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- Marine - 12-21-2006

Quote:Do you not see Cboy's point?

I get the bugger's point. But they have the freedom to practice their own celebrations too, not drown in a dull Christian one.

Quote: Santa is in no way connected with religion.

You might want to double-check that. He is. Here's a hint: He's a SAINT.

Quote:Just because you aren't a Christian doesn't make it ok to trounce on their rights.

So it's okay for Christians to trounce on the rights of others?

Quote:What makes them so special that their freedom of expression comes at the expense of Christians' freedom of experssion?

It's not because of uniqueness (which, I believe, the Koran is a spectacular book to read), but the sense that the Christian freedom is prohibiting them from expressing their beliefs just because there's a bigger population. But of course, you'd simply refute that something in the first amendment disproves that too.

Quote:So I suppose we should ban Christians from having jobs because they may offend non-Christian workers, or maybe ban them from speaking their mind because they may offend members of other religions with their words.

Once again you are blowing the situation out of hand. You need to get over that some areas are changing.

Now I'm not saying all Christmas things should be supressed, but many people feel that it has been blown out of proportion. The birth of Jesus has been rewritten as the coming of Saint Nicholas and from Saint Nicholas into a coporate slander Jolly Saint Nick. The orignal day of Saint Nick was December 6, but now its rests atop the 25th, wonder how that happened?

People feel like their smothered. How could you raise a family to your faith when you walk outside and bombarded by another, to teach children when their engrossed by the iconoclasm of Christmas?

Strange that many wouldn't see the other side of the coin. Did it ever occur to any that maybe Christians are supressing others?

No public school has ever sung a Jewish song voluntarily, nor will they ever, and God save us if they sing about Ramadan. You don't see parades displaying a single baloon or float to other religions unless someone asks.

Why go through the trouble when the populace can supress it all?

I'm not saying that all thing Christmas should be dropped, but accept change. I see Cboy's point because he's afraid of change and I understand.

- cboy - 12-21-2006

Quote:I see Cboy's point because he's afraid of change and I understand.

I am not afraid of change, I'm afraid of losing my First Amendment rights. I don't want to wake up one morning and lose my job because I said "Merry Christmas" to someone who doesn't believe in Christmas. I don't want to be thrown in jail because I dared to wear a Santa hat to school and some stranger who doesn't believe in Santa complained. That is what the PC crap about Christmas is leading to and that's what I'm afraid of.

Quote:but the sense that the Christian freedom is prohibiting them from expressing their beliefs just because there's a bigger population.

How is it prohibiting them from expressing their beliefs? I don't see Muslims or Jews having their jobs threatened because they're expressing their religion.

And I don't see how taking away Christian freedom solves the problem, because then Christians are the ones being drowned in a different religion.

Quote:But they have the freedom to practice their own celebrations too

And so do Christians.

Freedom of Religion and Freedom of Expression is for everyone or no one, Marine. You can't give it to some religions and deny it to others; that's not how the Constitution and the Bill Of Rights work.

- senjuro - 12-21-2006

Honestly, if people have such a big deal with the sacred (though chronologically misplaced) aspects of Christmas, they shouldn't bother themselves by celebrating it or partaking in any of it. Seems kind of hypocritical to revel in a holiday's rampant capitalism and abundant good will etc. only to bitch about the actual root of the holiday.

Quote:Santa is in no way connected with religion.

You might want to double-check that. He is. Here's a hint: He's a SAINT.

What does it matter what his connection is when his most central trait is his charity and generosity? Certainly that particular trait is not Christian-specific.

Quote:Strange that many wouldn't see the other side of the coin. Did it ever occur to any that maybe Christians are supressing others?

Heh, careful saying things like that. Not every Christian on the planet is utterly convinced that their religion is the right one and that everyone should be converted to have their souls saved.

I'm all about people publicly celebrating their religions if they want to. The issue here is this: yeah, okay, take Christmas carols off the radio and take down signs with words related to the sacred aspect of Christmas and you won't get any social outrage at all; rather, you get low rumblings of disapproval from the old types who have a problem with it.

However, if you see people trying to block other faiths from celebrating their holidays, there's an explosion of social outrage from all sides with all kinds of groups, including Christians, supporting their rights to freely express themselves.

What this comes down to is basically that it's okay to walk all over Christianity because it happens to be the majority of the population in North American. But as soon as your foot slips and you step on Islam or Judaism, you've committed a sin against the universe and everyone just gangbangs on you.

Mmmmm, holiday hypocrisy.

- UnknownH - 12-21-2006

Now I've never liked PC and I'm F-ing tolerant of people. But please, why does everyone care? Apathy works well for me on some subjects.
I'm also not the most religious person but this is a time of happiness.
There's at least two big religious holidays going on this month and they're both about happiness and stuff like that. So everyone shut the %$#& up and just enjoy the season.

- cboy - 12-21-2006

Quote:So everyone shut the %$#& up and just enjoy the season.

Some of us are worried about just how far this PC crap will go. And "enjoying the season" is exactly what the PC crowd is preventing people like me from doing. How can you enjoy Christmas if you lose your job for enjoying Christmas?

- Marine - 12-21-2006

Your blowing this out of proportion.

- cboy - 12-22-2006

Let's see, a man almost loses his job simply because one person complained about his santa hat, and you think I'm blowing this out of porportion because I'm worried about just how far something like that can go.

- Marine - 12-22-2006

It's an isolted incident with probably more variables than you're given. One isolated incident. And you say he almost lost his job, which means he wasn't fired, the case dropped, and has moved on.

- cboy - 12-22-2006

The fact that his job was threatened in the first place for such a small reason is an outrage in itself. And the only reason he wasn't fired is because the school board had some balls and fought back. Most other school boards would have probably went ahead and fired the guy to appease the whiners.

You want another story where one complaint is messing up Christmas for other people. Here: http://www.komotv.com/news/4873941.html

- Marine - 12-22-2006

You don't read the entire article do you?

The report states that a Rabbi wanted to place a menorah WITH the other holiday decorations:

Quote:"At first we got a light yes, then we got a strong no," he said.

That's when he had threatened to sue. Since his lawyer nor the airport could reach an agreement over the lawsuit, the Airport themselves chose to take down all the decorations, not the Rabbi.

And another quote:

Quote:But the rabbi says he hopes the holiday spirit may still be saved, offenses mended and the trees returned to the front of the airport.

"Took them less than 24 hours to remove the Christmas trees, I'd hope they'd reinstall all those Christmas trees throughout the airport, and hopefully allow us to display the menorah," he said.

The Rabbi didn't want to take them down, THE AIRPORT DID, not the man who wanted just a menora added to the decorations.

So no it wasn't from the complaint, but from the incompotent morons who run the airport.

So no it doesn't support your statement one bit, only to disprove that its the whiner's fault that people take stuff down.

-> And of course this article is semi-biased based on the opening of the entire article.