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Digimon Protectors - Printable Version

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- Yoosei - 10-12-2006

Matt: *looks at DJ and smiles* well I rarely have free time.. and even if i would get some.. i just hang around with my friends that play in the same band that i do. that or i stay home doing nothing really

Gabumon: i will help to make them pay this time as well ....I hope so.. *he faked a smile to them*

- Gogglehead - 10-12-2006

\"Yeah he\'s got a point, there ain\'t nothin\' you could have done about that, I mean it was that energy spirit thing that did all of that.\" Daisuke continued.

V-mon rubbed his stomach as he growled.
\"Hey Daiske, I\'m hungry.\" V-mon stated.

Daisuke tuned his head to V-mon and back then looked to a wall clock.
\"Well we ain\'t had supper yet and it is getting dark. What he you say we make something to eat and sleep on it. Then we can kick Demon\'s and what-its-name\'s rear tomarrow.\" Daisuke suggested cheerfuly.

- Lord Patamon - 10-12-2006

TK:*he smiled* the name you search is Dragomon, and you're right, for now is better if we rest and recover our energies, mostly you Kari, you must be hungry after all this you passed through

- Lady_Knight - 10-12-2006

"Ok then... Don't tell me..." Renamon muttered. "Rika, if you want the time there's a clock on the wall."
"It's getting dark... Maybe we should go get something to eat?" Rika sugested. "And can you put the hand gun away? I don't think we're going to need to shoot people while we eat."

- Kurtz - 10-12-2006

Nath sweat-dropped, as what would appear to be a 'tiny' handgun opened itself up into a watch. "It's not really a handgun." He then tossed the watch into Luna's waiting paws.

Luna giggled, and quickly strapped the metal watch around her wrist. "Yeah. Of course his leg wouldn't make little handguns..." She commented, as her eyes quickly flicked over the watch.

Nath then looked at Peter while chuckling nervously. "...I don't even know where the hell we are."

- Lady_Knight - 10-12-2006

"Join the club..." Rika muttered.

- xvdjdamienstryker - 10-12-2006

**kari manages to keep standing**

Kari: ...I'm becoming better.... thank you..all of you...and yeah...something to eat would be nice...

**Someone may beat you to it...as something that smells like fresh baked bread..and so much more...for in a kitchen...Takato and Guilmon were busy...doing their part...

**DJ and Matt**
DJ: Sounds like you're into music^^. Me too. but i'm more a Disc Jockey and mix master. i got a job working the tables...in a club. but i know my way around a Guitar on my time-- hey do you smell something

**Patamon and Gatomon**
Gatomon frenches away with patamon...purring away..happily...her paws rome against his rump**

Gatomon: Mmmm....

**her scent of arousal begins to come forth...and into patamon's nostril**

- Lord Patamon - 10-12-2006


TK:*he smiled* then let's go to get something to eat, besides everyone will be happy to see that you're back Kari

*Patamon and Gatomon*

Patamon:*he murred and continued frenching her passionately as suddenly his nostril caught her scent of arousal, he started to get aroused too as he guided his paws to her chest and started to caress her small breasts and toyed with her nipples gently, his pouch got visible as his cock started to come out* mmmm....

- Master Grim - 10-12-2006

"I second what Rika said." Peter added with a sigh.

Saph materialised between Rika and Peter with a sheepish grin "I am kinda hungry..." A barely audiable growl from her stomach accompanied that sentance.

"By the way, Nath... That's one cool leg!" Peter chuckled.

- Kurtz - 10-12-2006

Nath grinned. "Thanks, Pete." He then put a hand to his head and sighed. "Yeah, it can be cool at times... but I don't know what else it can do."

Luna quickly strode up to Nath and flicked him on the nose. "Let's just try and find somewhere to eat for now, no?" She quickly wrapped two of her three tails around Nath, as the third swished behind her.