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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Yoosei - 12-27-2006

After a while Yoosei blushes and slowly breaks the hug while looking and smiling at him.

- Crimson Fox - 12-28-2006

Ada nodded a little before answering, "You're welcome, Dorothy..." The vixen sheathed her rapier remaining silent until a chilling thought crossed her mind. "Tell me, did either of you find that dragon familiar...I felt he held a striking resemblance to Jedrek if you take away shadow aura..." A sigh left her muzzle whilst she headed for Ikonnen's office. "But perhaps we should discuss this with Sir Ikonnen, I should think he wants to know of everything that has happened."

The auto-pilot was now engaged as the ship flew itself to the sewer entrance, which was slowly descending towards the ruins of the village. I wonder if Kit's magic will be enough to prevent Kubrika from finding Disturbed... Another sigh left his muzzle whilst he looked across the vast mountains further to the east. We don't even know if Kellie's still alive... He sipped down a bottle of lemon tea that was left in the ship's cooler, letting the liquid quench his thirst. ...I guess I'll just have to have faith...

- Kurtz - 12-28-2006

Kurtz took a few seconds to face Ada quietly, before smiling, and bit his lip softly. "Please, I'd like to say something to Dorothy a second. You can go on ahead." Those words wouldn't usually come out, but they did, as Kurtz quickly turned to face Dorothy with a smile and a wink.

Chuckling softly, the wolf-dragon hybrid softly looked at Yoosei, before chuckling, and he waved a paw. "Oh, don't worry about it... it's what makes you cute, love..." He winked after that, as he started swishing his own tail around in circles behind him.

- Shadowknight - 12-28-2006

Kit huffed a bit at the inoring as she took an empty seat near a window, Can't believe we're going up against Kubrika, the stories I've heard about him. I wonder if we even stand a chance. She looked at her hand as she formed a small ice crystal in it, the simple trick took much concentration to form correctly so it was a handy way to distract herself from thinking about something too much.

Hiro had headed off to a slightly more secluded area of the ship. He looked at the wound on his arm as he cast a small spell on it, the darkness near his shoulder shrinking slightly, No matter what I do it only ever shrinks, it never goes away. He frowned a bit as he slid his armor back on over himself, It's not a normal wound, just wish I knew what was so abnormal about it.

"Who says you know me?" Shadow said as he put back on his outfit, "You've been gone for years. I'm not the little kid I was before."

- DragonMasterX - 12-28-2006

Lu turned her head to face Shadow, narrowing her eyes a bit, "Good point. You don't whine" she observed, before putting her mask on and then closed an eye. "By the way, I'd rather not go to the Lord now, his aura seems... perturbed; more than usual."

Dorothy smiled a bit at Ada, but it quickly disappeared again, her glumpsy look still on, until she heard Kurtz and one of her ears stood up as her face raised a bit, "What's up, Kurtzy?"

- Crimson Fox - 12-29-2006

Respecting their privacy, Ada walked away from their conversation toward the office. She gave a light knock on the door before asking, "Sir, may I enter?" Whilst she waited for a response, the vixen couldn't help but notice something odd. Hmmm, it seems rather quiet, perhaps they're all out training or on a mission.

Disengaging the main thrusters, Crimson slowly descended Ragnarok to the ground, touching down outside the ruined village, just outside of the Eastern woods. The fox turned towards his teammates before declaring, "Alright everyone, we're here. Kit, are you ready to cast that spell?"

Jedrek was quick descend back to the grounds of the corrupted citadel, the shadow dragon quick to retreat into the dark halls. Whilst he traversed the halls to plan his next move, a chuckle left his muzzle. By now, that special poison of mine must be burning that Shadow lookalike from the Cross. Pity for him the cure for Ebony Poison is long lost, mwahaha!

- Kurtz - 12-30-2006

"At least one person is sane..." Ikonnen coughed softly, before swirling once again in his chair - dropping a small red like object onto the desk before waving his arm to the door. "Come in, Ada."

Kurtz turned to face Dorothy, and he stood there - staring at her silently for a few seconds, before sighing and lowering his head. "I-I'm sorry... I... I don't know what happened back there exactly...." He only lifted his head up again, before cuddling her close and placing his cheek onto hers just gently. "...But..." He gave another petty sigh, and a wave of his claw. "Oh forget it. But... Don't you want to retire from the missions for now, Dot?"

- Crimson Fox - 12-30-2006

Ada walked in and noticed a bit of worry in the eyes of the dog, the red wizard figuring it to just be stress. "Thank you." A sigh left her muzzle before she began relaying the ill news. "Sir, I'm afraid what I felt and saw was true...Mar is gone. You'll be happy to know that Dorothy has passed the legendary trial, she's become quite strong. I've gained some strength as well." She withdrew her new rapier, the blade holding the strength of her magic and of Mar's Mastermune. Ada quickly sheathed it again before she asked, "Pardon me for asking Sir, but where are the others, it seems almost too quiet."

- DragonMasterX - 12-30-2006

Dorothy lowered her vision for a moment, she sighed a bit. Was she going to quit after all the trouble she had gone through? But... did she really want to see people die... by her own claws if not; like she had supposedly done with her own brother?
"I... don't want to kill anyone..." she said, letting out a sad sigh, "No more..."

- Yoosei - 12-30-2006

Yoosei blushes and then looks away almost like immediately, her tails swish slowly back and forth behind her, and she smiles cutely.