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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Kurtz - 03-08-2007

"You think I would?" Kurtz gave a slight smug grin. "You know me Dot. I'm never out for the count. Besides," He turned to face Dresan briefly. "If you die, how will I cope to it." He muttered, before gripping his sword more.

"Pssh. Love is so.... Pathetic." Dresan murmured to himself, shaking his head in disappointment.

Gritting his fangs, the red-haired dragon charged forward, and brought his blade up; only to meet Dresan's, as they locked blades. It remained for a few moments, before they pulled off. And then went again, locking once more. Small sparks were flying between the blades, as the two elements fought hardly to hit the other.

- DragonMasterX - 03-09-2007

Truth that is, but I'm not going to leave you to do this alone Dot frowned, then swiped her blade once, her body glowing. "Shield!"

Kurtz's body suddenly shone as both him and Dresan battled, a golden shield appeared over Kurtz, before it integrated onto him, boosting his physical defense.

- Kurtz - 03-09-2007

Blinking twice, the dragon grinned slightly, before starting to drive more forward, starting to force the dark knight backwards. But Dresan was already prepared, and suddenly broke the lock; knocking Kurtz's sword to a side, as the knight back-flipped and landed on his feet, before charging forward, a burst of dark blue energy rippling towards Kurtz.

Eyes widening, Kurtz only merely avoided the burst, as it flew past Dot and crashed straight-first into the wall. "D-Damnit!"

- Shadowknight - 03-09-2007

OOC:.... Yeah I got nothing.



A dorr slid open as kit walked out of the small training room. Her fur was matted down and slightly darker in areas from sweat, caused by the heat from her spells and the effort trying to get it to work. She yawned loudly as she walked out of the training center and towards the rooms, "I need a nap, I'm exhausted." She mumbled aloud as she walked towards her room, not even noticing that the sweat had caused her breasts to show quite clearly through her fur.

(Insane ground)

"Great," Shadow kicked a tree in frustration, "This is getting annoying. Why do we have to wait? We clearly outclass them."

- Disturbed - 03-10-2007

As Silver came walking down the wolf saw Kit walking down the hallway and threw her a warm smile, but looking at her she looked like she was working hard the sweat on her fur was very noticable aswell as...her shirt being tightened around her breasts which he blushed softly at. Raised his new buffed up arm and waved at Kit "H-hey Kit how was training." he said softly standing there with his newly aquired six pack and bulkier arms.

- Yoosei - 03-10-2007

Yoosei smiles and nods at Zerus. "ok ok if you say you are alright I believe in you" she said sweetly and then looked at the office doors. "well let's see to what reason were we called for" she chuckles and gently knockes on the door before slowly opening it and stepping inside.

- Casey the furry one - 03-12-2007

Kellie looked at Hiro with a grin, "Oh my your already getting hard, I will have to put a stop to that at the moment," she said as she tilted the candle as the hot wax drip from the candle onto his left nipple as she kept the candle at the same angle so it would drip onto his chest as she brought it over to his right nipple.

Ooc: I will wait for crimson to post before doing Colby's part and sorry for taking so I just needed to take a break from rping

- Crimson Fox - 03-12-2007

The doctor nodded before opening up the bag he brought with him. "Well I guess I'll check your heartbeat first, go ahead and take off your shirt while I grab my stethoscope." His scaly claws dug through the contents of the medical pack, groaning a bit at the fact he had forgotten to organize this one.

Ada continued to watch along with Colby as she tried to realize Ikonnen's condition from a spiritual view, her magic locked onto her leader. Her mind sensed nothing out of the ordinary, a small sigh of relief leaving her muzzle. Just stress more than anything unless of course its magic outside my scope of vision that's effecting him...Kubrika's far too away to do such a thing however....

The rips and tears in the hull were slowly being mended and brought back into proper shape, Crimson working along with the team to revive the draconic ship. It was going to be long day...

His sword carved through the heart of a remaining Resistance member before Jedrek returned, boredom clearly stretched across the shadow's muzzle whilst blood dripped from his ill blade. His green eyes observed the wound on Lu's arm, a small bit of surprise reflected in his verdant pools though he showed no real concern. "I suppose that is it then..." His body refreshed itself as he absorbed the souls floating about into his ebony form. Nothing to do once more...prehaps I should take one of those underwater basket weaving courses...

- Shadowknight - 03-13-2007

Hiro's eyes opened widely as he gritted his teeth at the sudden burning. This wasn't what he had been expecting and had had no time to brace himself before the hot wax began dripping on his chest. Surprisingly, even though he didn't notice it his cock seemed to perk up slightly as he pulled a bit at one of his binds.

RE: Southern Cross - DragonMasterX - 03-18-2007

Lucca groaned slightly, not being able to help it, "Argh..." she thought: Stupid wound it's deepening while I'm doing nothing... she cursed. "I suppose neither of you have bandages with you" she sarcastically said to her companions.

Dot smiled in relief as the fireball went by without hitting her. She had decided to be of indirect support to Kurtz instead of fighting. She remembered how she had turned down that method. Were Kurtz to fall, she'd just help him, she was confident of that, and now she possesed the speed to take both of them out of there if he was weak to run away. "Come on, don't lose Kurtz!" she said and thought about any other of her spells, "Hmm... oh! I know!" she grinned and swiped with her sword almost elegantly. "Blink!"

About four images of Kurtz materialized around him and in front of Dresan, all of them mimicking Kurtz's actions.