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Defeating the Darkness within - Printable Version

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RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 05-02-2011

OC: that's basicly it. it's flat but if it picks something up it drags it into the shadows with it. but for licking and maniplating it appers flat but to a person it's feel like a actual person. sorry, i just kinda figured it was assumed (WRONG!)

IC:Alex waved, still embarrassed at what his shadow did as he started creeping along the wall taking the form of a 2-d fox with spots where light existed for it’s eyes and mouth. As one of it’s arms raised and a claw like hand waved back to the dragon. It was clear the shadow was moving all on it’s own, since it was on a wall where a shadow shouldn’t be unless a person was standing.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Casey the furry one - 05-02-2011

The teacher shook her head knowing it would be a long day. "Lizzy if you don't mind I need toget back to the lesson for today," she stated firmly.

Raziel cringed slightly when the dragonness addressed him a second time. He wasn't sure if she was just clueless or just stupid. Then he remembered that he saw he with that traveling bear tiger troup. Soon he finished the note and handed it to to lizzy.

Since they were only in the second row the teacher spotted the note. She walked over to Lizzy's desk and snatched the note. "As all you know there will be no note passing in my class; because I'll read them aloud to the class," she said with a grin thinking this was a love note.

sorry for getting you wet. Also remember that there is no talking without raising your hand and waiting on the teacher to call on you. Second if you want to chat let's talk when we go to our next classes

As the note was read aloud Raziel's checks tured bright red. A few of the girls started making kissing sounds, while rest of the class laughed. Raziel just wanted to now crawl into hole die from embarressment in peace.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Frisk E. Coyote - 05-02-2011

Jack shut the book and sighed, laying back against the stacked mats and gazing up at the dark ceiling, which he illuminated here and there with the flashlight. It was all a little hard to read, thanks to the manner of speech, and the cursive handwriting, but he had gathered things about demons and magic and saving the world. What interested him most were the magic spells and their descriptions, as well as how to cast them, listed down in the manuscript in order of difficulty and effect.

A couple of passages had gripped him however, each written with different penmanships suggesting more than one author;

"Gutta cavat lapidem, non vi sed saepe cadendo."
(Scribbled Underneath: It's Latin- here's a translation. "A water drop hollows a stone, not by force, but by falling often." Basically, he's telling you that everything has a weakness, even stone, so don't be too full of yourself. Also, patience is virtue and you have to think of different ways you wouldn't normally use in order to survive.)

"O child of earth, through fire and flames you march, through billows and waves you crawl, through storms and gales you brave, where thou goest be unknown."
(Scribbled Underneath: This means "Keep moving forward, no matter what." You're going to face a lot of hardships, and you don't know if what you're risking everything for is worth it, but just keep moving forward. It's the only direction we can go.)

"Ye heart can be hardened, but never be it stone."
(Scribbled Underneath: "There's only so much you can take before you start to lose faith, but be steadfast and never lose sight of who your are".)

"Stand proud like the mountain, but be humble like the ground."
(Scribbled Underneath: I'm sorry, he's from China, so you're not supposed to take this literally. "Be proud of who you are and what you can do, or what you've accomplished, but never think that you're better than everyone". You need them, and they need you.)

"Y'know glass? That's made from sand. The same thing that gets in our eyes and blinds us also helps us see better when put in specs. Don't ya'll think that's funny?"
(Scribbled Underneath: She's kind of a joker, but her sense of humor is... strange. She reminds you that you and your powers are flexible; you can harm, and you can help. What do you prefer?)

"If you're reading this, then you are a hero of the earth. Fate makes no mistakes, and I'm sorry that our burden has passed on to you. Your age, gender, race or religion doesn't matter. It doesn't matter if you're rich or poor, happy or miserable. This burden is now yours.

I am the one who interpreted my descendants' passages above. Like them... I'm supposed to leave you some words of wisdom or encouragement... but instead, I'll leave you a warning:

The road ahead will be rough. You will learn things about this world you will wish you had not, and you will experience hell.

Enclosed is a weapon in crystallized form. We have no name for them, but this one is attuned to earth. Notice a theme in the passages above? The power of earth, its characteristics, its imperfections and faults, all of it- is now yours. If I sound pessimistic to you, that's only because I have grown to hate this weapon as much as I love it. These are personal matters that I will leave out.

I'm not expecting you to believe any of this, and if you do believe, I don't expect you to be jumping for joy at it either. You're going to throw away your life, everything you know, to risk everything for the sake of a world full of people you don't know.

This is where my earth themed words of encouragement come in, I suppose, haha...

I know nothing of your life... but mine was hard. I was a damaged, homeless woman with no future, until I came into the possession of the earth weapon. If your life is anything like mine, here's what I have to say:

The weapon chose right.

You have to be as stubborn as a rock, not in the way you're thinking, but in the way where you're too stubborn to give up and too stubborn to give in to your suffering. No ocean or storm can move a boulder. No natural force on earth can move a mountain. You are a survivor; all you have to do is endure, like the slowly dying world you live in, kicking and screaming to survive after the people pollute its oceans, cut down its trees and fill it with garbage and chemicals. The earth will outlive humanity.

-And you will outlive your suffering. So be stubborn like a rock... and good luck."

The wolf cub mulled these words over, and was surprised to feel unshed tears welling in his eyes. He blinked them away and snuggled the leather bound book close. If this really was real, then bring hell on. A road to his future just got unblocked.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Shadowknight - 05-02-2011

"I'm not worried about that, I'm sure if she wants to keep her secret she'll find a way." Michael smiled as he looked towards the school, "Though she'll have to face herself sooner or later." He shrugged, "Either way, it's out of my hands. This is her life now, and she'll have to lead it, for better, or for worse." he nodded a bit as he turned back towards bridget, "So, who's this runt you've discovered? I'll go out on a limb and assume another descendant."


Lupe growled a bit as some of the water landed on her hair, she quickly grabed her ponytail and rung it out a bit, even thought it wasn't much it was still slightly bothersome to her. She couldn't help but drum her fingers impatiently as the class continued, being naturally hyperactive she wasn't used to sitting in one place for a long period of time.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - DragonMasterX - 05-02-2011

Lizzy blinked in surprise as the teacher cut her short, not knowing if what she had done was right. As the teacher read the note aloud though she knew it was talking about her, and she blushed in embarrassment as it was practically teaching her how to behave as if she was a baby.

Her cheeks flushed a deep red and she looked elsewhere, trying to stay quiet and inconspicuous, but her eyes widened in surprise as she noticed a shadow puppet on the wall, courtesy of Kyle, whose magical abilities were unknown to Lizzy. A smile was brought to her face as soon as she noticed the fox waving at her. The young dragoness giggled, apparently not much was needed to entertain and amuse her.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 05-02-2011

Occ: using my phone so if my reply is shorter or typo filled that's why

Ic: he smiled back towards her as the shadow did his attempt at making a face by pulling on the corners of it's mouth and stuck out it's tounge. Kyle blushed as he heard her giggling and assumed it was about him.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Casey the furry one - 05-03-2011

"I see...., oh well," Bridget said shaking her head. When Michael asked about Jack, she chuckles some, "No Michail I knew about him and the others for a long time. Remember I am able to divine my own future. Anyway Jack is at the middle school nearby."

She started to walk towards the school at a leisurely pace. "Also there is a going to be a basilisk showing up shortly after we get there. Yet since you choose to change things I don't know if it will be where it is suppose to or not so maybe we should hurry up and pick up encase something worse shows up?" she asked not quite sure what to do.
Raziel sighed deeply as he saw Lizzy blushing in embarrassment, he mouthed sorry to her. After a bit the bell rang and he was glad the class was over. He put his book away, picked up his bag and slung it over his shoulder. "Hey Lizzy I am sorry about earlier, I knew you traveled with a preforming acrobats and wasn't sure if you were home schooled or not not," He said with a blush. "I am Raziel nice to meet you," he said holding out his webbed hand.

A basilisk was slithering through the air ducks of the high school approaching Raziel and the other students. Its mission was to turn the shark into stone statue. It slithered out of the duck and onto the hallway floor startling the kids around the corner , while they began to scream. A few innocent students looked into the snake's eyes as they became petrified.

Ooc: I won't be on as much but I will do my best to make posts as often as I can for the next week or longer

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - DragonMasterX - 05-04-2011

Lizzy was happy, having spent most of the class waving and making gestures to respond to the shadow puppet on the wall. Her good mood had returned and now she was very amused.

When she bell rung, she noticed someone was talking to her and had to look away from the wall, turning to the side, her massive chest pillows wobbling with her upper torso turning. "Oh, hey Raziel! Nice to meet you," she said, having forgotten about the embarrassment already, and just grabbed his paw and shook it a bit wildly, not minding her strength and giving the shark's arm a nice tug. "Oh... do you know about us? We perform everywhere!" she proudly said, then pointed at herself with equal pride, "I don't know about a homeschool performance though," she gasped. "Maybe they were holding it and didn't tell me?!" she over-dramatically stood up and slammed her palms on the desk, stil confused about the homeschooling word's meaning.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 05-04-2011

Kyle stood up and continued going to his class next was his English class, as he walked to his class as the shadow went back towards izzy tapping he shoulder and trying to get her to follow but frowned as he was dragged with the fox. As he got into the class those who'd see him would think he was talking to himself and soon he pulled out the crystal and looked at it before asking his shadow where it got it, it shrugged and that surpassed him. Where did it come from then? He shrugged as the shadow was trying to encroage him to get some friends this year. He replied to it by ignoring it though he'd get to know her sinced it seemed like she was a great person

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Shadowknight - 05-04-2011

OOC: So uh, is the basilisk in the classroom everyone's in? Or in a diffrent part of the school? Or not even in the same school?


Lupe was halfway out the door when her ear's pricked up slightly, since she had also been homeschooled for the majority of her life the word stuck out to her as she looked towards the dragon girl, "It's not a performance," she explained, "It means you were taught at home, as opposed to a building like this. My great-grandfather homeschooled me for most of my life." she added.


"Well, welcome to the world the rest of all live in. Not knowing what's going to happen or when," Michael smiled slightly, "Whatever happens, we'll deal with it. Petrification isn't a hard curse to break so long as you know how to do it. Might even be a good little bit of practice for the kids. Break them in slowly."