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Southern Cross - Printable Version

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- DragonMasterX - 11-17-2006

OOC: Dot's downstairs, lol. I'll leave her static until Crimson replies.


Mar looked down on Kit, "You know, little girls like you shouldn't get out of the playground."

- Disturbed - 11-17-2006

Wengren heard the piercing howl looking out the window then looked at Ikonnen "That cant be...Silver...can it...its too dark."

- Kurtz - 11-17-2006

Ikonnen was already near the door, though, as he booted it open. "Shield... DISABLE!"

Immediately when calling that, the huge shield vanished, and the dog pulled his gun in front of him, as he looked around. Making a quick pace for where he heard the earlier ruckus, he took almost only a few seconds to find the tree that Kit was on, and Kellie.

"....I was too late..."

- Shadowknight - 11-17-2006

Shadow whiped a small bit of blood from his eyes, his forehead was hurting like hell from the attack, but it also made him angry, "You will pay for that attack." He swore as he readied his remaining sword to fight, "It could've been easy, one quick attack and you'd be down. But now that you've gone and really pissed me off I'm gonna make sure you suffer." He smiled darkly, blood covering a large amount of his face, "First, I'm gonna make sure you have a good seat while I have my fun with your girlfriend, then kill her infront of you." He laughed darkly.

*Plains (Not sure where they are exactly so that'll do for now)*

Kit sat, or hung, there for a second. She was too weakened to try another attack without risking passing out, and she didn't want that. Her eyes shot open as she realized the one thing she could do, in desperation she quickly opened her mouth, her large fangs glinting in the light as she bit into Mar's arm fiercly. Her sharp teeth tearing straight through his scales as she nearly gagged on the taste of blood in her mouth.

- Casey the furry one - 11-17-2006

Kellie looked at Ikonnen and said angerly, "Where is Erne now tell me now?"

- Disturbed - 11-17-2006

Wengren ran outside with Ikonnen to find Kellie "What happened." then he noticed the large fissure "What the hell created that?" he said pointing

- Kurtz - 11-17-2006

"Erne?" Ikonnen replied, before whispering. "He's... uhhh.... in the Eastern Alliance place still...."

That was all it took for Kurtz to totally lose it when hearing that. His eyes went fully blood-red, and he gritted his fangs together, as his claw started twitching. "You fucking won't..."

It was, at that time, noticeable that his body was slighlty growing, as his madness started to take hold of his mind - his form growing. "...Lay a hand..."

Growling loudly - and yet, growing to about twice his previous height, he grabbed his sword. "....ON DOROTHY! DRESAN CONTROL!" His hand shot forward, and slashed at Shadow again - his slash even more faster and stronger then the first.

- Shadowknight - 11-17-2006

Shadow quickly brought up his katana, and blocked the attack, "Damn, if I had known that's all it took to get you to fight I'dve threatened that piece of ass a long time ago." Shadow smiled as he fell backwards and kicked Kurtz over him, Good, he's angry. He won't be thinking at all about his fighting. What an amateur.

- DragonMasterX - 11-17-2006

Mar grunted a bit, closing one eye as the fangs went through his armor and scales, "Now, now... you didn't have to do that" he said softly, before grabbing her by her neck and lifting her high up, away from his bitten arm, "You don't want me to go angry on you, do you?" he asked with a wicked grin.

- Kurtz - 11-17-2006

As he got kicked over, Kurtz immediately reacted - as if his speed had also been boosted quite heftily. Turning his body so that, even though he was still in the air, he could aim his claw at Shadow. And, with that, a sphere of huge eletricity flew out from it and headed towards Shadow. "Not done yet, little pipsqueak!"