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Pillow fight! - Printable Version

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- Dridien TerrorBlade - 03-05-2006

*walks up infront of house extreamly late and looks at burnt couch on lawn, broken windows, and people inside fighting*

"hmm guess the party already started"
im dressed in a black T-shirt and black shorts with a white pillow in a
navy-blue case with a strap sewn on straped around my back and a
cooler full of root-beer, dr. pepper, and mountain dew, straped around my

*walks up to door and rings the bell than quickly grabs 2 mt.dews from the cooler and starts shaking them wildly waiting for somon to open the door*

"hehehe" Twisted

- Dridien TerrorBlade - 03-05-2006

*after waiting a few minuts i get bored and try the door*"its unlocked!"*i open the door a crack and put my hands inside so only the mt.dew and my hands can be seen and open the cans spraying the hole room randomly than quickly pull my hands out and close the door. i drop the cans and pull the pillow off my back leaving the case (pillow sheeth ftw!) and get in a fighing stance ready to pummle whoever opens the door*

- DragonMasterX - 03-05-2006

*walks to the door* Now... who is it? *opens the door* Oh... no thanks, we don't want to support the whales, let them be *sprays him with ketchup and closes the door in his face* Now... where was I? oh yeah... I need to help Shadow or they are going to blame me! *runs to the kitchen and sees the massive fire* great time not to have my powers! *sarcasm*

*looks around* Now... where did I put... there it is! *jumps to bag and takes out water ballons* don't mind me... they are from my... sister! *removes the note that says, 'Don't touch DMX's things!'* Okay... hope this works... it does in TV *starts throwing water ballons all over the fire to douse it down*

- Shadowknight - 03-06-2006

WAIT DON'T! *Shadow's warning comes too late as the water balloon lands on the fire erubting into a large fireball* it was a grease fire.

- DragonMasterX - 03-06-2006

Yep, as in TV... and I think I should have picked up the ones with water and not with oil... oh well... if I had insurance for my pillow fort... Zeph must have insurance for the house... but... I still have a question... *looks around, Shadow and DMX trapped around flames that keep growing* Will someone save DMX?

- Shadowknight - 03-06-2006

I got one idea, *fills a bucket with water from the sink and pours it over himself* follow me *jumps through the flames* That was fun. *scratches head noticing that his haired has been singed to a shaved look* My beutiful hair, * :cry: *

- DragonMasterX - 03-06-2006

Uhm... no thanks... I prefer to stay in the flames and die than lose my white hair... *sits indian style while surrounded by flames*

- Shadowknight - 03-06-2006

Suit yourself. I wonder if Zeph has any candy hidden 'round here? *shadow begins scrounging through a cabinet* Let's see: Fire extinguisher, fire blanket, buckets of sand. Dang no candy. *throws fire stuff through window in frustration* That's wierd, my brain is saying I did something stupid. Can someone give me a beer? My brain's beggining to bug me.

- DragonMasterX - 03-06-2006

Sure *walks to fridge still intact and grabs a beer can, then throws it to Shadow* here you are buddy, give your brain a punch for me *goes and sits again around the fire* Bah... let's quit this... *goes to the bag he left and grabbed the correct water ballons and bursted lots of them near the exit's flames, dousing them down* *sigh* Danger is so easy to comfront these days...

- Shadowknight - 03-06-2006

Shadow: Thanks!

*begins chugging beer*

Shadow's brain: IT BURNS! IT BURRRRRRRNS! THE PAAAAAAIN! ......... *silence*

Shadow: Much better.