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what is your best pick-up lines - Printable Version

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RE: what is your best pick-up lines - GabumonFan - 07-17-2007

I don't know why I like this one so much but I do.

Hey, don't I know you? Yeah, you're the [girl/boy] with the beautiful smile.

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - Frisk E. Coyote - 07-17-2007

If the girl has a boyfriend and asks for the time:

"It's time for you to get a boyfriend with a watch. And would you look at that? I just happen to have one on me! It's digitaaaaal..."

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - That One Internet Guy - 07-17-2007

"Hi, I'm [name], what's up?"

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - Frisk E. Coyote - 07-17-2007

Stare at the girl/boy. Make her/him want you. Make her/him NEED you.

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - UnknownH - 07-17-2007

You know T, I almost wonder how you get any at. (No offense.)

Loki The Trickster Wrote:"If you were a slut, I'd fuck you."
If you say that then I want to see it.

Those are all well and good, but I've got the best pickup line ever. In fact, it

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - Lost - 07-18-2007

I have never tried talking to a girl, since all the one's I have been around were either psycho *and I'm not just throwing that around willy-nilly. They were NUTS!* or had the intellectual equivelence of a blow-up doll. And the guys I have been around thought of nothing but sex. And not even the good kind.

I've heard some very vulgar and disgusting pick-up lines.

SUZAKU: That's what you get for going to school in the Barrio.

MIKE: Like I had a choice...

"Fuck/Suck my cock!"

"Want to see my Cuban Missile?"

"They call it the Red Bull."

"Dump that white Puto and come fuck me!"

I can't remember all the ones I've heard. It's been over a year now since I've heard one, and thank God for that.

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - Wisemon - 07-18-2007

Quote:Very clever and pretty dirty. But I have one that's worse.
"Hey there, want some ______ penis?"
Sure, it's dirty, but it lacks finesse.

Quote:I have never tried talking to a girl, since all the one's I have been around were either psycho *and I'm not just throwing that around willy-nilly. They were NUTS!* or had the intellectual equivelence of a blow-up doll. And the guys I have been around thought of nothing but sex. And not even the good kind.
It's a good thing girls are nuts or stupid and boys think about nothing but sex only where you live.

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - Fallen hearts - 07-18-2007

I've heard some pretty bad ones. Never bothered using them though. Whether I wanted it or not, I ended up with a bit of a harem in school..

"I bet these pants would fit you. Wanna get into them?"

"You should be a lifeguard. You can give me mouth to mouth anytime."

This next one isnt really a pickup line.. but its still funny.

"Baby! please come back! I didn't know you had a twin sister!"

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - Ghostiemon - 07-18-2007

Can I get a picture of you so I can show Santa what I want for Christmas?

:Dand yes that was funn:D

i don'y use pick lines but i just find them funny and i wanted to see what people thought of them

RE: what is your best pick-up lines - Angry_kittens - 07-18-2007

Never bothered using them.. Had a few used on me while I was "Dressed up" though...

"Did you need help getting into those pants? 'cause I'd love to help you get out of them."

"Yeeeehaw! I'd love ta rope you up and take you home!" (This one was used by a girl actually...)

"Hey there cutie, wanna threesome with my wife?" My response to that one... "No, but by the way she is chatting with the singer I think he might."