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Digital Chaos (Sonic X ?/ Digimon Crossover Rpg) - Printable Version

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- amaterasu - 12-14-2006

*digital world*

Imperion looked up at the clouds as his arm gathered much larger amounts of energy then usual"What is going on?Whatever it is,it can't be good."He then looked for a way to get to Earth.I have to tell the tamers about this.

- Master Grim - 12-14-2006

OOC: lol I'm gonna throw in Tom as well... Wouldn't be right without Vi's Tamer along for the ride. Oh... and I did get Cel's permission to use him first. :P



Vi giggled to herself as she rapidly switched her form; one minute, a tall rabbit, the next, a draconian with huge wings. She finally settled on a purple-furred vixen "How's this, Tom?"

"Oh, that's just perfect..." Tom laughed as he began sketching her "Hold still."

"Okay... hey, what's that?" She pointed to his computer as a bright flash filled the room, along with a thick mist.

"A Digital Field!?" He stared incredulously.

"Well, duh!"

- Yoosei - 12-14-2006

OOC: I'm joining as Matt, Gabumon and Yoosei

Name: Yoosei
Age: 19
Universe: Digimon 02
Appearance: Anthro purple fox, with two tails, look dark blue hair tied into a ponytail.
Personality: she is serious looking most of her time, but nevertheless she is very friendly once anyone gets the chance to truly meet her. She has only two problems.. she gets horny way too easily....and second... if she get stuck into a battle she changes her friendly personality for one of a bloodthirsty
Background: she always lived in the digital world but she was never considered as one of them. No digimon would acknowledge her as one of them, nor even Renamon that is pretty similar to her. Her only luck was when the chosen children step forward into this world and helped her out.. well Matt helped her out, the others don't know about her existence at all.
Extra Info: at first she doesn't have weapon at all, but she can simply snap her fingers and summon swords as she pleases.


Matt Ishida suddenly chuckle and places a hand on TK's shoulder from behind. "...guess I was the one late here bro" he smiles and then immediately retreats his hand from TK's shoulder.

And with that, Gabumon who was by Matt's side simply came closer to Patamon and nudges him gently on his arm. Gabumon was actually having fun with that since he was all covered with a black coat and hood, and has been seeking to see Patamon's reaction from the sudden surprise.

Yoosei was sitting down the top of one roof. She had follow Matt until he arrived near the others. She was clueless when it would come to human's things even this real world is all weird for her still even though she has been living here for some time.

- amaterasu - 12-14-2006


Imperion appeared right beside Tom I'm not even in the same reality anymore.He looked at Tom"Hello,where am I?"

- Lord Patamon - 12-15-2006

"Hey bro, well at least I wasn't the only one late here" TK said with a smirk. Patamon turned and saw Gabumon and blinked.

"Hey Gabumon what's with the outfit? playing the detective or something?" the orange winged digimon asked as he chuckled seeing his friend wearing the coat and hood

- Yoosei - 12-15-2006

Matt chuckled

- Master Grim - 12-15-2006

Tom jumped "Holy-... who are you!?"

"England!" Vi chirped happily. She turned her head slightly to give Tom a strange look.

"... what?" He sweat dropped.

"Nothing..." She giggled and turned back to Imperion "Who are you? I'm Vi by the way..."

- Kurtz - 12-15-2006

(OOC: Lawl...)

The red-haired dragon groaned softly, another moment more before collapsing again. He could just faintly hear playful giggling and a strong, male voice with a cocky attitude. Smiling faintly, he thought of his friends back home...

But Kurtz at that time was not in the condition to move, as a giant lumbering monster came crashing after him - fire coming out from it's huge nostrils.

"Damnit.... Erika... where are you, Erika?!"

There was more silence, as fear hit the Railemon's heart. If she didn't respond soon... he'd... he'd...

That was all. A quick flash of light came from the tree, and, almost immediately, Kurtz's body started glowing dark, his fangs gritting together and causing an eerie screech, which put off the large dragon.

Almost immediately, a long blonde-haired girl ran out, her long coat flapping side by side as she started tugging Kurtz away. "Come on! You're put out!"

OOC: Heh, Kurtz's tamer Erika just got thrown in. X3

- Lord Patamon - 12-15-2006

Patamon sweatdropped and then he knocked Gabumon's head like if he was knocking a door. "Hello? you're a digimon, of course you will get observed, people is still getting used to see us around so there is still some that can't get the idea of see a dog with white and blue fur walking down the street like if it was the most normal thing" he said with a chuckle as he then walked up to Gatomon to greet her.

- Shadowknight - 12-15-2006

The sun rose over the distant mountains, light spreading slowly across the ground and soon climping up a large mountain. The light landed on a single figure standing atop the mountain, his blue color standing out against the orange sky. A smirk appeared across his face as he looked out from his vantage point atop the mountain, spotting the floating fortress, "Now this is gonna be radical." Sonic jumped off the cliff and began running down the side of it. It looked like he tripped for a second as he curled up and began rolling down rapidly hitting a small jut at the bottom and launching himself into the air as he uncurled. "YAHOO!" He shouted happily as he flew through the air, hitting the ground as he leaned forward and continued running across the lush landscape. He ran straight up a ramp and flew into the air, grabbing a hanging chain and swinging forward on it. He landed feet first on a long rail, sparks flew from his sneakers as he grinded along it, getting closer and closer to the flying Mech. As he hit the end he jumped off and spun rapidly into his buzzaw attack, crashing into the chest of the large mech. He stood infront of the door, smiling with confidence, "Hope I'm not late for the party."

OOC: Sorry for the long post but I wanted to pay homage to the sonic games by making an actual level like scenario.