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Defeating the Darkness within - Printable Version

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RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Frisk E. Coyote - 05-01-2011

Jack attended the middle school right next to a high school, that unknown to him, was where his fated companions attended. It had been merely five days since the 7th grader had discovered an ornate box, well hidden deep within the basement of his new house, which also happened to be the oldest house in the neighborhood. It was cold and musty, lacked central heating, and the water was always cold, but it offered him a satisfying number of safe havens to hide from Sam, his sire, whom he refused to call his father.

The young wolf sat on a stack of foam wrestling mats that no one used anymore, safe and sound in the dark and dusty gym store room, where all the extra equipment was kept. He had claimed it as his own private little world for now, and he spent the time browsing over a leather bound book and several pieces of parchment he had found in the box with a flashlight instead of going to class. He would be marked absent today, but he really didn't care. He didn't have a future to speak of, so he had decided long ago to spend his time how ever he pleased.

"-And Sama'el, he who has been branded as the Harbinger of Destruction, was finally purged from this plane by the six heroes of virtue, until the next time he is risen..." The 12-year-old read with interest, taking a sip from a juice box he had stolen from another kid's bag, swinging his suspended legs back and forth. Jack picked up a small gem shaped like a shield. It was a crystal of some sort, kind of like the lump of quartz his classmate had brought to school for show and tell when he was younger, but it was clearer, and looked like it was filled with constantly sifting sands.

"So you're some kind of weapon, huh? I feel sorry for you... you look so fragile..." Jack spoke to the crystal, out of boredom. He felt rather attached to it, as the leather bound book had listed his mother's maiden name, Gairea, as one of the descendants of the original wielder of the Earth weapon. It was probably just coincidence, nothing like fate or anything stupid like that... but he missed his mother. He didn't even remember how her face looked, or how it felt to be held in her arms and cradled, and still he longed for her love and care.

Jack shook his head clear and pocketed the crystal, making sure it was nice and safe. As far as he was concerned, it was his, and was the only possession he had to his name. He opened the leather-bound book onto a dog-eared page he had been reading last night and continued brushing up on the story. It's not like he believed it or anything... but choosing to believe it made him forget the painful reality he was in.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Shadowknight - 05-01-2011

Lupe huffed a bit and turned away, her tail flicking around a bit in agitation as Michael chuckled slightly, "We're good, and yourself? It's been quite awhile since you graced us with a visit to our home. It's a shame, I'm hardly a match for Lup, uh, Luke anymore." he corrected himself as he smiled at Lupe out of the corner of his eye, "Don't blame her," he whispered slightly, "Every warrior in our entire line has always been male, in her eyes being born the was she is makes her a mistake, though to be honest after watching her fight, with her speed and flexibility, I'm convinced she's the only one the fates got right." he chuckled a bit, especially since the spirt of wind was always about speed as opposed to raw strength, something Lupe had in spades over any previous warriors in the Dowley family.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - DragonMasterX - 05-01-2011

OOC: Deathseal, Lizzy, Raziel and Kyle could be in the same classroom. They are, after all, the same age. If it's okay with Casey, I'll just assume that's the case.

What happened to johnalt, Casey? Thought you were looking for more players, but I see you playing two chars now. o.รด Just being cautious so it doesn't become too much of a strain for ya in case you become busy.


Lizzy turned to wave at the troupe as they bid her farewell from their tent, "Bye bye Grandma Sally, Uncle Sten! See you laterrrr!" she said cheerfully, holding onto her backpack before she began running off.

"Elizabeth, dear. It's the other way around!" Sally called out, making Lizzy turn her head mid-way.

"Oh, whoops. This time for sure, see you laterrrr!" she laughed, kicking the ground to make an instant 180 degree turn before she set off as rashly as before. Lizzy had never been good with directions, but she made up with speed at least.

"Do you think it'll be okay, Sten?" asked Sally, grabbing his arm for reassurance.

"Wiv raised her as much as we could, Sal. We just ain't the kind of folk she oughta learn her stuff from," the big man smiled, glad that they'd been able to afford her at least a year or two in this town. "'sides, she needs'tah see what the world's like outside the tent. Make friends her age and see 'bout living a diff'rent life, yah?"

"That's reassuring, but I still worry..."

"Natural. She be strong tho', will make it back in one piece," he looked up as if he had sounded incomplete, "'coursed, given she don't get lost first, hahaha," he laughed, before getting bonked on the head by Sally.

"Don't say such things. She's my baby and she'll be fine, okay?"

"Oww, if that's all it took you coulda hit me before I said all the inspiring stuff," Sten complained, not that it had hurt him at all, and smiled, "Here, let's go rehearse with the boys. Lizzy oughtn't find you with a long face, Sal," he smiled. They both then proceeded to vanish into the tent.


A couple of blocks away from the tent was the central park, and a couple more of her going straight made Lizzy realize how near she actually was to the school. "This place sure's big... Wonder what kind of talents there are here?" she smiled, bouncing her way to the entrance hall. In her way, several eyes already were falling upon her beautiful body and bountiful assets.

She wasn't dressed in much more than a white tank top, whose fabric was struggling to contain her perky DDs, aided only by the bra she had managed to salvage from a store, and a pair of blue jeans she had saved up to purchase with some leftover money from her own hard work at the troupe, which accentuated her wide, femenine hips. Grandma Sally didn't let Lizzy to appear in the shows, not because she didn't have talent, but Lizzy was too much of a klutz to keep her strength in check, and hurting clients was not the way to go to make profit. Regardless of the poor choice of clothing, it didn't stop people from admiring her sexy figure.

Looking left and right, the dragoness was inspired with awe at the sheer amount of people going in and out of the establishment. It was the first time for her to visit a school, but she had already been given a rough explanation by Grandma Sally. School is a place where all kinds of people go to learn every sort of different stuff, like maths or history.

With her inquisitive nature, Sally had of course become enthralled with the prospect of learning new stuff, plus maybe she could teach people a thing or two, not that she knew she was strictly a student here. The word history kept ringing in her head, however. When asked, Grandma Sally had told Lizzy it was the tale of everything that had happened in the past and everyone who had been part of it.

Innocent as she is, Lizzy had taken it literally and was hoping to find about her biological parents, why they'd abandoned her. The troupe was her true family now, but it didn't take a genius to figure out that a troupe of bears and tigers couldn't have made a dragon. Lizzy, however, had been thoroughly explained that Sten, when he found her as a baby, had decided to take her in to be in the family.

"History... I wanna learn history..." she repeated in her head, but her pointy ears soon fell flat against her skull as she realized she knew not where or who would teach her. Tugging on the straps of her backpack in anxiety, she began pacing back and forth.

A helpful teacher soon spotted Lizzy walking around aimlessly, and offered help. Lizzy accepted of course, and soon enough she was standing in front of who happened to be her homeroom teacher inside the history classroom.

"Excuse me, sir," the teacher said to his colleague, "She's the new student we had scheduled for today. It seems she got lost in the premises, so you'll have to forgive her tardiness."

A few concealed laughters resonated in Lizzy's ears, though she didn't know what was funny. Somehow though, she felt target to it and blushed in shyness. There were so many like her here, in age at least. She stayed silent, leaving the introductions to the adults.

"Class, settle down," the homeroom teacher said, "This is Elizabeth. She travels around with her family and they've chosen this school for her tutoring this year. She's not only new but also inexperienced in schooling, so I hope you'll all be as patient with her as I want you to be of her assistance should she need anything, alright? Okay. Go take a seat," he urged Lizzy, who nodded and walked over to an empty desk chair just beside Raziel. "That's all, thank you," he said to the history teacher, then excused himself.

The class seemed to be lost in silence for a bit as Elizabeth put her backpack down. She was like a curious child taking in her new surroundings, paying no mind to whatever everyone else was thinking of her. Then she noticed the brainy student next to her, "Oooh. Are you a shark?!" she suddenly asked out loud after making eye contact, smiling widely.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - johalt - 05-01-2011

Ooc: I misunderstood what was required at this point in the rp. I'm... Not exactly talented as a female character... Let's just say it's outa my sphere of knowledge. XD Anyway, I figure I'll just lurk this one for now, and perhaps there will be a more suitable opening later in the rp. If not I'll just cheer from the sidelines as usual. XD

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 05-01-2011

kyle looked over at Elizabeth and smiled, hopefuly this was someone he could make friend with, but before he knew it he saw the shadow going over towards her, he was lucky that no one knew about it yet but soon they would as it crawled up her back licking her as he light up bright red hideing his face the best as he could muttering "shadow come!" as he did the shadow frowned and raced back towards his master "what have i told you about doing that?"

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Casey the furry one - 05-01-2011

Bridget chuckles some, "Yeah I know. You know me a bit of this, bit of that teaching and killing demons," she said. She sighed as she waved her finger next to her side causing some of the sand in the school playground and let it roll over to the sidewalk so it would stick to Lupe's shoes. "See you later when school lets out Luke," she said with a smile.

Then she turned to Michail, "We need to talk," she grumbled. As she grabbed hold of his hand and jerked him away from his granddaughter. Once they rounded the corner, "So why did you bring her to school; because I wasn't suppose to see either of you till afternoon. When I drive out to your house later with five kids and a demon on our heels," she stated. "Then when I passed the school I saw that butterfly I always wanted to see, for so long... the one where I can change my fate and saw you two there behind me," the ferret added.
Raziel clothes were starting to dry since it was almost two hours since he got soaked. He had summoned up a small sphere of water. When the dragoness addressed him he lost control and it landed on his head and a few droplets splashed on the other students.

She slammed her ruler down on her desk startling the students. "Raziel since you do not know how to control your magic please excuse yourself and take the bathroom pass with you or it will be a month detention if get your class mates wet again," she grumbled. The other students laughed at him as he got reprimanded

"Yes mam I will next time," he said blushing deeply. He scribbled out a note real quick. He leaned over quickly and said hi softly blushing deeply since a girl actually did talk to him.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Shadowknight - 05-01-2011

Lupe waved back towards Bridget as she entered the building. She had already recieved her class schedule and a map of the school which she'd memorized, so finding her classroom wasn't difficult as she walked into the history classroom. Taking an available seat where she hung her bag over the back of the chair, leaning back in her chair as she looked around the room a bit at the other students, subconciously crossing her arms over her chest to make sure nothing was showing.


Michael stretched out a bit, "Careful there, I don't move as fast as I used to," he chuckled a bit, though his look turned serious when he saw that she wasn't in a laughing mood. He sighed a bit as he explained, "I want Lupe to be a normal child, even if it's just for one day, she deserves that." he shook his head a bit, "It pains me to think these young people will have to take care of the problems from their past that we couldn't."

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 05-01-2011

alex smiled, as he saw the next new student sit behind him "sup." he said "i never met you before, could i ask your name dude?" he asked wispering as the shadow started sniffing lupe trying to learn who it was.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Casey the furry one - 05-01-2011

Bridget's eyes go wide when she realize that Michail understood that his granddaughter was going to growing up real soon. "I'm glad you realize that Sama'el is coming back. At least I don't have to tell now," she said with giggle. "Lupe has never been normal girl, we both know that. Besides when they go bathing or swimming they will find out that she is a girl," she stated blushing deeply; because she had read Michail's diary without permission. "Anyway want to pick up a runt of a kid with me?" she asked quickly.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - DragonMasterX - 05-02-2011

OOC: Kinda lost here, deathseal, but how does an extrapolated shadow lick someone? Or better yet, could you describe it in greater detail? All I'm imagining is a flat shadow with black limbs grabbing and manipulating stuff from your description, haha.


Lizzy watched surprised as the shark she had begun to talk to got all wet and yelled at. She rubbed behind her neck. Had it been something she'd said? "I'm Lizzy!" she said out loud, "Nice to meet you!"

She didn't know she couldn't yell or talk during lessons yet.

OOC: Edit'd.