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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg) - Printable Version

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- amaterasu - 12-15-2006

"Preferably somewhere without hostile digimon."Imperion answered.

- Master Grim - 12-15-2006

Vi's giggled turned into a full blown laugh "You're already there! That is if you don't count Jes!"

Tom rolled his eyes.

- amaterasu - 12-15-2006

Imperion just stood there,silent.

OOC:post flood

- xvdjdamienstryker - 12-15-2006

OOC: before i get left in the dust of the posting spree...Matt i'm gonna grant your wish. Gatomon is all yours^^. and here's good news and bad news...and mixed news....good news...i got through all my exams..bad news...my laptop got jacked... mixed news...laptop is recovered...but now is part of evidence for crook's trial...and dunno WHEN i'll get it back...but i got a desktop...but it is so...sloooooow.... i'll try my best to get back online...because the campus is shutting down after friday...and then i'll be netless><...what a crapshoot..oh yeah...nice omage

**Sonic's Earth**

The Egg Goliath got a piercing from Sonic's spin attack..**

Eggman: Heh Heh... Sonic and Shadow...so good to see you again...but if you think you'll spoil my fun..think again. you've yet to see the power of my Egg Goliath! it comes with Rodent rejection Approval !!!

**Just then panels open up...as well as Trap doors....Eggman Robots ((from Sonic Heroes and Shadow the Hedgehog...and wth...Sonic the Hedgehog(2006) )) come out

Eggman: these are the Antibodies...and you are the Viruses.. and the power i got will see to stopping you

**at th core of the mech...2 chaos emeralds are flowing through the Egg Goliath...that same power was remotely transferred into the robots...all of them ... Eying The 2 hedgehogs with evil intents

Eggman: Get rid of those 2 now!!!

**The chaos powered bots go on the attack against on Sonic and Shadow

**~Digi 02's Earth~**
Yolei: hey Kari, how about you go Find TK. ^_^. I'll go see Davis..^^

Kari: Are you sure?

Yolei: Don't worry. i'll get him. you just go to TK^_~

Kari (blushes but smirks): Don't be long

**With That kari runs off to find TK....as she takes a shortcut through the Park.. Yolei heads off to find DAvis

**Tamer's Earth**

**As the Sunset's, Takato waves his goodbyes to Guilmon..before heading off home to get in a good night's sleep...along the way... he crosses Jeri's neighborhood... he gives a smile to her apartment..before resuming his trip home... however..when night fully hit...something was off....the sky..was starless...there weren't any clouds...and the sky was...STarless

Takato (looking up): O-kay...chock this up to the Mysterious....but just what turned off the Stars?


**the Cloudiness continues to grow...as the dark clouds start to make trouble for the Digimon as it rains...black Gears....many...many...many Gears come falling....whatever the cause of the clouds...is now corrupting a Digimon City...with evil.....it has begumn

**The Little Planet..**

** a planet seen once in a blue moon on Sonic's world...then vanishes away...into the Cosmic interstate..until its time comes again...but it maybe sure sooner...as the ship from eariler comes towards it...preparing to land....

Figure (in the dark): we're here...The Little Planet...and rumors are true about this place

Soldier: yes sir. the power here can help your machine carry out its goal

Figure: Perfect. Then it's time to bring phase One of the Master Plan to fruition. everyone search the planet. and Don't come back till you bring back the power of this planet...

**....it really has begun...and more twists are yet to come...**

- Disturbed - 12-15-2006

Shadow reached behind his back and got out his AKA47 and cocked it "Just stay outta my way." he muttered as he sped toward a robot using his jet skates. The black hedgehog jumped while forming into a ball and smashed into the robot, as he roccochetts off of it he goes back to normal facing the robot and shot him with a couple rounds with his gun.

- Lord Patamon - 12-15-2006

OOC: I think you didn't read my post well xvdjdamienstryker, TK and Matt already met with Kari and Yolei ^^;;

About your laptop sorry about that, hope all ends fine for you soon my friend ^^


TK blinked "a digimon you helped? and it is female for what I understand" he said with a smile and then continued "but why you didn't told us about it? and why I have the feeling that digimon is interested in lil' Gabu here?" he said with a grin as he looked at Gabumon.

- Kurtz - 12-15-2006

Erika was about to do more, when she heard the lumbering giant dragon's footsteps again, her eyes widening. "Come... ON!" She tugged at Kurtz's arm, yanking him out of his seated position as they kept on running deeper and deeper into the forest.

- Shadowknight - 12-15-2006

"You think a couple of walking can openers'll stop me?" Sonic smiled as one advanced at him. He immediately vanished into nothing, moving faster than any normal eyes could see and was instantly on top of the robot, "What's the matter sparky?" he forced himself not to laugh as he saw the robot raising it's arm to strike at him, "Ya snooze ya lose!" he said as he jumped out of the way at the last second, the robot smashed it's own head in and fell to the ground broken and destroyed, "Your machines seem to be more than capable of stopping themselves."

- Yoosei - 12-15-2006

OOC: *makes the sweetest puppy looking ever* thank you so much xvdjdamienstryker for having grant me that wish. And sorry about your laptop.


The white feline digimon blinks and perks her ears up as she then turns around just for her sight to meet with the orange winged digimon

- Kurtz - 12-15-2006

Kurtz bit on his fangs as the huge dragon followed - soon, if they didn't act, that lumbering dragon would reach it's target - Sin Town.

Taking a gulp, Kurtz pulled out Erika's cellphone. "Need to call someone~~!"
Erika glanced back, her eyes widening still. "WHA~"
The dragon put the phone to his ear, as he had already swiftly dialed a number. "Be there... be there..."