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Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Printable Version

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RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Crimson Fox - 07-02-2010

"Aw, you're so cutie when you act polite." Monica giggled, amused by Ryo's claims that he was feminine. Her paw then lifted up from his belly softly and asked him, "Oh, but I can't call you a girl. You don't have the right equipment for that, silly. Hehe." As if to remind of that, her fluffy tail sneaked over and gently rubbed between his legs. "But I can treat you like a girl if that's what you'd prefer. I just want you to be happy, Ryo."

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-02-2010

All those verbal teases do make Ryo feel a little embarrassed, and can't help but blushing furiously. "Just treat me in any way you feel comfortable, Monica...That is enough to make me feel happy." He said softly before murrs some more when Monica's fluffy tail rub between his legs. Instinctively, his tail follow suit and coil around hers lovingly.

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Crimson Fox - 07-04-2010

"Alrighty then." Monica grinned as their tails coiled together, murring from the feel of his soft fur against hers. The Renamon then climbed onto the bed gently and leaned down to lick his cheek playfully. "Hehe, you're such a sweetie. I just can't help myself."

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-04-2010

Ryo surprised as seeing the Renamon climbed on the bed and lick his blushing cheek. He never thought Monica might take the early step.

At the same time, Minami woke up from the light sleep and groan in slight pain on her right shoulder. "Nrrhh..." Then, her crystal purple eyes saw Monica sitting on top of Ryo before blushed and look to other direction. "P-Pretend that I'm not here..."

"N-No..Don't think of me like that, Nami-san..." Ryo tried to convince her with his ears lowering down.

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Crimson Fox - 07-05-2010

Monica blushed darkly and suddenly jumped off of the bed, uttering nervously, "Um...uh...t-the patient appears to be in good health. I'll go get Jedrek and let him..." As she turned around to go find the shadow dragon, she ended up bumping right into him as he entered the room.

"I heard some noise. So is everyone okay?" Jedrek looked at all of his teammates blushing and sighed. "What are you three up to?"

"Nothing...nothing at all. Minami and Ryo are both going to make a full recovery." Monica stood off to the side nervously, hoping the dragon wouldn't ask about it.

"Oh, that's great." The shadow dragon smiled happily towards his two bedridden friends and told them, "Well, you'll be happy to know that the elven gang has scattered without their leader and the mayor has paid us for a job well done. We can take a little time off now before our next mission I think."

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-05-2010

"Y-Yeah...We're okay, Jed..." Ryo stated nervously once seeing the dragon before looked to Minami holding her right shoulder. Only just...Minami have a slight injury on her shoulder."

"I didn't feel any before this...Maybe I shouldn't take a nap at the first place..." The hybrid sighed, still blush slightly once thinking of Monica sitting on top of Ryo.

Both of them listen the great news that there would be no mission in short time and have plenty of time to regenerate their skills. "That's great. Somehow I wonder when this chaos ends." Minami stated.

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Crimson Fox - 07-05-2010

"The revival of magic changed a lot of humans. I'm sure there will be an end, I just don't know when." Jedrek sadly thought about the state of the world before he cheered up a little. "Okay, well Monnie, will they be okay soon?"

The medical ninja nodded, while she looked at Minami's shoulder. "Yeah, though Minami's shoulder seems a little sore like she said. Probably pulled a muscle, but she will be okay. You can take Ryo back to his bedroom if you want to rest." Monica then gently massaged Minami's shoulder muscle and asked her, "Do you feel better?"

Jedrek nodded a little before looking at Ryo and asking the cute wolf, "Want me to carry you back to your room, Ryo?"

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-05-2010

Minami nodded , swishing her dragon tail slowly. "Yeah..We should stay positive. It won't go anywhere if we always though negatively." She stated before whimpering a little in pain once Monica massage her shoulder, but slowly replaced by unusual pleasure. She couldn't help but murring softly and nodded. "Well, I feel slightly better...Your soft paws is full with healing magic."

The wolf smiled and blushed at the same time as looking up to the dragon, before nodded. "Yes, please...Even though I have energy to walk, but I'm kinda lazy to do that..It's my habit..." He said nervously, hoping Jedrek will carry him to the room.

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Crimson Fox - 07-06-2010

Jedrek chuckled slightly before he nodded towards Ryo. "It's no problem, I'll get ya." The shadow dragon then easily lifted the cute wolf into his muscular, black arms and started lift him back towards his room. "I'm not being too rough, am I?"

Once Ryo and Jedrek left the room, Monica smiled towards Minami, happy that she was feeling better. "Good. I hate to see you guys in pain like that." She then blushed slightly and told the hybrid, "Um...sorry about earlier. I was checking Ryo's injuries and well...I guess I got carried away, hehe." The Renamon laughed nervously and hoped Minami would forgive her.

RE: Premeditation (Crimson / Lonely Werewolf RP) - Lonely Werewolf - 07-07-2010

A soft murr escaped from his throat as the dragon lifted Ryo by his strong arm and brought him to the room, leaning his furry cheek closer to Jedrek's shoulder. "N-No at all, Jed..Despite your strong arms, you're pretty gentle..."

"Well...can't helped it. We will leave at least few bruises and pains on every mission we attended. Even the best fighters in the world won't escape that." Minami said with a cute giggle, and place her big dark-gray paw on Monica's cheek. "Don't worry about that, Monica...Is there anything happen between you and Ryo?" She decided to ask of what kind of relationship Monica have with Ryo. She's just being curious.