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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Printable Version

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RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-17-2009

Susie smiles again. "Your doing a wonderful job sweety now you just have to.....*DING DONG*.....coming!" Susie goes over to the hotel door not sure who would come to call on her and as she opens the door she see's 12 longstem roses infront of her face. Behind the roses was the same boy from before that whisled at her panties. "Hi there my name is Lee Kyto. I wanted to say sorry for the way I treated you before. Its not offten I see a woman as lovly as you."

Susie was blushing all over at this onslought of loving attation then she says. "What.....Kyto. Your the son of Mei Kyto the richest and power family in all of Japan!"

The boy just nods.


"That good little pussy! Now you know your place things won't be so hellish as they could have been but I dont' think you still learned your lesson yet?" She looks at the stool and see's a shiney red button to push and she does, this caused the set ont he stool to vibart very rapidly and makes Tigress fanny wiggle over the spikes on the seat and over the frying pan like heat all over it.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-17-2009

Toma watches the boy from behind Susie's leg and looks at him accusingly. He had no idea who the Kyto family was and quite frankly he didn't care, as far as he was concerned this boy was just a jerk who was trying to seduce his Momma.


"MMMMmmmmmmm...." Tigress starts moaning and squirming again. At least when it was just hot she could get used to the pain but now it just hurt worse and worse each passing second. All the strain was too much and she finally lost control and bit the soap bar in half.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-17-2009

Susie reaches down and takes Toma into her arms. "This is one of my babies his name is Toma. Say hello Toma. He's a Toddler so he gets to be called by his name. The others are to small to be called their names right now." Lee smiles at the shacks Toma little hand.

"Nice to met you little Toma. Are you going good boy for your momma?"


Tina giggles and laughts at Tigress pain and was about to do more things to her when she see's Tigress gagging and her face turning colors! "Oh god she's coking! I dont' want you dead! MOMMA MOMMA BABY KITTY IS COKING!!! MOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMAAAAA!!!"

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-17-2009

Toma gives the boy a look before hugging Susie. "Yes I'm a very good boy. An' Momma needs me to protect her from bad people like-" Toma was about to tell Lee off when he hears Tina's screaming and gasps. "Momma hurry Mei-mei's in trouble!"


Tigress continues thrashing around on the stool, trying to dislodge the soap from her throat. She struggles with all her might to breathe but all her crying had stuffed up her nose so she was unable to breath at all and was starting to panic.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-17-2009

Susie rushes into the room and see's the suds coming out of Tigress mouth as she looks about ready to pass out. She also see's Tina struggling to remove the straps. "MOMMA HELP I NO WANT MY BABY SISSY TO DIE!" T_T

Susie moves Tina aside as Tina latches onto Toma for suport not want to see Tigress if she really does die as Susie moves fast the get the straps off but as she free Tigress she can't get the soap out of her mouth and Susie starts to panic.

Then Lee comes into the room too and seeing whats going on he takes Tigress from Susie, turns her upside down and then slaps her BUTT as hard as he can over and over again! *SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT SWAT*

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-17-2009

Toma gasps when he sees this and yells at Lee. "Hey stop that! Stop 'panking my little Sissy she can breave! Momma stop that dummy now else Mei-mei's gonna-"

"KHAACK!" Tigress coughs hard after a few of Lee's spanks sending the broken bar of soap flying out of her mouth. She continues coughing hard for a bit before starting to cry again because of her close call.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-17-2009

Lee holds Tigress close in his arms and rubs her head and her back. "Shhhhh there there little one its going to be ok. Its all going to be ok. I think she needs to get checked out."

Susie was amazed by all this. "Hey would you like to go out to eat with me tonight? I hear the they got a nice kids Buffet here?" Lee, still holding the sobbing Tigress nods. "That would be lovely see you tomorrow at 7." Lee hands Tigress back to Susie then leaves the room.

Tina see's the boy go then looks to Toma and says. "Who was that fine looking little boy?"

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-17-2009

Despite what he'd just done Toma glares at Lee until he walks out the door. "Some jerky boy who thinks he can be Momma's boyfriend. I don't care who he thinks he is he's never gonna get Momma, I'll make sure of that!" He whispers to Tina in a harsh tone before looking up at Tigress. "Is Mei-mei okay Momma?"


Tigress buries her head into Susie's shirt and crys her little eyes out. She didn't care about being little again she didn't care about being spanked and sat on that horrible stool, all she wanted was for Susie to hold her like this until she felt safe again.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-17-2009

Tina was suprised by Toma's words. "Toma what do you have planed? Don't you think maybe this boy dose care about momma and besides he looks very handsome."


Susie kisses Tigress head, rocks her, and even sings to her to calm her down. "Shhh there there. Its all going to be ok now." Susie said as she take her into the bathroom for some medical treatment.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-17-2009

"Hmph!" Toma scoffs and sticks his nose up a the idea. "I don't care, I don't like him so he can't be Momma's girlfriend so when they go on their date I'm gonna follow them and mess it up! Then momma will hate him and tell him to go away!" He tells Tina with a surprisingly evil grin.


"I...I was so scared Momma!" Tigress says through her cries, not caring how she sounded. "I tought I was gonna die! *sniffle-sob* Are you still mad at me Momma?" She asks miserable, hoping to avoid any more punishment.