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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Printable Version

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RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-16-2009

Susie then leads Tigress into the private Nursery again and you see a horrable naughty stool that is the one at Susie's home. It has the lower side wrist and leg restants as well as the seat part with the nasty 1 inch primaids on the top that dig into the skin and make a already spanked bottom feel like hell.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-16-2009

Tigress yelps when she sees the stool and hugs Susie's leg in a panic. "Mm-mm! Mm-Mmm!" She begs the girl as she shakes her head, sending suds flying everywhere.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-16-2009

"No you see how scared Tina was when you tryed to her hurt is like you look right now!" Susie then places the unwilling kittens fanny hard onto the bumps then very quickly locks her wrist, feet, legs, and hip into the stool's restrants then face her she she has to face the corner and says. "Now I think a good long hour on this will teach you some well needed manners and respect for others and since you've been such a beats I think I need to turn up the heat!"

Susie turns on a heat seat on the stool that makes the primaids heat up. Now Tigress feels like she's sitting on a frying pants and the bumps feel like fire ants taking nibbles on her fanny checks!

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-16-2009

"MHMMMMM!!" Tigress screams with all her might and starts to thrash around on the stool trying to get off but she only makes the tips of each little spike dig into her little bottom even more. She cries and wails in pain causing her to swallow a lot of soap suds. She chokes them back up making them drip out of her mouth and continues to cry even more.

As the minutes pass she eventually wears herself out and stops wiggling around. She continues to sob quietly and tries to handle the pain as she waits for Susie to let her up.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-16-2009

As Tigress tries to relax Tina and Toma come in. Tina see's Tigress and is shocked at first bit really works hard not to just burst into laughter seeing how much better this turned out for her. "Oh man this is going to be great now all I need to do is get Toma away for a while then I will have this once mighty warrior eating out of my pawns soon."

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-16-2009

Toma, meanwhile, looks worried about his old friend even as her crying quiets down and she adjusts to the new time-out stool. 'I'm really sorry Tigress but upi brought this on yourself.' He chides the kitten mentally. 'Don't worry though once you, Tina and Momma all make up you'll feel much better.'

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-17-2009

Tina grins then shacks that grin off and then says to Toma. "I think you best go help momma with din din it will make you look like a big boy for her I will take care of Tigress in your abcence." Tina then goes over and gentle pets Tigress head.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-17-2009

Toma nods at the idea. "Yeah I think that'd be for the best." With that he walks over to Susie and tugs on her pant leg. "Momma, can we go cook someting? Sissy an I are gettin' hungry. Don't worry Sissy said she'd keep an eye on Mei Mei for you.

Tigress clearly doesn't like this idea and starts whining and shaking her head. She was certain Tina was just going to get her in more trouble or take advantage of her helplessness.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-17-2009

Susie smiles the lifts Toma onto the counter with her. "Awww your so nice and helpful the both of you. K now I want you to help me mash the banana's for din din that would be very helpfu." Susie said as she peels off 6 banana's then places them in a hold and hands Toma a wooden spoon to assist her.


The moment Toma is safe out of range of hearing or seeing her she stops petting Tigress then takes on of one of her ears and YANKS her head hard close to her mouth. "Now you listen to me VERY carfuly. Unless you want the rest of what is going to no doubt be the rest of your life as one of Susie baby slaves I suggest you follow my next words exactly. From here on I own you! When Toma and Momma are not around you will call me Mistress Tina. You will sever me hand and foot and do all I desire. Also all your yummie treat, candys, ice cream, and anything yummy you give to me. Any fun toys I get to play with FIRST and maybe you can when I get bored with it. And lastly and most important. If I ever see you touching, looking, or doing anything with or to Toma that I don't like I will go so sad crazy that Susie will spank the skin off your ass! Do you understand me and agree to my terms?" Tina asks as she lets go of Tigress ear.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-17-2009

"Hee-hee. Kay Momma." Toma says cutely as he starts smashing the bananas with the spoon. "Am I doin' it good Momma?" He asks Susie hoping he was doing a good job.


"Mm-hmm Mm-hmm" Tigress says as she nods rapidly. At this point she was terrified of Tina and the thought of being punished again and again is she didn't obey. That spanking was teh worst punishment she'd ever gotten and she certainly didn't want another one for a long time. The worst Shifu had ever done was giver her a light whack with his flute and that was nothing compared to this. Then again the years of emotional neglect more than made up for that in her opinion. So, feeling weaker than she'd ever felt before, she bows her head in submission to Tina. However in the back of her mind she's thinking. 'You are so going to pay for this bitch.'