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Later - Printable Version

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- Notorious - 03-11-2003

Whatever, your not going to make me look stupid, and your taking a lot of guesses. Because YOU don't like original characters doesn't mean that YOU have to read it.

I'm getting annoyed, and I'm going to say something I'm going to regret, so I'm just going to ignore you.

Nobody said you had to reply to my topic, and if you don't care for what I say, that's not my fault.

As I said, your assuming a lot about me, and I don't appreciate it.

- Thunder - 03-12-2003

Whatever, your not going to make me look stupid, and your taking a lot of guesses. Because YOU don't like original characters doesn't mean that YOU have to read it.

You don't get it, do you? It's not just me. It's the whole Digimon community.

I'm getting annoyed, and I'm going to say something I'm going to regret, so I'm just going to ignore you.

In other words: I win the debate. :roll:

Nobody said you had to reply to my topic, and if you don't care for what I say, that's not my fault.

Oh, that's right. "Nobody said I had to reply to your topic". Why is that I haven't seen ONE topic of yours in which you don't beg for replies or complain about the lack of feedback?

As I said, your assuming a lot about me, and I don't appreciate it.

Maybe those are just assumptions, but you should be careful because it's a hint of the image you display to people in general. And you don't have to appreciate what I say, I don't care either way.

- Notorious - 03-12-2003

Ladies and gentlemen of the forums... if you will.

I posted a topic here in this forums PEACEFULLY trying to say that I was no longer submitting my work to the DaD. I said I had nothing against the DaD, and that I'd still post here because its a good community.

Mr. Echos here comes out of nowhere and tries to make me look like a fool for doing nothing wrong. How is "everyone in the community" upset with me when your the only one to reply?

Anyone who knows me knows that I'm an irritable person, and if you push my buttons, I'll make a fool out of myself which is what your trying to do. Mr. Echos... you've tried to make a fool out of me, which is something I will not stand for.

There is a word for people like you


There's a word for people who can't keep their mouths shut, have to instigate trouble and get the last word in like a two year old. There's a word for people who seem to have nothing better to do with their time than make an incident out of something that does not concern them.

I can respect a man's opinion with great earnest my dear friend, but I respect a man who keeps an opinion which they know will upset the other person to themselves. That's how fights get avoided, and that's how brandwith gets saved.

I said that I was going to the DHZ because the author section was more active, and more willing to read my stories than the DaD. I didn't say my lemons were the greatest, or something that you should make a false idol out of. All I said was that I believed there was a better audience for what I'm trying to do at the DHZ.

You however, took it to another level saying that I was arrogant, cocky, and that I had too high of an opinion of my work, which is nicey-nice for "your lemons suck, don't bother me."

If you don't like my lemons, and if you don't like what I say, then I would suggest that for the benifit of everyone that you not try my patience and keep it to yourself.

And yes, I put up a lot of FE topics- um, five for those of us who can't count and gave some exaggerated number like "ten" or something- because I knew that it was a series that might not rub people the right way. It was something original, and different. Something I thought people might enjoy if they just gave it a chance instead of "hitting the back button" as you so rudely said. I put up polls, and feedback threads. Since the DaD wasn't updating regularly (and I STATED CLEARLY in another topic that it was nobody's fault, and that I understood Togashi isn't our lord god) I tried to work around it by posting one archive topic for my lemons, and a topic each time I released a new lemon for feedback purposes. Your trying to make me look like a criminal spammer is not going to work, and I don't appreciate it.

You've got an attitude for something that does not even concern you. The old me would have just flammed you to death, but the new more tranquil me is just going to give you the opportunity to leave well enough alone, and stop trying to start things.

Go away Thunder, and drop it. Don't reply. Don't quote my entire topics (or "spam" in laymen's terms). Don't get an attitude with me. Don't try and make me look like an idiot, because according to people I've talked to about this ordeal, all it is doing is making YOU look bad, stupid, and without a life.

You don't win this debate.

You will not win against me in a flame war.

You will not spam this topic.

You will not make yourself look like an asshole.

You will hit the back button, as you seem so proud that you can do and go bother someone else.

Now then, now that the unpleasntness has been rectified, as I said, my new work will be found at the DHZ, I'll still visit here, and look out for the FE website coming out very soon to a server near you ;). *SPOILER* The former digi-crew will make an appearence in the next edition of Forever's End.

Thank you,

- Chibi Renamon - 03-12-2003

Interesting thread. Very interesting.

I've read a nice reply in another thread, dunno who posted it back then.
It went something like this:
"Why do people make such a fuss about them going to another site? Do they actually expect us to try to make them stay?"

Look dude, you said yourself that you didn't get feedback here. So who do you address with that thread? The people who apparently didn't pay you the needed attention anyway?
I really don't quite get it.

"Oh look! I'm leaving! I'm leaving! Hey, I'm gone!" - Well, good for you.
If you like the DHZ board more than ours because of the feedback, tell them. Why do you tell us that you have found a place where people apparently like your work? The only reason I could think of is that you want others to come over to the DHZ, and that is counterproductive advertising in my eyes, especially with the recent fuss going on.

I don't wanna bash you, and neither did Thunder (who is quite female, if I remember correctly). But I really really have no clue why you make yourself look like a complete idiot in here.

If you want replies so badly, why do you LEAVE?
Why don't you post on BOTH boards?

On the other hand, people who see you acting and reacting in this thread are not likely to give you reviews.
So you still post here, but not your lemons? But you are desperate for replies?

I dunno, but you should really stop to think for second.

- Thunder - 03-13-2003

That IS the point. Chibi Renamon pretty much covered what I wanted to say in the first place, and I hope it does clear things up. I intended to criticise your attitude rather than your lemons with this, and the rest were side comments about my opinion of original characters. I will not repeat what I said above, because I see no point in it. Like Chibi Renamon said, you should think about it for a second.

And yes, I am quite female. :roll:

- Hybrid Halogen - 03-13-2003

Yes, Miss Echoes has been right all along, or else why would you make such a fuss about it? You wanted your fanfics to be commented on? That entirely depends on you. If they are written with any quality to be praised by, I

- Paladine900 - 03-13-2003

Hybrid, I think that might have been a little harsh. I know how he feels, a little, mainly because alot of people feel like that, like they aren't getting any respect or honor. My only sugestion to him is to keep working at it and don't give up. It takes a while for people to start to notice you. Eventually they will come though, and when they do, you will feel as if you accomplished something. And that is why I write, for the READERS. Are you writing for yourself Majin? How about you Hybrid? I will even go as far as to ask you Thunder...Are you writing because you want the fame? Or are you writing because you want others to read and enjoy your works...

- NightFox101 - 03-13-2003

Wow.... For people who only have been here for only a short time can really juge someone else on there work... I think that's just stupid and wrong... If you have been here for awhile then I can see maybe yea but if you have only been here for a short time.... Do everyone a favor and hold your breath. Other then that I'm done.... heh

Edit: P.S. @#!@#!@# I hate this board... >.> Never lets me edit my damn messages... Anyhow This goes for all those lamers who flamed authors of the DaD for no reason at all...

- Notorious - 03-13-2003

I've been here two years.

I've been writing lemons for one year.

Before that I did roleplaying for Red Rover's Act of Vengeance RPG.

I haven't won any contests, but the only one that I ever entered, Rover's contest, got me third place.


Seeing as how you don't care, and how your so quick to treat me like dirt, I supose that doesn't matter.

Honestly, 99% of this is uneccessary. The one time I DON'T ask for feedback you blast my lemons, and try and twist my words by doing that pick-and-choose quote trick, which really pisses me off.

sigh ... I'll see you all around.

- Notorious - 03-13-2003

Paladine900 Wrote:Hybrid, I think that might have been a little harsh. I know how he feels, a little, mainly because alot of people feel like that, like they aren't getting any respect or honor. My only sugestion to him is to keep working at it and don't give up. It takes a while for people to start to notice you. Eventually they will come though, and when they do, you will feel as if you accomplished something. And that is why I write, for the READERS. Are you writing for yourself Majin? How about you Hybrid? I will even go as far as to ask you Thunder...Are you writing because you want the fame? Or are you writing because you want others to read and enjoy your works...

I write for people who want to read something than the normal wham bam thank you ma'am lemons that are three pages long, and for people who want something different than the norm. I write for people who appreciate a piece of work someone has taken time to write, and that doesn't have more spelling errors in it than it does words. No, this is not everyone, but its still a large percentage of people out there.

Forever's End takes place in between Season 02, and Season 03 (FE would be Season 0X), and former cast memebers make only cameos. FE is an experiment of mine to see how many people out there are willing to sit down and read short stories that have more of a storyline to them than pure sex. Its a perfect mix of lemons, and limes/nonlemons, and I've taken the time to develop each one of my characters, very carefully. I still make sure there's enough lemon quality. I worked too damn hard on the series, for some hotshot who thinks she's cock of the walk because she won a contest or two, to tell me I have "too high an opinion of my lemons," and then get mad at me like I did something wrong...

Please :roll: