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Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - Printable Version

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RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 08-17-2013

With Egan gone, a nervous pair of teenagers were left exchanging bashful stares. Their hands flew down and covered their privates, or in Kyle's case, attempted to anyway.

"What the hell happened...? And how the hell did it happen?!" Brian's brain was on the verge of exploding, unable to to understand the series of events that had led to this embarrassing situation. Kyle was blushing, now definitly convinced that his dick used to be much smaller than its present engorged state.

"Uh..." they stumbled for words, avoiding direct eye contact as they franctically looked for their clothes. "Let's not talk about this!" Brian finally blurted out. Kyle nodded and began to slowly crawl away, his stamina drained.

"Let's get dressed and clean this mess up before anybody arrives..."

Awkward silence broken only by the sounds of meticulous labor followed. They had no idea they had been affected by a goddess-in-the-making, nor what she had in store for the rest of the city yet.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 08-18-2013

Jess immediately headed for the girls' bathroom. She knew there wasn't much time left of this period, so she figured she'd just wait in there before heading to her next class.

Luckily, the hallway was completely empty. She still couldn't help but blush as she felt her bare pussy drip a trail of excess juice behind her. She'd have to clean herself up in a stall.

Within a couple of minutes she was sitting on a toilet, the bowl catching her escaping liquids and her skirt around her ankles. It was then she realized her vagina was almost pulsating with arousal.

Jesus! What is wrong with me! I'm completely normal right now and I still feel horny as fuck!

Fun, isn't it...?

Jess froze up as she heard the voice in her head.

...what?! Why can I still hear you?! You're just part of the transformation!

Don't be so rude! I'm a part of you now, honey!

I have just as much claim to this body as you do! This sopping wet cunt of ours doesn't just fuck itself!

No! You already ruin my life enough when I'm out of control! Now I can't even get a moment of peace to collect my thoughts?!

You can have your moment. In fact, you can have the whole rest of the day if you like. I'm not unreasonable.

However, next time I take control, there are going to be a few changes.

This little thing we've got here isn't going to cut it when we take on the big boys...

Fuck off already!!

But the other voice was already gone. Jess breathed a sigh of relief.

It was then that she realized she had been unconsciously fingering herself throughout the mental conversation.

Great... Well, I might as well finish myself if I want to get through the rest of the school day without soaking every chair i sit in.

She realized she wouldn't get to see Stephen again until the end of the school day. She'd have to catch up with him in the parking lot later.

OOC: I figure my post is already long enough without jumping right to the end of the school day.

How about you do a quick summary of Stephen handling his cock throughout the day?

Basically, at the end of the day some of the hot girls will meet him the parking lot and ask him to meet them at a club. (They've noticed his bulge).

Jess will catch up with him after they talk and she'll end up going with him.[/i]

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 08-18-2013

Stephen hadn't had a different day in comparison to Jessica. The young boy however had been enjoying himself to his fullest; for some reason, ever since he had been changed by having so much sex with Jess, his cock had grown so big it was almost painful to have it constrained in his pant leg, with his huge balls squeezed within his underwear and the actual shaft spilling out 'lest he would lose his boxers.

Over the course of the day Stephen had had to 'visit the bathroom' over a dozen of times just to jerk himself off. His member was humongous in comparison to Kyle's, Stephen would've shamed a horse. Thanks to the raging hormone production increased by the size of his new testicles, the male was unable to think of anything other than the pleasure of his rod and ejaculating the gallons of sperm he now produced. It took all of his willpower to stop himself from simply jumping girls in his way and fucking their brains out in the middle of the hallways. He couldn't even think of checking up on his friend Jessica, who had been acting strange ever since her breasts and ass had become the envy of the world's females. Unaware of what kind of evolution her body was going through, he couldn't even start to reason things out, especially when his eyes followed asses and hips like they were the only thing he ever needed.

His cock was permanently stiff, his hands flew over his bulgy pants at times to disimulate and attempt to flatten the meat to hide it from sight but only managed to make himself moan. It was in the midst of a lustful wake as he was exiting the building that a trio of girls noticed him; or it would've been more accurate to say the girls had their eyes on his pant bulge.

"Look at that guy, he's Stephen isn't he?" one of the school girls said. The redhead to her side giggled.

"Is he limping?"

"No way, look at his right leg, is that his...?"

"Oh god, I thought those were only in mags and dirty videos, heh. I've to have that in me!"

"Tiffany!" the other two giggled at the brunette's comment, but they fared no better at this treat for the eyes. "Hmm, I know," said the dark haired girl, "Let's invite him to the club, and then we can get him drunk and..."

They didn't know Stephen needed no reason to absolutely destroy their pussies.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 08-19-2013

Last period finally over, Jess rushed out toward the parking lot. She had to catch Stephen before he drove off.

Just as she caught sight of him, she froze.

Is he talking with...? No, this isn't happening!

Tiffany, Abby, and Ashley, the sluts, were all gathering around her friend.

Jess took a deep breath and marched toward Stephen. Her pussy had been aching all day, and she was once again painfully aware of the juices dripping from her skirt as she crossed the parking lot.

She grabbed Stephen's arm. "Hey! Can you give me a ride home? I wanna talk about that problem..."

Unfortunately, the sluts were between the pair and Stephen's car. There was no choice but to learn what they wanted.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 08-19-2013

Stephen's eyes snapped back to reality as he looked down at Jess, now normal and without her insanely buxom curves. "Jess? Where were you...?" but before he could continue his thoughts returned to the actual keyword of the phrase. "Oh right! Uh..." he turned to the other three girls, "Yeah uh, I gotta drive my friend home, I almost forgot I had to help her out!"

But that wasn't going to cut it for Tiffany. Arms folded under her voluminous chest, tits which looked like mosquito bites in front of Jessica's new form's melons, but were definitly bigger than hers right now, Tiffany walked forwards first with a frown of irritation. "Move along now squirt. Stephen was going to drive US to the club."

Abby and Ashley got on each of Tiffany's sides with arrogant smirks as the three blocked the way to the hyperphallic male's car. "We are going to have some fun, and no losers are allowed here, Jessica," Abby added.

Ashley grinned cruelly, "Yeah! Move along now squirt!" she said, clearly unable to think up her own original line.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 08-20-2013

OOC: I meant they'd invite him to the club and they'd all go later that night. Directly after school seems a bit early for clubbing. :P

IC: Jess blushed and moved closer to Stephen, grasping his arm.

"Since when do you three tell Stephen what to do?"

She knew they wouldn't give up so easily, so she figured she'd handle this herself. Besides, Stephen probably wasn't in his right mind, what with his cock in that condition.

"You obviously got to school this morning without Stephen's help. Get yourselves to the club. Stephen will meet you there."

And I'll be there with him...

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 08-20-2013

OOC: I kinda assumed school happened in the afternoon for some wacked reason.


"Hmph, fine. Be that way, but you'll see later tonight. We're way better than that scrub clinging to your arm, Stephen. Hope to see you there," she winked to the baffled male before the trio left.

Still a little cloudy in the head but otherwise able to think, Stephen slowly turned to Jessica and blurted out: "What was THAT all about?"

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 08-20-2013

Jess glared at the trio as they walked away, then turned to Stephen.

"Seriously? You couldn't tell?" She reached out and grabbed the bulge in the leg of his sweatpants. "I think they got a good look at this and decided they wanted to try it out."

Jess realized she was being abnormally forward right now. She knew Stephen's dick was incredibly sensitive, but she couldn't seem to stop rubbing the bulge. Her flow of juices seemed to be increasing as well.

I could really use some panties right now...

OOC: What's our time difference by the way? It was 11:40 PM when I posted this.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 08-21-2013

OOC: Seems like you're 1 hour ahead of me.


"S-sorry, hard to think..." Stephen wobbled a bit, his body not used to the amount of orgasms he had caused himself earlier, even with his new nutsack size. When Jessica grabbed his bulge, he didn't even have the energy to do anything but moan. "Ah! J-Jess..." he managed to say, his cock already hardening in swelling, getting so big that one hand wasn't enough to feel the shaft.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 08-21-2013

Jessica shook a bit as she felt his member grow from her touch.

"Ugh, we've got to get out of here."

She wrapped her arm around Stephen and helped him to his car, putting him into the front seat. She closed the door and walked around to the passenger seat.

As she began to buckle herself in, she noticed how tightly his cock was pressed against the pants leg. It was sure to tear a hole in his sweats any minute now.

A puddle forming on the seat between her legs, Jessica found herself craving that cock right then. She didn't understand it. The other voice was clearly leaving her alone, but she just felt so horny.

She reached out and gripped Stephen's waist band, then pulled the sweats, along with his boxers, down to the boy's feet.

"That couldn't have been comfortable... Now it can get some air while you drive..."

She licked her lips as she stared at the swollen member.

God, it's sooo thick! I-I don't know why, but I just want to stroke it.

Jess moaned a bit as she felt her clit stiffen beneath her skirt.

"St-Stephen, in order to keep your m-mind off of it during the ride? M-maybe I should give you a h-handjob while you drive to the club?"