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Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Printable Version

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RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-05-2009

Jedrek shivered from the icy cold touch Shiva had before he hugged her softly and told her, "Don't be afraid, lovely. I'll protect you." He continued to hold her as he helped her get through the haunted hallway and into a well lit room of mirrors. "There we go, the ghosts are gone now, Shiva." The black scaled dragon then smiled towards her while his claw stroked her back to try and calm her down.

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Yoosei - 10-06-2009

Shiva murrs gently, slowly calming down and returning her body temperature to normal. Once she realised what she had done, she quickly unwraps her arms from around his. "awie I am so sorry...I tend to get cooler when something scares me... it's just..." she twiddles her fingers before continue "Ice is my magic and if I am cooler, it gets stronger in case if I have to attack or something"

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-06-2009

Jedrek nodded and smiled towards her. "It's okay, lovely. A little cold isn't going to hurt me," he chuckled before then softly grabbed her hand against and rubbed her fingers. "I'm just glad you're okay." He then looked around and saw their images in the curved mirrors, getting a little laugh. "Hehe, look at those mirrors. We look ridiculous."

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Yoosei - 10-07-2009

Looking at the mirrors, Shiva couldn't help but laugh softly. In the mirror she was looking at, she appeared to be shorter than what she truly is in reality. Looked more like a little dwarf than anything else. "this is the part I love the most. we always have such funny look" she commented and looked at Jedrek.

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-07-2009

The shadow dragon smiled towards Shiva and told her, "Yeah, it funny looking at yourself through these things." Jedrek then looked at his image in the mirror in front of him and smirked. "Heh, I look super thin in this one." He flexed his huge muscle for the mirror. The mirror made Jedrek's arm appear to be rather skinny and wiry, distorting his actual appearance. "Heh, I wonder what other kinds of mirrors they have."

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Yoosei - 10-08-2009

Moving towards infront of another mirror. "EEK" Shiva couldn't help but squeal annoyed and then pout. she was standing infront of the mirror that makes the person look fat. Even though she knew it was just a mirror that would distort the appearance, she still didn't like how she looked that fat.

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-08-2009

"Hehe, silly, it's only a mirror. No need to pout." Jedrek then walked in front of a mirror and felt himself getting dizzy. In the mirror's image, Jedrek's entire body appeared to be twisted in a swirl design. "Oooh, I better not look at that for long." He then saw the end of the hall of mirrors ahead. "Ready to move on, lovely?"

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Yoosei - 10-09-2009

"Yup I am ready" The human of ice blushed once he called him lovely. She then clings to his arm again and smiles adorably. "Okie so what now? I have suggested the haunted house, now it's your turn to tell us what to do" she giggled and poked tongue out adorably.

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Crimson Fox - 10-09-2009

Jedrek chuckled a little and smiled towards Shiva. "Alrighty. Hmmm, let's see." The dragon looked around and saw a Test Your Strength game, the buff dragon grinning. "How about I win you a prize, lovely?"

RE: Mistress of Ice (Crimson / Matt Ishida RP) - Yoosei - 10-09-2009

Shiva made the cutest set of eyes she could. "You would do such a thing for me?" she cupped her own cheeks with her hands while blushing quite darkly. "No-one has ever done something like that for me" she admitted softly, but there was a more lovier tone in her voice.