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The proposition for lemon writers - Printable Version

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- mrredrover - 05-27-2003

I really have two types of lemons.

1) Plot lemons, either to do with a series (Like End game) or just serious stories. (Like Legacy of the Vamppire)

2) Sex lemons (Like Sex toy)

Granted the sex lemons have little plot, but the point of them is simple lemony goodness. I don't need plot for every lemon. Sometimes a lemon just has a fun couple.

- Waru_the_Magnificent - 05-27-2003

Yes, Lemons can be poingant, seriosu, and have plot... or it can be lemony goodness for the whole family (if that family were full of pervs).

BTW, glad to see you back, Red (long time, no RP and/or read from... Great to have THE Red back here... BUDDYYYYYY!)

- Ruhe - 05-29-2003

I think most readers are busy, so they skiped the plots and jumped into sex scenes directly. For e.g. I don't care how and why Renamon would make love with Takato, I just want to see the sex scenes.

We are writing lemons, not novels. If I read Harry Potter books, I would sure like to read about character development. But if I read a lemon, I only care for sex scenes.

- Jodan - 05-29-2003

And what? No credit here? Half the people I talk to have only read that one series I wrote in the beggining because there was at least one fuck per chapter. Now that there's one fuck per god knows, I get about as much feedback as Patamon making a video personal with a dating service.

- Xeno - 05-29-2003

Being new to the scene of lemons, I can't really say much. On mine, the whole thing totalled about 15 pages. Part because I wanted to make a slightly believeable reason for the sex scene, part character development, part sex, and part me being incredibly detailed oriented and anal retentive!

I think the whole plot thing is really up to the writer. Sometimes you want to make a gripping story or intriuging plot that keeps the reader pegged. However, these are lemons, and a long drawn out story can make you lose interest in the lemon fast, since most of us read lemons for the fact that they are lemons. We want sex! But some people, myself included, want to go into it more than just fucking, like some kind of saga or dilemma that weaves around the smut. Then again, who doesn't like some good old fashioned fast digimon erotica once in a while? Wink

So basically, I guess we need both as a whole. And a lot of writers will make long and detailed series, while others will just make 4 page sex tales. I think it all balances out in the end anyway. But then again, what the hell do I know?

Re: The proposition for lemon writers - Nate Hunter - 05-29-2003

MATTHEWDMETCALF Wrote:Though Digiartist's Domain continues to crank out some of the best lemons have ever seen, there is a problem lurking among that of lemon writers, and that is the fact that there is something missing from most lemons written, a plot. Even Lord Archive, or Red Rover, sometimes cannot make a plot that does little better than lead up to a sex scene, which takes up the majority of the lemon. Who has the stamina to have sex with people constantly, besides that of SNL's The Ladies Man Leon Phelbin?

I fail to see how this concerns me, but nobody ever mentions me anyhow. As for having the stamina to have sex sconstantly, try studying the mating habits of the big cats -- the females have so much stamina they actually do wear out their mates. Besides, even most lemon series don't make one character 'have sex constantly'. The various parts of End Game rarely have the same character being involved in two consecutive sex scenes or in the scenes of two consective chapters.

MATTHEWDMETCALF Wrote:Make a plot. Make the lemon interesting enough so that readers do not just skip to the sex scene. The sex scene of a lemon should not take up for than 1/3 of the lemon. Though it may take longer to put in a story, it shall pay off in the end when people read the ENTIRE thing...

You want the gratuitous stuff from me? Read Digi-Slutz or any of my one-shots. You want less detailed, more plot based, maybe you could check out Lost Light. You want detail and plot, my best effort goes into Digimon Tamers: The Digital Matrix. And if you want sex-driven plot, that's the purpose of Future Lives.

Now for why they seem to ignore plot? It's not easy to work a plot which can drive a series in which each chapter can contain a sex scene. And, so, in such a series, the plot has to be vague and easily ignored for a good portion (according to you up to 1/3) of each chapter.

The fact is, at a site like this, most people do not "read the ENTIRE thing" unless it contains a sex scene in every chapter, or maybe multiple scenes. They also don't read things from authors they don't recognize (I want to get my name out there, I want to be recognized!). Of course, they often won't read "the ENTIRE thing" even with a sex scene in each chapter -- they may simply go on to read ONLY the sex scene.

That's why I cater to everyone I can, with all kinds of stories. It's the best way to attract a broad readerbase, and so I'll stick with it.

- SB-129 - 05-31-2003

I have to agree with you 100%. Plot should be the main theme of the lemon and have some sex on the side, not the other way around. These lemons are all about sex I know, but I feel they should play out like real stories just with adult nature in it. Red is an awesome writer yes but even he focuses most of the story on sex. I'd also prefer to see some more lemons with plot as the main base of it. That's why I appreciate the guys work of the person you banned for some reason a few months ago. I've been reading his work all the time since he was his original name Gold something because it's full of plot. Try reading his works and you'll see what I mean. And no I don't like him personally, I just like his work.

- MISTER BIG T - 06-02-2003

I think it's time for me to post for once in this topic.

Quote:Yes Big T, your lemons part the clouds and all kinds of cherubs come down and blow trumpets and crap
Really? I never noticed. Damn, I always miss all the fun.

Quote:Here's another reason why some lemons have little or no plots: it's easier to write a lemon that's nothing more than porn than to write anything with good plot. Combining porn and plot is probably harder than making a PG rated porn-free fanfic with great plot.
Actually, I find it nearly easier to come up with plot ideas. I just like, watch at ceiling or rub my belly or talk to my girl and then A ha! Inspiration! Then I'll write the plot. Also, when I write a lemon, I'll almost always do the plot first and then just make the sex scenes afterwards.

Now, I'd like to say that I have never ever gotten erect from reading a lemon. NEVER. I just don't find stuff as (warning! Extremely grudge example coming) "and then John inserted ten sausages into marges ass and they screwed like bunnys" erotic and never will probably get. However, some may then ask why I write lemons and why I even have lemon site. Well, I write lemons because I like to write. If someone finds my writings sexy and masturbates because of them, it's not like I can do anything about it.

Plot is a important element. It really is. Or things like "Renamon was walking down in panties, just suddenly a huge breeze came and her panties dropped down. AND JUST THEN! Ken dropped from tree armed with razorblade and shaved her, while raping her ass!" we can't talk about neither realism or believabality. Sure, you could descripe it like "Ken felt around the beautiful round breats of Renamon, who began breathing harder. He brought his face closer to her and kisses her, while gently rubbing her pussy." but we still have a guy jumping from a tree armed with razor blade. It's just when you descripe things instead of keeping them simplistic, it may save a lot from the lemon.