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Digimon: War of the Worlds - Printable Version

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- fred_18 - 12-27-2006

"H-Hey, I can walk you know...." when they stopped he felt a little out of breathe and kinda exhausted. "Man, your fast, well nice to meet you Mike" walks into the room looking around.

- Gol22 - 12-27-2006

Name: Gol
Age: 16
Race: Human

Story: Had a father who had been in the classified team known as "Shadownet", until one day on a mission, he was captured and killed. His son, known as Gol, then took over his spot in the team, and promised to avenge his father death, from whoever took it from him.

Appearence: http://i12.tinypic.com/403xpjp.png , black, crew cut hair, armed with foot long combat knife, silence PP7, and rechargeable shocker rifle. (When it comes to combat, he doesnt go head on, so he mainly avoids the head on battles and goes for the silent killing, unless he has no other choice but using his gun.

- Master Grim - 12-27-2006

Only a single mile from the afore-mentioned stage, Dom was busy with his favorite pastime... He dropped down in front of a blood-streaked human. It... she skidded to a stop, fell over... and let loose an ear-splitting scream before Dom descended on her and scraps of flesh flew in all directions... followed by limbs and organs as he thoroughly dissected the new-dead corpse.

OOC: Twisted

- Kai - 12-28-2006

Kai was sitting on a bed in the room he was asign to and had his eyes closed, remembering what happen to his only family had.

(Flash back)
"Father I home" said Kai as he walked in his home. "Oh good your back from the store." said his father with his long brown beerd with the look of happyness in his eyes. "Son I am going to give you the latest sword I made." said Kai's father as he gave a katana to his son. "It looks like a reagular cool looking Katana." said Kai. "Son, you have here is a helpful weapon. You see it can help you find digimon that you put DNA on trough the handle of the sword and it will track it down and it will give you enough stranght to fight almost any digimon." expained Kai's father. "Oh thanks dad, I love it." said Kai as he gave his father a hug. Late that night, Kai was looking at his sword when he a heard a sound of breaking glass. He rush to see what's wrong, but he stopped at the edge of the enterance of the room and saw a gold digimon. "So you thought you can run away from that easily." said Gold digimon. "It's has been 16 years and still you are make more trouble. I knew making a digimon was asking for trouble." said Kai's father looking sereus. "I came here only to tahk you for making you last sword for me." said the gold digimon as he pulled out his sword. Thanks to this sword of chaos, I can kill ten humans much more quickly. Hehehe." "You said the sword you have is th last, but your wrong." said Kai's father as he smiled. The the digimon's eyes widen and he grabbed Kai's father and said "How dare you make another sword. Where is it NOW?" demanded the evil digimon. "My son has it and I made sure that he can stop the evil Digimons and you, Xardainmon." responed Kai's father. "Hmmm, my sword has not tasted blood today. I know how about it tasted your's?" said Xardainmon as he stabbed the sword maker. As he saw his father get stabbed in the stomach he rushed in with anger in his eyes with his sword in his hand and cut the digimon in the back. "*Rooooar* How dare you damage me." said Xardainmon slamp Kai to the flow and with his eyes, Xardainmon started a fire all over the room. "See you all in hell!" said Xardainmon as walkout and flew away. Kai got up and try to get his father out, they mange to get to the enterance of the house and the his father said "Kai, my son don't kill all digimon because of what Xarsdainmon did, don't try to kill Xardainmon with anger because he will use that against you, remember what I tought you." "Father save you stranghtm, We're almost.." before Kai finish his sentance, his father used all his remaining stranght and push his son to the outside. The enterance colapced. "FATHER NOOO." said Kai with tears in his eyes.

(back at the present)
Kai turned and lay down faced down crying.

- Detective_Osaka - 12-28-2006

An hour later...

Colonel Chris Wilder was looking at the paperwork when the door opens and a Rookie Digimon entered the room. The digimon, in question, was a female veemon with fingerless gloves closed the door behind her.

"Ah, Veemon, your finally here." said Colonel Wilder as he got a chipboard and handled her it. "Here's a list of people who will be serving under you."

"Hey, thanks, Colonel. What name did you give them?" Veemon asked, taking her eyes off the list and looked at Chris. "Did you tell them that I won't meet them."

"No, thw would be your job on telling and giving them the reason. Cristina Rayna Black, remember that, alright?" said Chris as Veemon nodded and left the room.

OCC: Btw, they have their own building while the soilders have their own to live in, just so you know.


"Say, what do you think this Cristina Rayna Black person is like?" Mike asked as she finished making her part of the room.

- fred_18 - 12-28-2006

"for all I know and care they could be either warm hearted or cold. It doesn't matter to me," Fred said as he just looked out the window already finished with his side of the room already with just a family picture and his clothes with the bedding. "and besides, I'm just here to be here because I don't have a place to go..."

- Detective_Osaka - 12-28-2006

"Oh, alright then..." Mik said, sitting on her bed and layed down.

"Hello, eveyone, my name is Cristina Rayna Black, your Unit Officer. I want you all to know that i won't be able to make mission meetings with all of you since i'm pretty much have other stuff i have to do. The way i will gave your missions is though the PM system." said a female voice over the speaker in their room.

"Aww that sucks." said Mike feeling bad that she won't be able to meet her.

- fred_18 - 12-28-2006

Fred just shrugs his shoulders "well that answers your question..." he said while he went over to his stuff and took out his katana. He sat down and started to admire its looks before sharpening it from sharp to razor sharp.

- Gol22 - 12-28-2006

For the past hour or so, Gol had been in his weight room lifting his weights to keep his body in shape and fit. His mind kept going on about who it was who had killed his father when he was only 12 at the time.

He gave a sigh, and stopped from curling the bar and walked over by his window looking out from the second story and quietly stared out.
"I need to do something to try and get this off my mind for awhile..."

He stepped away and went toward a nearby bathroom, already without a shirt, he went in to strip off clothes and shower self off.
"A night out should help clear my memory."

- Master Grim - 12-28-2006

Dom grinned at the mess around him "You die easy..." He laughed and raised his face to the sky, sniffing. He caught a scent and turned in the direction from which it came "Dumb humans. This my ground..." He growled "I kill more now, yes..." With a snort, he started making his way towards a building... where he could smell human flesh. More kill, more blood... Data, no. Blood better... more fun...

OOC: There ya go. If you haven't figured it out, Dom's weakness is intelligence... he's dumber than a matchstick! :P