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Authors Wanted - Printable Version

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- senjuro - 03-31-2006

He is, though personally I think he overvalues the usage of metaphor and simile. They are two devices that very rapidly become tiresome and lost their effect. A story brimming-full with unnecessary literary devices feels less like a story and more like an opportunity for the author to show off their good english grades.

- Herr Mullen - 03-31-2006

senjuro Wrote:He is, though personally I think he overvalues the usage of metaphor and simile. They are two devices that very rapidly become tiresome and lost their effect. A story brimming-full with unnecessary literary devices feels less like a story and more like an opportunity for the author to show off their good english grades.

I do put a large value on metaphor and simile, as well as other literary devices. Too few authors seem to do it for fear of being misunderstood, or something. Really, you can give character to the scenery, bring narrative humour to the story, and employ irony. But, really, if something's good, i'll say so. If something's bad, I'll tell you why, unless it's obvious, like Djinn.

- Gunter VanCrimson - 03-31-2006

(Go England!)

- Wisemon - 03-31-2006

Quote:He is, though personally I think he overvalues the usage of metaphor and simile.
They're important for lemon scenes. Otherwise, you're pretty much looking at the same lemon scenes over and over again.

- senjuro - 03-31-2006

Just a difference of opinion. No hard feelings, Mullen. ^_^

At least you have the decency to write a review that actually outlines the salient points of the story, instead of just saying "Yeah, this sucked and I didn't like it. 0 out of 10." You flesh out your logic so at least people get an udnerstanding from where you're coming from. Metaphors and similes aside, you review fairly and that's all that really matters.

- Lukos - 04-01-2006

Marine Wrote:I review lemons for the 'seediest brothel of digimon porn', and I must say I do an accurate job in doing so, but the fact is the DaD can't handle a review team. Its too nice. Too kind to its authors. So spare yourselves the humility of having a real reviewer critique your works...

Marine, I seriously doubt that your comment has any backbone to it. If we can get people motivated enough to review the things and give a tactful, unbiased opinion, we DEFINITELY can handle a review team!

We'd just need them to keep a steady schedule. Oh, and thanks a lot for volunteering, Marine!

Also, we need to motivate people to come to the site in the first place! Since the funk that the DaD was recently in, many people have left it and don't know that it's back! On top of that, situations from before I came here have driven people away, such as a few of out old moderators. Also a person called Vimmy Dramon. Never met him/her, but I know that this person has done a lot for the site in Togashi's time. If we could get these people back, as well as people that only viewed the site, we'd be set.

Also our authors and stuff. For instance, Glenn. I spoke to him recently-- lol he hasn't deserted us, he just hasn't done any Digimon work lately. I don't know what to do about this, but it's best to leave them to it. We don't want to pressure people.

Reviews are a good idea! It would help motivate people to send stuff in. If we could get some people to review art, that would help too, because I've updated art only once or twice so far....

Personally, I don't mind how you do a review, just try to avoid an outright flame. This is an idea that can really grow, and turn into bigger things. All we need right now is a section for it on the site itself (which I will work on once we're more certain of things) and people to actually do it.

I can't begin to tell you how grateful I am for the people that are helping right now, especially with funding. I'm not able to support a credit card yet, but that's something I'm working on, and once I get it I'm gonna be donating just as much. So I'm SO SO SO SO SO SO SO (continue for the next four paragraphs) grateful for those who are helping while I'm unable to.

But funding isn't like reviewing--reviewing takes much more time. I understand that time isn't something we all have right now, so I'm not going to pressure anyone, but if we could just get some people to help with reviews--maybe even rotate reviewers between weeks--we'd be all set.

- Herr Mullen - 04-01-2006

Well, I'd volenteer for the reveiw team. Hurray.

- blueeyedgabulvo0o - 04-01-2006

So would I if school won't be too much of a problem....

Keep me open for the review staff as well.... Maybe art....maybe both....


- Shadowknight - 04-01-2006

I wish I could help with the reviews but between school and chores I barely have enough time to write stories let alone review others. :cry: :cry: .

- senjuro - 04-02-2006

School is over after next Friday, so I should be drowning in free time...ideally, anyway. I'd like to help out if I could.