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A Dark Love - Printable Version

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- Altima - 02-24-2007

ill be guomon then, since we have a renamon. as for the post...

the time was around 3 in the morning, takto lay sound asleep in his bed. there was a small creaking of floor boards in the room, as a lizard-like shape emerged from the shadows, the figure was covered in scales, they glistened red in the moonlight. if I'm going to do this... it has to be tonight. he thought to himself, as he near the sleeping boy. he looked the boy up and down, "You look cute, when your asleep, Tak," he whispered to himself, more than to the boy. he placed a claw on top of the boy's belly giving it a slight rub, before sliding his claw down the boy's pants.

hope this is good enough...

- Erethzium - 02-24-2007

Renamon opened one eye and looked at the clock. it read 1:32 AM. she perked her ears up to listen in Rika was sleeping or not. she was asleep and renamon thought "good...she's asleep." she slowly got up and dissapeared out of the room in a flash.

- GuilmonForever - 02-24-2007

(Its good but remember spelling and capitials altima)

Takato slowly rolled over on his stomach, causing the claws of Guilmon to sadly slip out as the innocent boy curled up, fast asleep, yawning ever so gently and his goggles were wrapped round his neck, he was unaware of not only Guilmons intensions, but also his growing craving for the innocent boy.

- Erethzium - 02-24-2007

Renamon swiftly jumped from rooftop to rooftop, watching the few cars drive by in the streets. the park was ahead, and she headed toward it, and towards the forest part of it. when she arrived, she sat down on a huge rock and stared at the moon, which was shining brightly tonight.

- Altima - 02-24-2007

are you just responding to the sample? ill respond as well

Guilmon suddenly stopped, fearing he had woken his partner, for he did not want him to find out his intentions yet. He slowly moved his claw, placing it instead on Takatos' ass. He gave it a soft squeeze, before moving on with his plan. Guilmon slowly pulled the young boys' pants off, making sure not to wake the boy by stopping whenever he would stir.

- GuilmonForever - 02-24-2007

Takato remained silent for most of the time, but finally opened his eyes, and yanwed loudly and playfully pulled guilmon into a bear hug before closing his eyes again, obviously thinking Guilmon was some sort of giant teady as he once more fell asleep, still not relising what Guilmon had been planning.

The next morning Takato had woken up rather early, and having seen Guilmon still asleep, decided to let him stay like that for a bit, before he walked downstairs and slowly poured himself some ceral as he rummaged round the fridge for some milk.

- Altima - 02-24-2007

OOC: wouldn't have Takato have noticed Guilmon in the same bed as him when he woke up?

IC: Guilmon woke up slightly, cursing the events' that unfolded last night. The only thing he could remember, was being pulled closer to his partner, held tight in a bear hug, before passing out to a combination of one of his fantasies coming true and lack of oxygen. Damnit...maybe I will get him tonight. he thought as he yawned, lazily stretching his arms.[/i]

- Erethzium - 02-24-2007

Renamon awoke from the rising sun, and rubbed her eyes. she suddenly realized she had to get back to rika's house "OH man!! i hope she's not awake!!" she thought as she sprinted back to rika's house. when she arrived, she sighed in relief, she wasnt awake yet. Renamon laid down and rested from the sprint, and because she had just woken up and was still a litle tired.

- GuilmonForever - 02-24-2007

(From the episodes I saw, they always slept in the same bed)

Takato smiled slowly and finished off his cereal and slowly placed his bowls into the kitchen sink.

"Guilmon I'm going to take a shower, I left some penut butter and bread for you!" he called out and slowly walked into the bathroom and closed the door, slipping off his clothes and walking slowly into the shower, before turning the warm water on.

- Altima - 02-24-2007

OOC: well i don't watch digimon a lot so i dont know the habits of each characters(other than the first digi-destined, the only season that i saw all the episodes) but ok...

IC: Guilmon lazily lifted his head, muttered something incomprehensible, before getting up. He walked down stairs sleepily, found his meal, and began to eat. He finished his meal quickly before realising what his partner had said. Wait! he's taking a shower! That's it! My lucky break! he thought rushing as quietly as he could to the bathroom. He placed an ear on the door, hearing running water coming from the other side, "Must be in the shower already..." he said quietly. Won't hurt to take a peak though.... he thought as he slowly, and gently, pushed the door open.