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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- Disturbed - 12-01-2006

"Of course I'll guard Dorothy Anne with my life." Wengren pounded his chest "But I just guessed Kurtz would go with her considering his...condition whenever Dorothy is in trouble. I thought he went wherever she went, I didnt mean to change the mission, Sir."

- Kurtz - 12-01-2006

"Yes, but that goes to show you remember him only because of that." Ikonnen then poked his tongue out, before chuckling. "Of course he shall be going. But, for now... let them rest. Today has been a hard day for us all."

- Casey the furry one - 12-01-2006

Ooc: What for others to post Now the post flood limit is 5

- DragonMasterX - 12-01-2006

Lu was hit by Erne's hacking of his sword, her body was thrown to the wall from the impact, "Ack!" she winced as she crashed with the rocky wall, "Grrr..." she growled, then quickly got up, "You shan't interrupt my battle!" she threatened Erne with her katana.

Dorothy breathed softly, she started to squirm in her sleep again, but this time, after the harsh movements and whimpers, she slowly started to twitch her ears, her eyes ever so slowly were opening.

- Shadowknight - 12-01-2006

"Yeah I think I will," Kitt smiled a bit as she stood up, "Thanks for the talk Colby. See you two later." She waved a bit as she walked off towards the cafe.

"You think that'll protect you?" Shadow smiled a bit, "All you've done is prolonged your own suffering, all I need to do is push you to the brink of death until turning back is the only option you have!" He moved forward in a flash, burying the bottom of his sheathed blade into her stomach, "Just makes it more fun for me."

- Disturbed - 12-01-2006

Disturbed raises his giant wolf paw and waved "Bye Kitt!!" he beamed then turned back to Colby still sitting on the floor "Now you my little trouble maker." with one paw he easily picked her up and stood her on her feet "Leave Kitt be for now, she needs her peace." he said gently wrapping his arm around her "I know your intentions are good you just have to let her deal with it on her own.

< Ikonnen's Office >

"Well considering the short time I have been your sergeant I have no idea of the history of the members, so my apologies." Wengren then remembered the crimson fox "Did you know you had a crimson fox living in your basement?"

- Casey the furry one - 12-01-2006

Kellie groaned as Shadow hit her with the pommel of his blade, "Gotcha," she cried out as she reached out and gripped him by the throat, "Sap," as she put all of her available power behind draining a large portion of his life force.

"I am and I'm going to go to talk to Ikonnen office now now," said Colby as she headed for his office.

- Shadowknight - 12-01-2006

Shadow reacted quickly as he felt his powers draining out, he grabbed her wrist and kneed her roughly in the stomach, kicking off the ground with his other leg he flipped over and caught her in the back of the head, pulling her to the ground as he held her arm away from him, "Nice little trick, but now your in trouble." He smiled as his free hand grabbed one of the pistols off his back, "I'm betting the power increase wouldn't make much of a diffrence, and the lord wanted you dead so badly that I'm not risking letting you live for another second," He placed the gun at her temple, "Oh and don't worry about feeling pain, I made absolutely sure to grab a couple of silver bullets just for you. You won't live long enough to feel anything." He smiled.

- Casey the furry one - 12-01-2006

"Ump hehehe I'm no longer your average vampire so that make me immune to the effects of silver," Kellie said as she gave Shadow a perfect right hook and summoned her gunblade to her.

Colby knocked on Ikonned office door, "May I come in Sir?" she asked.

- Shadowknight - 12-01-2006

Shadow rubbed his jaw a bit, "Not a half bad punch for a little cross girl." he spun his gun around and shot it behind him as he heard a scraping metal noise behind him, the bullet striking the gunblade and sending it spinning into the wall. "Attacking someone from behind," He waved a finger scoldingly, "That's something an insane would do. Maybe you haven't changed as much as you thought." he released his grip on her with his legs and threw her into the wall next to her gunblade, "So you're immune to silver, let's see if that's the same case to a good old fashion beheading." He smiled as he drew out his sword, the blade nearly reached her easily, lengthed at almost 50 inches.