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RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - tigerlily - 04-21-2009

"It's alright I'm completely fine. Hmm...I want a chicken alfredo salad." She smiled waiting for her salad to appear and it came as she spoken.

Kaze smiled thinking rather dirty as he continued to starred Linvar, Nethai knowing his loving gaze as usual just groaned knowing what embarrassment they might happened, "I want a rather massive large barbaque buffalo fit for a large dragon to devour." he licked his mouth.

The royal bunny knight looked back knowing his sensual stare just made her shivered abit. "Kaze...seriously...your not thinking about..."

"Oh Linvar...you don't know how beautiful...and delicious you look when I first had my eyes on you." The dragon continued to flirt his wife.

"I want a large cooked deer and..chicken noodle vegetable soup." Livian asked.

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - Kubari - 04-21-2009


"Whats this....New Lives which are to be twisted into my web...And Jarod causes it.....damn him" The Goddess of Time muttered, she left the tapestry and started to walk, her Ebon hair flowing to the middle of her back seeming to be both young and old at once, her skin milky gray, and her body that of a young woman.


"My My, You do have an Appetite Lord Kaze" The Korla king said and then gazed at his plate, a large slab of roast appeared slicked in half, blood oozed from the piece of Rare meat as Jarod stuck his fork into it, "And Kerochuji try to use manners while our guests are here."


"Of Course M'lord...." The Half-Demon said with a small smile.


A blinding flash filled the room and a Poetic voice the air, "Jarod I must have word with you now!" it exclaimed, from the light came Mera, in a long red satin dress barefoot, from her forearm tangled a long green throned vine and in her right palm rested a strange golden petaled rose, "Jarod you are treating Fate just as your father did, You bring Outsiders to this world...Or allow them to stay and twist the webs of fate, I know all...and see all except when it comes to them! They tangle and twist the webs of fate, Nethai and Linvar I understand, They are already written into the Tapestry but the others truly have no place in my web. I cannot keep rewriting history to allow these people in, After they leave I plan on permanity sealing the Portals. I refuse to edit the flow of time Anymore! I care not if Kor or William allows them." She stated, her black feathered wings streaching out and she drew a blade which was covered in the same thorns as her arm, she sheathed it suddenly and backed away, "Maybe there is room for more in the Tapestry.....Congratulations Kaze...you now have a place in Tremear...." she muttered and faded away.


"Damn Mera, Though goddess of time she does not seem to know when things of great importance are going to happen"

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - tigerlily - 04-22-2009

"Well obviously, training over 1,000 times around different environments has certainly helped me become more protective around my Linvar." Kaze said with a slick voice. "I will vow to protect her, even it might cost me my life..." with that moment he jabbed his fork into flesh taking a bite of it.

"...Kaze..." The royal knight said quietly at his name, her cheeks blushing madly and then suddenly hiding her face as she busily ate her salad.

Nethai thought before streching his fingers, "I think I have a certain craving for a deep fried crab oh make it filled with eggs."

"I want quail eggs along with bean sprouts." Kuu quietly said.

Then lastly Crystal and Lilith ordered cooked chicken nuggets with salad also.

The hybrid Livian then suddenly turn to her purple wing and whispered. "You...can come out now Gairunn..." with that said a purple furry feathered dragon appeared. His large jaws roared out loudly as he saw a flesh deer infront of him.


"Livian...tell Gairunn not to be so loud..." Linvar sweated.

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - Kubari - 04-26-2009


"Noise is not an Issue, he can be loud if he wishes....Unless you wish him not to." Jarod said and continued to eat his food, "Now tell me....what do you know of Tremear? More of a question is Why do you know of Tremear? When did you first come here? And...Rather HOW did you get here?" The King asked, he was interested in the visitors.


"Your Highness Lady Linvar and her son are well...actually one of the few Visitors who have not been reconized as Heroic in tremears history..." The |Half-Demon said and started to think while pushing a full egg into his mouth and eating it whole shell and all.

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - tigerlily - 04-28-2009

"Well, I remembered my first visit with Tremear, I was with Nethai at that time. My guardian dragon was in our world taking care of Kuu, Crystal, and Lilith. To meet Hienra from a friend of mine who's name is Altima." points at Crystal, Kuu, and Lilith. "That's Crystal, Kuu, Lilith. And we all got here by the travel train."

The three of them bowed their heads, Crystal then turned to to face the prince of Jarod. "So um...Jarod, how long is this war lasted? Will there ever be peace rested among this world?"

"Not that I'm trying to be heroric, that's for sure." Nethai replied. "Been dead once and turned into a grim angel by the God."

"Dead?...y-you were dead older brother?" the dragon hybrid stuttered, her purple wing dragon Gairunn continued to gorged himself on the carcass.

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - Kubari - 04-28-2009


"Travel Train? I cannot say I know what that is M'lady, my only thought is your people have found a way to link to the World of Worlds, tis a grand hall of Portals one leading to each world, when the world dies though the Portal turns black, Like the Portal to Asura (Mars) it was the last portal to die. And my mother technechly is no longer apart of Tremears history, She came close to death when the Original palace callapsed in teh First attack, Her body was surrounded by a Cacoon crafted of her own magical abilities and Kor then erased her mind restore her true youth and sent her back to live with Altima and Ishana like she had never met my father...I think it was for best." Jarod said, he shoveled more food into his mouth and swallowed, "And the war started about Four years before my conception, though the first attack was after I was born."


"You should take care Nethai, Don't want you die here, you would join their ranks and be the enemy of all." The Half-Demon said soft and chuckled.


"This Travel Train...is it Magic or Technology?" The Atlantian Prince asked with wonder in his eyes.

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - tigerlily - 04-28-2009

"The travel train is both magic and technology, it's the same engineered locomotive that me and Nethai used to travel to see your parents." Linvar answered sincerely picking up a pieces of her greens and placing them in her mouth.

"Don't worry...only a legendary weapon can kill me straight through the core of my heart which will be hard. But other than that I'll be fine, I had deep wounds hidden and erased when I became a grim angel." The half-breed dragon stretched his arms. "But I won't stay too long though, my gal is beckoning me back home. And she gets pretty nasty when she's angry."

Crystal giggled, "That golden dragon sure has a lot spunk when she's with you?"

"I think she doesn't like dealing with my tolerance hence why I bend my knees at her heels." Nethai replied to his triplet sister.

"You sure your she's not marrying you just because your decent enough to bring home the money?" Kuu complimented sipping his tea.

"Your just jealous cause your still single." Nethai growled.

"Now that ain't true!" Kuu growled back, the black and white dragon then suddenly snapped his fingers getting the two boys attention stopping their misbehavior.

"Now now, settle down. You may fight at outside, but never in someone's house, especially in my house." Kaze raise his eyebrow at the both of them, eying the two until the two then sat on their chair clearing their throat. "Sorry about that. Runs in the family I guess."

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - Kubari - 04-28-2009


"Quaint... And Nethai you are in more Danger in Tremear then you think you should, If you've been here before then you know of the Elemental's an-"


"Jarod is the Wielder of the Element of Fire, He possesses a Flaming Sword that is considered "Legendary" In our world, it has the power to harm Krail so it might be able to harm you Nethai....There are also 6 Other such Weapons an..."


"Only Five of them Unknown by you." The Angel Wolf said decending from above, his wings opened, "I have one here for her" The wolfs eyes narrowed at Livian, and from between his Paws a Perfect Crystal Orb floated up surrounded by Ten Shards of what appeared to be the same substance, "This is the Air Elemental it revealed itself when you arrived in Tremear."

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - tigerlily - 04-28-2009

"Yea, hence the fact the reason why I shouldn't be here too long." Nethai shrugged, "back home is dangerous as well considering there's over 400 valkyries including my mom that wield the legendary weapon, plus another over 200 grim angels that have the legendary weapons as well. I also wield a legendary weapon but it's no mere danger of me wielding it."

"M-m-me?" Livian stuttered her eyes uttered in astonishment as she saw a beautiful orb. "I don't think...I think I deserved to be the air...user..."

"Livian what are you saying? I think it's generous kind offer from William." Smiled Linvar patting her shoulders. "You should be thankful."

"What is the meaning of this? Does that mean Livian would stay in this world?" Kaze said in puzzlement.

"But I hurt people....I can't control Gairunn sometimes..." Livian held her hands knowing in her world don't accept her.

"I think it's better...I mean 100 billion gold is a lot of money." Nethai replied. "In here she's not wanted by the impostor she been so sadly accused of."

"Nethai!" Kaze and Linvar shouted.

RE: Royality Visits Tigerlily & Shadow Meso rp - Kubari - 04-28-2009


"Linvar it is not a gift, It is destiny, The Elementals only reveal themselves when their Destined Weilders appear, Even if they are from the Future." William said sage like, The Orb floated from his hand and started to transform, a Pale Girl with long silver hair and milk white skin with a long silver dress appeared where the Orb was, True original Elemental Lord.


"Livian I have waited for you for a long time now, accept your gift and wield the power of air in Defence or Conqurence of Tremear, My Power will forever be with you until you die, then it shall be reincarnated waiting for you to claim it in a new life" She spoke in a silvery voice and then faded away, the orb flew towards Livian and when it touched her faded away giving the girl a slight silverish glow for a moment before its powers were infused within her.


"A wonderful sight to see, That was Sasua The Air Elementress, Long ago she was the Queen of the Air, and ruled high in a Palace made out of the Clouds themselves, when the Rupture of Tremear came her powers were sealed away in her Crystal Amulet and sent to the Frozen North....Now you have absorbed her power as destined and the Amulet has appeared aroudn your neck look" he pointed to the small Silver Gem embedded in a Golden Amulet that suddenly appeared around Livian's throat, "You don't need that to control the power...it was just her Signature"


"Today is just full of surprises isn't it..." He said, his food was finished and he rose slowly, "William you must leave, We cannot risk your proxcimatry to Horoka you know very what what might Occure."


"As you wish Jarod." The God said and faded away.


"What I don't understand is why the gods obey the Royal Family..."