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Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Printable Version

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RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Disturbed - 04-05-2007

Cindy casually sitting in her squad car all of a sudden her scanner goes ballistic about a bank robbery and reports of many thugs heavily arms. Grunting annoyingly she started the squad car "Knew today was too good." she muttered before turnning the car around heading for the bank.

< Bank >

As she arrived at the scene there was already operatives at the scene, the hedgehogette parked the car and got out too look at the scene from the street "What a mess.." she picked up her assault rifle and just incase shoulder RPG. She then got out her megaphone and began to talk "All gang members come out with your hands up and your guns on the ground!!! We have you surrounded!!" her voice echoed into the streets for all to hear.

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Lonely Werewolf - 04-05-2007

Mitsuki's ears perked up as heard a noise that came not too far from where she standing right now. She run towards the noise and saw the Los Muertos gangs had take over the bank and make the customers as a hostage.

With that, she jump on top of the building and hid behind the wall. She then peek and look to the robbers, analise every single movement. Her Night Hawk is ready on her right hand, waiting for a chance to attack the Los Muertos without being noticed.

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Calibremon - 04-05-2007

Dominic calmly walked out, his MP5K pressed into the temple of one of the bank tellers.

"Do not try to decieve us, you will not win. My name is Dominic Santiago, and I will not harm anyone if I can avoid it. If you force me though, I will have to start making my point more clearly heard."

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Disturbed - 04-05-2007

Cindy's ears perked straight up seeing the hostage "Hold your fire!! Hold your fire!!" she barked before looking on the situation she slowly lowered her gun and raised her arm "Now we dont want any hostages getting harmed!! What is it that you want!!."

Meanwhile around the buildings there were sharpshooters getting into place without Cindy's knowing.

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Lonely Werewolf - 04-05-2007

"Man... This is getting worse..." Mitsuki spoke in low tone as peeking the sharpshooter around the bank area. She took out the silencer and installed on the tip of her Night Hawk, in order to shoot silently.

"I'll wait for a moment, and you lose..." She smile slightly, waiting for them to act first.

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Erethzium - 04-05-2007

Tiff had seen the car drive into the bank from where she was in a skyscraper, and rushed down to the streets, starting her motorcycle and speeding off towards the bank. looks like the fun has started.

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - senjuro - 04-06-2007

Flynn and Zebulun were stopped before they managed to leave the headquarters by Jacob, a white fox and the group's leader. "Naphtali...your services have been contracted."

Flynn sighed and turned. "Jacob...I need sleep, I've been here for over two days. I can't think straight..."

"The Pacific City Bank is under attack. We don't usually get involved in police dealings but...this is somewhat of a personal matter for you."

Flynn raised an eybrow sceptically. "Oh really?"

"Have you forgotten? Your sister works there." He held out a comm headset. "This will put you through to the officer in charge. Get to your station and help them out."

Grabbing the headset, he rushed back to his station and logged on to the network, effortlessly hacking through the bank's security feeds to get full control over the security system. He pressed a button on the headset. "This is Technology Officer Naphtali of the Sons of Jacob. Am I speaking with the officer in charge?" He pulled up the live video feed. Dammit, this is bad.

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Calibremon - 04-09-2007

Dominic smiled, loosening his grip on the hostage slightly. "That's better. All we want is the money. I'd very much like to see that everyone goes home at the end of the day. My people, your people, AND the innocents. As long as you keep your officers away from us, I promise no-one in this bank will be..." he paused as one of his lesser gang members came out, whispering frantically in his ear. He snarled irritably, jabbing his gun into the teller's neck.

"Apparantly I'm not making myself clear! I've been told that there are snipers positioned around the bank, and another operative on the roof." he shouted, obviously getting annoyed. "If they don't back off right now, I'm going to have to forfeit my promise to protect the people in this bank..."

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Lonely Werewolf - 04-09-2007

< Rooftop - In front of the bank >

Mitsuki's ears perked up as heard the robber's statement, before hid herself behind wall. Indeed, they already spotted her without she notices it. "Damnit...they spot me.." She untie her long ponytails and took the second Night Hawk with the silencer on her left hand, ready to stop the thugs.

RE: Crackdown: Furry Edition (Rawr. :P) - Disturbed - 04-10-2007

"Snipers?!" Cindy grabbed her radio and yelled "Who ordered the fucking snipers without my command!" she growled then heard some other person on the radio talking her ears twitched "Yes this is the lead officer in charge." Completely busy with the situation the hedgehogette grabbed the megaphone ponting it up "All snipers STAND DOWN!!!" she yelled.

Instantly all the snipers retreated from their spots.

Cindy turned back to the thugs and spoke once again "I'm sorry but I cannot allow you to take the money! Hard working people diserve that money."

(Sid's Garage)

Sid's ears twitched hearing his police scanner going off reporting of a bank robbery but growled deeply knowing who it was "Those low lifes know very well thats my territory..." kicking his chair up he openned his garage with his pistols at his side and his trademark chain whip at his side getting on his motorcycle. With a roar the it started Sid road out of the hidden ally to the streets heading for the bank.