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Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - Printable Version

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RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-23-2011

OOC: ...and I think you're completely in the right. Nursery's for newborns. XP Damn, I confused it.

Oh well, too bad about the getting laid thing. At least you can get all the dick in the world of this RP, whether you want it or not :P

So how about taking advantage of the fact nobody would recognize Jess in her goddess form? She could just get dressed and pretend she stumbled upon the scene by accident. The blonde hottie wouldn't be there~


The boy who had just fucked her brains out was the first to wake up. He seemed to be in a daze, and in the beggining didn't even adress his nudity, "Oh fuck, my head... What did just happen? I felt like I was fucking god. And it was a she..." he mumbled, rubbing his head as the other two began to slowly get up to their feet as they awoke.

Soon, the trio realized that they were naked and covered in cum and juices. With the naked, but un-attractive and inconspicuous Jessica behind them (They were giving their backs to her), they began discussing what had just happened as they seeked for their clothes, seemingly not paying attention to Jessica, probably because she didn't stand out much with her now less voluptuous body, in spite of her being covered in jizz.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-23-2011

Jess realized the boys were as confused as she was. What the fuck is going on here? Has everyone just lost their minds? She quickly pulled up her jeans. Though they were ripped a bit, as long as no one saw the top of her butt, she would be fine. It's a good thing no one ever looks at my butt.

She looked behind her and found her ripped shirt and hoodie. Luckily, they had both been only torn open on the front by her previously massive breasts. She put the shirt on backwards, covering her chest with the non-ripped side, and put the hoodie on over it, acting as if it was just an open sweatshirt with a tshirt under it.

She stood up to make sure her clothes would stay steady, then began to wipe the cum off her face and arms. "So, um, what do you guys remember about the past 15 minutes?"

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-23-2011

Finally, the three boys noticed Jessica the moment she opened her mouth. The guys had just begun putting their pants on.

One of them flew off the handle really quick: "What the hell?! How long have you been standing there, nerd?!"

Startled, the other two threw their shirts on really quick. They remained silent, unable to recall their memories from just a few minutes ago. They passed it out as being unconscious, but from what?

That's when one of the boys raised the possibility, "Guys... we weren't raped, were we?" he gulped, looking behind at his own butt, "Oh man, please tell me it didn't happen...!" he began panicking.

"Wait, what?" one objected, "Raped? Who'd do that in a public school? That's nuts, man."

"Then how do you explain us being..."

The three of them looked straight at Jessica.

"You!" the one who had first spoken pointed at her, "You saw, didn't you? You saw what happened to us!" his eyes narrowed, "You didn't have us get fucked by some crazy rapist on request, did you?" he said, not believing in the possibility Jessica's body had manipulated them into fucking her with the brutal passion they all had just a few minutes ago, much less than a scrawny little nerd could overpower them in the first place.

Just then, the chemistry teacher came back in the classroom with the school nurse. She looked over to the clothed foursome and then suddenly let out a small shriek, "Where did the blonde student go?!" she blinked, then noticed Jessica standing there, "Jessica...? What are you doing here, didn't I tell the lot of you to wait at the classroom below?!" she shouted angrily, blushing with embarrassment over the possibility of Jessica having seen any of that ugly scene, obviously not recognizing Jessica because of her incredibly hot self having vanished into thin air.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-23-2011

Jessica let out a sigh of relief. Oh thank god! She doesn't recognize me. She rushed to the opposite side of the room, behind the teacher. "I'm sorry Ms. Nell. I left something in the classroom this morning, and I hoped I would be able to get it back before they woke up."

She continued to fabricate excuses in her mind. "After you left us downstairs, I came back up here to grab it. The girl was already gone, and the guys were just coming to."

At this point Jess just wanted to get home. Even hanging around her two idiot brothers would be better than the situation she was just in.

OOC: Hint as to who I think she should fuck next. Twisted

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-23-2011

OOC: Hmm, and after she takes a shower to get all the feeling of cum off her body, she could undergo another transformation, and then she'll be forced to look at her super-hot reflection in a mirror and then undergo sexy troubles in trying to get her underwear on, making dirty remarks about her sexy ass and tits, until she eventually resolves using her mothers' underwear, which still is pathetic in the face of her godly body! >:3

She doesn't have to be entirely freaked out at her apperance, after all. <3

Her moans of discomfort at her mother's pathetic clothes, and giggles of realizing she's mega-hot will be enough to attract attention in her household ;p


The guys couldn't argue at Jessica's excuses. They had, after all, been almost entirely unconscious for the most part during the whole ordeal. They were promptly checked by the silent, but professional school nurse.

In the mean time, Ms. Nell stared daggers at Jessica, "Look. I understand if you saw something you can't speak of right now, but it's not your fault if it happened the way you say it did," she sighed, rubbing her forehead a bit. The adult woman then placed a hand on the troubled girl's shoulder and patted it gently, "You better go home for today. I'll take it from here," she slowly turned her back around and went back inside the chemistry lab, ready to bark lectures and threats at the three boys inside.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-23-2011

OOC: Um, I'm not so sure about that idea. The shower and transformation in the bathroom are alright, but I'd rather not be putting on my mom's underwear.

How about she just gets horny after the transformation and her moans attract her brothers?

By the way, I'm continuing this based on the idea that the sex romp and subsequent investigation led to all of the kids being let out early, so her brothers (who are 14 and 16) would be home.

IC: Jess was glad to get out of there. She had no idea what had brought upon those insane events, but she would think about that once she got home. Her brothers were already waiting for her at her car, so she motioned for them to get in without saying a word.

She tried to ignore any comments they made about her clothing. She just wanted to focus on getting home. As she drove back to her house, she realized how disgusting she felt. Though she had put clothes on, she could still feel all of the cum along her stomach and back.

Yuck, I need to take a shower as soon as I get back. She pulled into the driveway and quickly headed inside, leaving her brothers to do whatever. She closed the bathroom door and stripped down, then turned on the shower. The hot water felt amazing as it washed off all of the jizz.

OOC: Can you describe whatever the brothers do in addition to the beginning of the transformation?

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-23-2011

OOC: lol, more like she'd be tearing through her mothers' underwear. But okay. You can break yours instead and it'll be fine to me XP Just make sure to adds lots of self-conceit when being transformed.

I admit I'm obsessed with vane women XP

And I'm not sure what to do with them, but I might get an idea. First, can you tell me what you want me to call them? They ARE her brothers after all.


The boys quickly headed in after their sister. The older one kept throwing small-time insults and other kind of annoying crap at her, while the younger one seemed concerned that it was half-torn. Their words seemed to fall on deaf ears as Jessica hurried to the bathroom though.

With a shrug of their shoulders, the siblings just went over to the kitchen to enjoy a sandwich. As they ate, the older brother appeared to be deep in thought, thinking it was weird that they had been left out early. He had heard something about a girl raping three boys, but was that even a believeable story?

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-23-2011

OOC: Alright, I'll try. By the way, name the 14-year old Austin and the 16-year old Andrew.

IC: Jess felt a familiar tingle in her body as she showered. Her eyes opened wide as she realized what was happening. "No! Not again!" She could feel her face restructuring itself and her hair straightening. Her breasts grew back to their full size and her legs became more slender.

She leaned against the shower wall to catch her breath, her legs having weakened with the transformation. What is wrong with me?! She quickly shut off the water and drew the curtain open, stepping out to towel herself off. She strode over to the body-length mirror as she dried her face. As she looked up at the reflection, she gasped and dropped the towel.

"That's not me!" She shrieked and backed away. "Wait..." She realized that the figure backed away at the same time. "Could it seriously be..." She looked down at her body again. Yep, it matches. She propped her breasts up with her hands, then slid her hands along her sides. "How is this possible?"

As she looked over her reflection, she began to truly realize how sexy she now was. Her mind became slightly fuzzy as she gained an insane desire to touch herself. She stopped her hand before she could put her fingers inside her cunt. No! Get dressed and get to your room! She reached for a pair of clean panties and pulled them over her slender legs. They stopped at the tops of her thighs.

"What the hell?" She continued to pull, but her ass had changed shape. It was far too full for her panties to fit over them, which she unfortunately realized as they tore in her hands. Jess looked back at the reflection. Her thoughts became flooded with desire and she couldn't help but dig her fingers inside her snatch. She leaned back against the wall as she attempted to stifle her moans.

The pleasure was too much however, and she let out a load series of moans that would surely reach her brothers' ears.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-23-2011

OOC: X3 You're a goddess of plump. Too bad you don't like Mar's phallicness and muscliness. He'd completely ravage you with his dragon cock :P


Andrew, the older one, was the first one to hear Jessica's moans of pleasure. He knew what that meant and he blushed.

Austin, the younger one, though, was clueless about sex yet, and as their now super-sexy sister moaned he thought she was in trouble. "Jessica! What's going on?!" he yelped from below, running to the stairs. Andrew chased after him.

"Wait, Tim, don't go there!" he called, but it was too late and Austin threw himself into the bathroom where the shriek had come from.

"Sis, what's wrong?! We heard you shout and... Who are you...?" the young Austin asked. Where he had expected his less than conspicuous sister, there was an incredibly sexy girl about her age sitting down and fingering herself, the stench of her sex spread inside of the bathroom. Its usually strong effect was amplified by powers of thousands all thanks to her new form's extremely super-evolved pheromones. Austin was tented already.

Not far behind him, Andrew arrived at the scene, his eyes wide as plates, and his pants were struggling to contain a large erection that sprung to life as soon as he made visual contact with Jessica's giant breasts. He was a big boob lover. Both siblings stared at the goddess before them, pained frowns draped over their faces as they struggled in vain against their hormones that were being hyper-stimulated by Jessica's pheromones.

OOC: Sorry for the huge delay. Had a sudden huge spike of commands and work. :P

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-23-2011

OOC: Didn't you read my previous OOC? I told you names for them...

So, since you asked what I wanted to call them, and then I made up names for them, I'm going to use them if you don't mind... :P

IC: Jess shrieked again as Austin opened the door. She moved one arm over her her breasts, but they were far too large to be contained. Of course, the breasts meant nothing as the intensely horny girl continued to pump her fingers in and out of her soaked snatch.

"Please! Go away!" Her eyes began to tear up when Andrew showed up behind him. She could see that both had colossal boners. Oh God! Not in front of them! Jess was already aware of her youngest brother's awkwardness when it came to sexual situations. She had caught him jerking off to her while she was showering in the past.

Oh God am I gonna mess him up!