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Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - Printable Version

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RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 03-06-2011

OOC: Aw, man! And here I thought she was gonna start loving herself for being an unstoppable whore XD


Confounded with her 'new' uniform, the wave of sophomores was easy to avoid. Thankfully, the pheromones weren't as strong now...

On the way down the hall, Ms. Nell could be seen coming out of the teacher's lounge...

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 03-06-2011

OOC: Next time, I promise. :P

IC: Jess watched as the sophomores headed into the room. What're they going to think when they see this? She started to back away down the hall, when she saw Ms. Nell coming. Shit. If she realizes I was here, she'll connect me to this whole "rapist" mess. She looked around and saw a small supply closet, hiding in it to watch what would unfold.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 03-06-2011

OOC: Man can only hope~



The students let out a collective gasp of surprise upon seeing four students collapsed on the ground. Three males and a single female. Ms. Nell was quick to arrive and dispell the collective chaos. The circumstances of the rape were the same as before, but now there was a girl...

Alyssa didn't look as prominent or as voluptuous as Jessica's alternate form did, but she definately was blonde. She half-fit the description. Ms. Nell would have to take her into custody to ask some questions, while the nurse took care of the unconscious boys...

Alyssa did wake up before the other boys, but when she did, Ms. Nell had been yanking her arm. "Hey! What's going on?" the naked blonde sophomore protested. "Let go!"

"You're coming with me, young miss. We have a LOT to talk about," she said, passing by the supply closet to leave the classroom while the nurse tended to the unconscious, raped boys.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 03-06-2011

Jess stepped out of the supply closet once she was sure the two were gone. Phew, now they're gone. But how am I going to explain this one away? Alyssa will remember that it was me. And now there's no way I can ask Ms. Nell.

She looked down the hall to make sure no one was coming and decided to head to class. She was late, but she hoped she would be able to come up with a good excuse. Once she reached her history room, she found that her teacher wasn't there.

She sat down at the front of the room as usual and turned to one the other students. "Where's Mr. Love?"

The kid shrugged. "One of the other teachers says he's out. We're praying they forgot to call a sub."

OOC: I'm not gonna control any other characters for extended periods of time, I just wanted to set up the scene. Basically, the sub that comes in is in his early twenties and hot. Jess gets in trouble and he asks her to talk to him in the History department office alone... ;)

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 03-06-2011

OOC: Finally! An adult. Will make sense to make 'em have a big cock :3


"Hey, Jess," whispered Stephen from behind her, "You look pale. Something wrong?" he asked. The young man was dressed in baggy pants again, Jessica would be able to see his incredibly huge pecker subtlily making a cylindrical bulge on his right pant leg.

Just then, the doors opened and a man in his early twenties came in. He carried a single book and wasn't even dressed formally at all, which only complimented his juvenile looks. He was lithe, but well built, he had short, brown hair and blue eyes. He was about a head taller than Jessica in her alternate, long-legged form. "Hey, morning, everyone, I'm Egan Stross. Mr. Love won't be able to attend today, so I'll be supplying for him, 'kay?" he gave a small, but charming smile. Some girls could be heard sighing lovingly at Egan.

"Woah, who opened the fairy books? Geesh," Stephen muttered to himself, half-jealous at the guy.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 03-06-2011

Jess groaned. "Ugh. I hate these kinds of teachers. It's like they're trying to get arrested for sleeping with students." She noticed Stephen's face. "Are you seriously jealous? Especially with that thing in your pants?" She poked the monster cock through his baggy pants, not sure of what reaction she'd get.

Over the weekend, Jess had done some extra credit work for Mr. Love's class. She figured she might as well bring it to him now. She got up and started to walk over to his desk.

OOC: Basically, my plan is for some girls to trip her and she falls onto his desk and knocks his coffee onto his shirt. When he goes to talk to her in the office, he starts by taking his shirt off.

Feel free to change this if you want.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 03-07-2011

"Jealous? No," Stephen lied, "He just looks annoying, that's all," he tried looking cool, but his eyes bulged from the pleasure of a simple thing such as Jessica's poke. His cock almost doubled in girth from a half-boner he instantly got, "Ugh! Jessica, damnit!" he groaned in a whisper, trying to hold his massive dick down. But before he could get any madder, she had already gone for the desk. His eyes blinked as he began hearing some sort of nasty plan brewing a few seats ahead. "Aw crap, this can't end good! But I can't stand up like this..."

Before Jessica could get to the seat where Mr. Stross had his coffee ready for drinking, one of the girls on the side put her feet in the way while silently smirking, aiming to get Jessica in trouble, just because she wasn't popular.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 03-07-2011

Jess was looking straight ahead when her foot hit the girl's leg. She stumbled forward, dropping her paper as he crashed headfirst into the teacher's desk, spilling the cup of coffee onto Mr. Stross' shirt and tie. "Oh shi- I mean, I'm so sorry! I lost my balance!"

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 03-07-2011

"Holy cra-" Mr. Stross groaned, the coffee burning him painfully, enough to make him jump to his feet, biting his tongue to avoid cursing out loud. He looked calmly down at Jessica, the stain quickly cooling for him thankfully. "You, stand up please," he said, fixing his calm blue eyes upon Jessica. Even that single act made him look charming, somehow. "I'm afraid you and I are going to have a talk."

Small oohs and some giggles could be heard from behind Jessica.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 03-07-2011

Jess' eyes widened as she jumped to her feet. "But it wasn't my fault! Those girls tripped me!" She pointed back at the popular girls, blushing hard. Could this day get any worse?