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RPG - anything goes (ABSOLUTLY ANYTING) - Printable Version

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- Herr Mullen - 07-19-2006

"What the dev-" Candlemon was crushed against a tree, cracking several peices of bark. He could feel them insert themselves into his back, putting him in excurtiating pain. His back arched under Kiran's grip, trying desperately to keep as far off the trunk as he could. He could smell the smoke of his candle singing the wood above him.

Let me go, you brute! he thought, Or else these trees will go up in smoke!

Candlemon began to feel the arms of unconsiousness pull his toward it, his vision fading, and blurring. Oh bugger, he thought, as he fell compelety out of the superivion of a state of awakening.


...Sniff, sniff.

Smells like buring.

Candlemon opened one eye. Yes, there was fire, just begining, in the fallen leaves and sticks around his head. "Bollocks." It was catching quite quicky: he winced as he tried to get up without agrivating the bark in his back, occasionally gasping when he was felt some serious discomfort. He got up as fast as he could in his current state, and sat the indent of his stick over the fire. He could feel the wax sweat roll down his body, as the metal began to heat. "Come on!" he muttered. "Go out, you..." He jumped up and down on it until it fluttered into non-existance, and sat down on a nearby log.

All in all, he thought, this place would make a great campsite.

- Dridien TerrorBlade - 07-19-2006

just as Kiran ran past me i thought "damn hes fast... gonna be a pain keeping up with him, especialy since i can only move at top speed for a few seconds." *wile thinking this i jump into a nearby tree and start jumping from tree to tree trying to keep up with Kiran. but to no avail, i loose him* darn... back to wondering for now i g... hello their!" *just than i notice smoke coming from where i left and start heading back in hopes of a battle*

- Master Grim - 07-20-2006

Kiran ran blindly for a minute but found to his dispair that he had just run i a big circle "What the fuck..." he could see a drak figure ahead of him but it vanished into the darkness [I'm not going mad again! Am I?]

He noticed the smoke [Oh shit...] and slapped his head [Hello! Candlemon! Set fire to trees, dim-wit!]

Kiran concentrated "Ghost..." and vanished from sight. He could feel te ability draining his strength fast. He walked straight through a tree to see Candlemon trying to put out a fire. He chuckled in spite of himself [That's kinda funny!] just in time to feel a burning pain in his head [Oh shit... Not again...] and almost fell unconsious as he carelessly let his own ability take all his strength. Becoming visible as he hit the ground heavily "Bugger..." Kiran whimpered quietly.

He looked up to see Candlemon staring at him "Oh boy..."


- Herr Mullen - 07-20-2006

Candlemon lept off his log, having spotted Kiran lying ever so slighty knocked out just behind a tree.

"Oh...you..! You wanker!" he yelled at him. "I'm not going to hang about here and wait to be assulted for no reason, oh, no!" He huffed, turned on his base and wondered off to find something fun to do.

I am not going to help a guy who just had me beaten uncontious and stick (he winced: the pain was still strong) bark in my wax! He tryed to find a way of minimising the pain, rolling his shoulders this way and that, until it began to really start giving him gyp, and he gave up.


- Master Grim - 07-20-2006

Kiran suddenly had a mix of conflicting thoughts.

[Damn... I thought he was going to kill me...]
[Kill him...]
[NO! Get out of my head!]
[Can't you feel the blood-lust? Can't you TASTE IT!]
[Yes... I... NO!]

He shook his head... It hadn't been this bad in months...

Kiran could definately feel it... A kind of... thurst... [NO!] He punched the ground.

He got up after a second to follow Candlemon, trying to remain in the darkness. He climbed a tree and sat above him "Candlemon, I'm sorry... I lost control..."

- Herr Mullen - 07-20-2006

Candlemon gave a camp, and girly scream, clutching lightly at his heart, and then he looked up.

"Bloody hell! What do you think you're doing?" he asked, glaring into the trees. "First, you beat me to a pulp, then you follow me and say "Sorry, I lost control, please forgive me, we can be good friends...." Please! There was no build up to anything, you just beat me streight out and-" he took a breath, holding his back: it was really killing him, now. "-And, and you expect me to accept an apology? You're dangerous! You're utterly insaine! If I hang about with you like this, I'm going to end up dead! Now bugger off, I don't want you following me! Really, beating a poor fellow senceless..." he muttered to himself, as he hurried as quickly as he could without being obvious away from the phyco, and hopefully toward some way out of this forest.

- Master Grim - 07-20-2006

Kiran was surprised to say the least. What Candlemon had said... It was true. "You're right... I just... need to explain why I'm like this."

He jumped down "You see... My father was a Vaccine Digimon. My mother was a Virus... You may have already guessed but... I am both Vaccine AND Virus. My code is badly corrupted because of this and it's like... having a second person, up here..." Kiran tapped on his forehead "Sometimes... his feelings and thoughts spill over into my mind and... well... You know what happened." He felt better after explaining it.

Kiran nodded to Candlemon "Good luck with what you are seeking." as he walked away through the trees.

- Dridien TerrorBlade - 07-20-2006

*edit* (you responded wile i was typing this... so plz ignore it) *edit*

- Herr Mullen - 07-20-2006

Candlemon watched Kiran leave, thinking to himself. I'm glad he's gone. Interesting case, but not really my thing. Bipolar virus-vaccine monsters are not safe to hang about with. But...

He looked down, and then arched his back upward as the bark in his back upset his wax futher. Well, I suppose I was looking adventure. Maybe I've found one.

"Hey! Can't you at least get this bloody bit of tree out my back!" he yelled, hurring after.

- Master Grim - 07-20-2006

Kiran stopped and looked round; he hadn't expected that. He was glad that at least SOMEONE had understood him "OK." He moved behind Candlemon and took hold of the biggest wood fragment "It might hurt a bit." He yanked it out as quickly as he could, careful to remove it at the angle of entry. The now open wound caught his eye...

[Looks tasty...]

Kiran threw it away, continuing to remove the bits of that tree.