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Digimon Expansion RPG - Printable Version

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- cboy - 10-21-2006

Ranamon giggled, turning around and teasing the rookie with a shake of her sweet ass. Even though she already had Darky, she still liked to get the attention of other mon, just so long as they behaved themselves with her.

"Well then, sugah, follow me," she purred, swaggering towards the main room, her ass wiggling with each step. All around her, males stopped what they were doing to watch the water nymph digimon do her stuff.

Ranamon strutted up to the stage, placing her hands on it and then kicking off the floor, flipping up onto the stage.

Darky purred as Aqua wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling her little body to him. He wasn't tired, but having his mate cuddling against him like a kitten to its mother just brought a warm feeling to his heart. He rubbed her back and stroked her tail, nuzzling and licking her head.

"Mmm, so cute; my sweet little Aqua. I love you soo much, my little rookie." he murred, hugging her tight.

- DragonMasterX - 10-21-2006

Veemon fixed his eyes on Ranamon's butt, gasping slightly, "Nice cheeks," he complimented before following the girl to the stage. Upon arriving, he went to an empty table of the bar and folded his big and well endowed arms, grinning to himself as if waiting for the womon to perform.

AquaVeemon snoozed softly, so softly the sound even sounded cute, her tail was moving behind her slowly, showing that she was having a pleasant dream.

- cboy - 10-21-2006

Ranamon landed on the stage in a crouch, flashing the audience a wicked grin, being answered by cheers and cat calls. She placed her hands together above her head and began to sway her body to and fro, making her breasts wiggle and bounce up and down. She turned around and presented her clothed butt to her audience. She wiggled it a little and bent forward, placing one hand on the ground and using the other to smack her ass a few times.

Darky looked at Aqua's sleeping form, wondering if she was a heavy sleeper. He had always had a thing for inflating Ranamon in her sleep, loving how surprised she was when she woke up to a bloated body.

Deciding to take a chance, he gently turned Aqua onto her back, placing her hands on her tummy and spreading her legs. He then stealthfully crept out of the bed and tip-toed over to an air tank, picking it up and returning to the bed.

"Hope you're a heavy sleeper, my love," he purred, gently inserting the hose into her muff and opening the valve.

- DragonMasterX - 10-21-2006

Veemon grinned wider as he saw Ranamon teasing everyone, he was enjoying the most, the girl looked spectacularly sexy in every movement.

However, Aqua's belly didn't grow, nor did her other body parts. Maybe it was the valve? Maybe more pressure needed?

- cboy - 10-21-2006

Strolling over to a nearby tank of soda, Ranamon picked it up and then moved back to the center of the stage. Kissing the valve as though it were a man's lips, she hungrily smooched the metal, hugging the tank to her body.

She then locked her lips around the tank and opened it up, gulping the soda down, her belly quickly bulging out until she looked nine months pregnant. Setting the tank back down, she stood up and twirled. She stopped and began swinging her hips from side to side patting her bloated belly like a drum. Then she grabbed her boobs and began bouncing them in her hands, squeezing them together and then spreading them apart. The whole time she was doing this, she was moaning as the soda inside of her tummy sloshed around.

Darky cocked his head to the side, confused as to why Aqua's body wasn't blowing up. Thinking that maybe the gas was flowing too slow, he opened the valve up further.

- DragonMasterX - 10-21-2006

Veemon saw Ranamon's belly expand, she was teasing him like hell, he loved any kind of expansions in girls, "Grr..." he growled to himself, "She looks both cute and sexy like that...." he grinned, "What a combo!" he said and suddenly burst into applauses and whistles, making every male around him cheer even louder at the girl.

Aqua's body suddenly started growing, but her belly didn't even move, her whole body was starting to grow again while she snoozed softly, however, whilst she grew, her breasts did inflate, and they started lifting up in her chest and becoming more and more round and bigger as her body became more and more macro.

- cboy - 10-21-2006

Ranamon could feel the soda in her tummy bubbling as it turned to gas. Her belly, already a hefty size, began to slowly balloon up, Ranamon moaning as it did so.moaned and squirmed as her belly bulged out larger. Her arms bloated up into safety cones and stuck out at a forty-degree angle. Her back and butt bulged, as did her sides and hips, turning her into a ball. Her legs and thighs expanded, spreading out into a straddle position. Her boobs rounded out and inflated until they were the size of basketballs. Her belly was now the size of a beanbag chair.

Before she got too big, Ranamon quickly waddled off the stage, her body growing more and more bloated, even her face becoming full and round. She smiled seductively at the audience, who cheered and gave wolf whistles and cat calls.

Darky was midly surprised at her body's growth, not to mention a little disappointed that her belly didn't inflate. However, he remebered how her small size made it hard to have sex with her without being careful, so he decided to make the best of this new predicament.

He kept the air going until she was about his size (7 feet tall) and then pulled the hose from her pussy. Purring like a kitten, he crawled into bed with her, pulling her new body against his, nuzzling her sleeping form. This new type of expansion could be...interesting he thought, smiling as he rubbed his mate's body.

- DragonMasterX - 10-21-2006

Veemon let out the loudest growl for cheering, then when Ranamon got off the stage, he ran up to her, "Wonderful act sweet!" he kindly complimented, then looked at her swelling body, "You look awfully adorable inflating like that," he grinned to the bigger girl, "You really like teasing males, don't you?" he said, smiling widely.

As Aqua got bigger, her breasts puffed up to a bigger size, each of her tits was the size of Darky's head, and she wasn't in her sexual state yet.

- cboy - 10-22-2006

Ranamon giggled and nodded as best she could with her swollen body, then let out a loud belch to deflate herself. Once she was back to her normal size, she grinned at Veemon.

"Flattery will get you everywhere, sugah. And yes, Ah love making men squirm," she purred, wiggling her butt at Veemon as she walked past him to the bar.

Darky took note of Aqua's breast size. Though he loved her the way she was, he was happy that she had finally gotten her wish.

She's definitly going to be happy when she wakes up, if she ever wakes up. he thought. That last inflation seemed to have taken a lot out of her.

He pulled her body against his, so that they were both on their sides. He then reached around and began to grope her new breasts, rubbing the two balloons.

- DragonMasterX - 10-22-2006

Veemon growled teasingly, "And you seem to love teasing me on purpose as well!" he grinned and followed the cute womon, "Say, how often do you visit this place? It's pretty neat!" he said as he walked besides the sea sprite.

Momentairly afterwards, Aqua opened her eyes, blinking, she found herself in an odd position, the panther was on top of her and was gripping her huge breasts, wait- huge breasts? "Uhm... Darky?" she asked, not fully getting what was going on since she was literally alcoholized previously and by now she had forgotten how she had become almost as big as the room.