 09-18-2008

So, why'd this go down? Hurricane? Anyway, I'm fine with this. We just lost a lot of stuff but I fixed two things and am looking around the board. It's ok right now.

RE: Let the fun start! - MISTER BIG T - 09-18-2008

The forum went down due to some weird error that corrupted the database.

Everyone who's grumpy about posts being lost the other alternative was to start the forum from scratch. So be happy it wasn't complete wipe as was with VGDC forums.

Personally I stayed up to nearly 4 am when the thing happened trying to fix the error resulting in me losing my job the next morning for being too tired at work..........

RE: Let the fun start! - Asesino - 09-18-2008

I'm not pissed off about losing all my posts. Now nobody has any proof that I'm a prick. Woo.

And you lost your job trying to save this forum? I know you might have disappointed some people, but losing your job over it doesn't seem right.

RE: Let the fun start! - MISTER BIG T - 09-19-2008

Yes I have lost my job and I have no solid income at all even after trying to find a new job. Counting in the payment I got ended up being half of even my rent alone, I'm in quite deep shit at the moment. :s

On related note I had decided already before the forum was up that Lord Patamon to be rewarded by Admin status as thanks for all he did for the forums.

RE: Let the fun start! - Lord Patamon - 09-19-2008

Thanks Big T, I won't disappoint you nor anyone here and I feel it will be useful since I can keep track with updates for the plug-ins and backup the database often you know, the tech support of the board.

For me this was a big challenge too, this board has a really big database after all, so the challenge was recover the posts even if they were the ones from that old backup, find the way to restore them to the database was the challenge but good old google helped me to find the perfect tool for that job so I worked with it and the good old phpMyAdmin to keep track of that everything was getting restored correctly.

Though there is still pending to add again the old themes, one that the logo was Gabumon, and there was another that the logo for the board was Flamedramon if I'm right, but that is something that Wolfe knows better than me seeing as he made the midnite theme, I think that one was the Flamedramon one don't remember well.

Anyhow, the important is that not everything got lost, and talking about lost, you need to re-post that lemon of yours Big T, the one called Gatomon finally choosed life partner, or submit it to the main site so it can be recovered but that can be done when you have chance no worries, about rps Chaos Knight Matthew backed up some of his rps saving them page by page so at least those can be reposted with a recap so the people who were participating on them can continue.

In my case Me and Matt Ishida have to rebuil our private rps, luckily I more or less remember where we left so we can continue from there, so it will be a slow process but all can be set back to course, and we can take the chance to even improve the rps we were part of since they will reposted we can fix any problems with them that we couldn't before because they were too advanced for that ^^

RE: Let the fun start! - Bee - 09-19-2008

Big T, that right there is commitment. Working around the clock, to help rebuild the site, at the cost of your own job. You didn't have to do that, man. Real life first.

...if I could buy you a beer, I would. I would buy you a fucking 12-pack.

RE: Let the fun start! - Lord Patamon - 09-19-2008

Cowboy is right, you also did a lot for the site T, I really hope you can get a good job that is well paid, you will see everything will be solved for you my friend.

RE: Let the fun start! - Tank Cop - 09-19-2008

I would like to make a public appologie to Lord Patamon and All those here for my very harsh and rude outburst yesterday...

What I posted:



sorry for that but I am happy the sites back but you can't blame me for losing over a years worth of fun on this site. I almost feel like just leaving again.

So I am sorry for being so bitter but I need to work it out so I am going to be on the upset side for a while.

I was having a very hard day at from start to end. I only had 3 hours of sleep due to some late night constrution being done a block away from my apartment. Then I had a very shitty work day where everything just kept going wrong, even got yelled at by all 3 of my bosses (different departement heads) in one days time for different reasons.

Then I got a ticket for a busted tail light that happend my car got backed into by a truck while I was working that day so I got a hole in the tail light and a ticket for it happening to me on the same damned day!

Then I finally get home and come to check to see if the message board was back praying for something good to happen cause all on another site I go to alot I fucked up and went to far in a RP game and the guy (thats the head mod) deleted the game and even BANNED me for a week! Then 2 other sites I love are now GONE cause of online issues. So I came here and was for the first and ONLY time that day HAPPY! So I rushes to the RP gaming section to look for my games with Nekomon and the game I play with AL. Then I see they are all gone. Not only that but everything I did for the board in the last year was gone. I just snapped and just posted in anger not thinking or carying what or how my words would make others feel. I didn't care about anything anymore at that point.

After that I went to a Spanking online chat site to cool off help me rub my pain away with some good masturbation fuel. Then the only girl (assuming it was a girl I am SURE its a fucking guy now) wanted to talk about Marrage and Kids. Not play the game I needed to help me cool off. So I told this person in no kind way that. "ITS JUST A F-ING ONLINE GAME. ITS NOT REAL. IT NEVER WILL BE REAL. I DON'T WANT TO REALLY MET YOU. I DON'T EVEN KNOW WHAT YOU REALLY LOOK LIKE." So at that point I left and removed the site from my favorate list.

I then had begun to suffer from stress pains. I get these needle like pains in my upper hips below my gut it happens when I am in intence stress. So I was in pain the rest of the night cause nothing else I did could make me feel any better. Not playing any of my games on my PS3 or looking at spanking sites, diaper anime pictures, or even Digimon porn of Renamon could was helping.

So it was a horrable day and I feel bad for what I did and beg you all for your forgivness. T_T

RE: Let the fun start! - RyanCruey - 09-19-2008

Its a forum.....Relax, Anyway.....I guess i am glad...I dunno. Well to be honest i can say i really dunno because i am so busy lately and i have to watch dogs school graphics ect. Yeah i dunno