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The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - Printable Version

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RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - ImitationHeart - 03-06-2011

Sounds good. Sorry guys... I suck at thinking of plots until somethings already rolling XP... Gah...
Well, I'll turn Haruka into a Witch Hunter to start things...

Haruka checked the clip in her gun once more while she leaned against an tree, taking shelter from the falling rain. The gun was special, able to send bullets at such a speed that it could at least crack an Master sorcerer's shield and would defiantly shatter an apprentices. Satisfied she looked back at the troop of Witch Hunters she was leading, "All right... we can't attack the city immediately. But our sources say that the Glamor master will be heading out of the city tonight. We'll attack him then."

What Haruka was doing wasn't really what her bosses wanted, they wanted her to wait until the Cabal member was closer to their human city's border, but she was tired of waiting.

Rath Cathors was bored, though it would never show on his face. He was sitting in the middle of the Summoning Room, which served as the meeting place for the Cabal members. The room was set up like an Greek theater, with the five seats of the Cabal members slightly raised above ground and placed at a circle around the room. There were floating tables beside the throne-like chairs that held food and drink. If one wished to speak he, or she, would move to the center of the room where their voice would be able to easily reach the other members sitting. And they would be able to hear any replies.

Currently, he was listening to another sorcerer's proposal about upping defense around the city, since new information had reached then that the Witch Hunters had been moving closer to the city.

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - johalt - 03-06-2011

Ooc: no probs; why will just have be explained later, I'm sure at least one of us can get that goin

IC: "We must increase the range of teachings if we Want to keep ourselves safe!" John was trying to bring up his proposal for a more wider range program, to make certain apprentices, students, and masters alike were prepared for whatever might be thrown at them; he had a feeling his motion was falling on deaf -- if nothing else bored -- ears... Again! "This childish rivalry between us must be put to an end! If we do not broaden the horizons of our teaching, at least allow students and apprentices to decide for themselves what, how, and by whom they are taught, if not ourselves broadening our own horizons, then we willingly leave ourselves open to attack! We all contain weaknesses -- don't try to deny it! -- but each of us also holds each others counter; if we pool our knowledge, piece it together, then nothing could stop us!" man, I hope that didn't come out as weak as it sounded...

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - Frisk E. Coyote - 03-06-2011

OOC: Well, I can assume that the Cabals are around because, well, they're powerful, and influential. Magic exists, but not everyone can use it, so they're either respected, feared, envied, or all of the above. The Cabals keep these magic users safe, and make sure that they keep their place at the top of the food chain. They also take in new magic users and teach them the way of the mystic. :3 Not really a plot, but just an explanation as to why they're there.

Also, you're doing fiiiine, Immy. X3 An RP doesn't necessarily need an in-depth plot to enjoy, it's more or less just a guideline as to what to do, and what could happen.

Also, WARNING: Wall of Text ahead! X3


Master Tyranus, one of the younger members of the Cabal, was sitting low on his throne-like chair and had his elbow propped up on one of the armrests, resting the side of his head on his open palm. His expression was cold, and bored, but he was listening. He carried himself like a noble, a ruler, a tyrant, but he listened to what the others had to say. He was unlike any other Elemental Master before him, as his predecessors were all peace-loving, compassionate, patient and wise. The tiger found most of those virtues to be bothersome, and he held power in the highest regard. He had one credo; survival of the fittest.

"Your proposal is as insightful as it is radical." Spoke Acerbus softly, sitting up on his throne with his arms on the arm-rests, having been listening to his fellow sorcerer the most attentively. "The disciplines of magic have been segregated for an upward of ten thousand years, not out of petty rivalry, but as a matter of balance." He smiled at the young sorcerer who was so enthusiastically speaking of what he believed. His generation would surpass Old Master Acerbus' as they grew older, and he believed that they should be nurtured.

"The magic this world holds is virtually infinite in both number and potential, but we, as sorcerers, were never meant to master them all. You see, we can and we have shared our knowledge with each other," The lion gestured at Rath, "The Discipline of Glamor stems from both Disciplines of Black and White Arts, as did two other disciplines that no longer exist. Glamor is the only one that was passed onto the next generation, because the other two corrupted their masters with power, causing a hundred year war between sorcerers, and a great loss of life." Acerbus shook his head sadly. "The cost of power is too great, and thus, we require balance."

Prometheus scoffed at the fabled Black Ace's reply. The cost of power is never too great!

"After all... what good is ending a war between the humans and us, when in the process, we either destroy ourselves, or lust for more of each other's magic and start another war? I am not saying that we will definitely destroy each other, but as Disciple of the School of Black Arts, I have experienced temptation, and I know how powerful the pull is. It is just a precaution." He laughed lightly. Being the oldest still living member of the Cabal (they tended to die at a young age), he was the most experienced.

"As for our students and apprentices deciding who they are taught by, and what discipline they prefer... not every discipline is as popular as another. If the apprentices were to choose, there would be an imbalance in practitioners of each discipline, and thus, would cause another power struggle." The lion reasoned gently. "Perhaps we can still trade students and apprentices among each other for the disciplines they want, as long as the numbers are equal. Would that be fair?"

"I want to speak after Daka." Prometheus said, practically cutting Ace off at the end. He wanted to move to the center next. He had a proposal that involved more aggressive measures.

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - johalt - 03-07-2011

OOC: sounds good to me
if anybody else wants to add their two cents worth to the proposal, speak now or forever hold your peace

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - Frisk E. Coyote - 03-07-2011

OOC: Mm. X3 Let's just wait for DarkChibimon to post first.

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - DarkChibimon - 03-07-2011

Dark stands up from his throne-like chair and walks to the center of the room. "We need not only to up our defenses around the city. We need to attack them first while they are getting ready to attack us, they won't see it coming. I will lead the attack myself if I need to." Dark said, as he changes into his beast from. "If everything needed balance than those humans will never find us in the first place, that is what is making everything unbalance in the first place." Dark said before he walks back to his spot, and takes a slip of the wine that he is drinking.

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - ImitationHeart - 03-07-2011

"Leading an attack?" Rath repeated, "Isn't that a little risky? The Witch Hunters have been working on new technologies that could possibly match our own power, running out to fight them now might lead us into a slaughter."

He leaned forward in his seat a little, surveying the other Cabal members, he favored more strategic movements then outright aggression, "I say we simply observe their movements for now, while keeping ourselves protected, learn as much as we can about how to take out their defenses then attack... we won't really be bending any rules of balance since we are only ridding ourselves of the radical group of humans who seek to kill us all."

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - johalt - 03-07-2011

John listened just as intently to the others' proposals, smirking a bit at the mention of the nickname a few of them had decided to use on him. He always felt a little foolish in these matters. The only real reason he had not been "kicked out" was because he knew and could do things nobody, not even Ace, could fully comprehend (hard as he tried to explain). He knew this full well, but he often felt especially foolish around Ace; this was perhaps to be understood, considering he was the oldest among them, but here body age was rarely a factor; though Ace had indeed spent the most time in this life, John's particular mastery required he spend copious amounts of time in what he referred to as "The Mind Abyss", the void of one's own thoughts. Though seconds had only passed here, whole lifetimes could be (and unfortunately for some, often were) experienced there. It was always Ace who reminded him just how young and inexperienced he really was. He shook his head subconsciously. Sometimes he wondered how this world could possibly get on sometimes. Though I guess this is part of the reason we are here... He decided to dwell on these things later, when there was more time. "I understand where you come from, but an offensive now would be extremely unwise; if it is fear that drives these people, then a show of might will only make things worse; if it is ignorance that drives them, then they will not stop till we are dead or have some sort of reassurance; and if it's jealousy, then extermination will only prove to others that we have something to hide. Aggression is not a wise choice now."

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - ImitationHeart - 03-07-2011

As the Cabal members continued to debate, Ell would be listening outside of the room. She was well away from the doors where the guards would surly shoo her away, Master's apprentice or not. Ell was looking at what would seem to be a blank wall, but as she was an apprentice of the Mater of Glamor, of Illusion. She pressed her hands to the cool stone wall and one of the stones became translucent, like glass. But, this effect would only be visible to her eyes: she could watch and hear what was going on in the Summoning Room.

Inside the room Rath could feel the faint spark of Illusionary magic nearby and sighed inwardly. Ell was probably eavesdropping again. Part of him wanted this meeting to end before the other Cabal members noticed and she got into trouble, not that this was anything new for Ell... and another part of him wondered how long she could keep this up.

RE: The Cabal (Sorcerry RP) - Frisk E. Coyote - 03-07-2011

Ace gently nodded once, accepting everyone's points. He respected every one of the masters in the room irregardless of age, power, stance, or experience; everyone in the room was equal. One of the lion's ears flicked lightly as he felt the faint presence of magic being used. It was familiar too, curious, impatient perhaps? It was probably just Master Rath's apprentice again. "I suggest we learn more about our enemy first, what weapons they have developed to fight us, and what risks and stakes an all-out war would cost us. Perhaps we can start training spies?"

"Are you implying we use subterfuge? Like cowards?!" The white tiger growled. "I'm with Dark! I say we strike them, and strike them hard! We use every destructive force of magic we know, and wipe them out before they develop even better weapons with their pitiful 'science'!" Prometheus gripped his armrest until it splintered in his powerful paw. "We should make an example of them, we should show everyone who would dare oppose us the price they would pay if they dared challenge us!"

Ace shut his eyes and sighed quietly, interlacing his fingers together and lowering his head behind them. Master Tyranus was one of those sorcerers who believed that they were much better than people who could not use magic. "Master Cathors and Master Dakaruka do make strong arguments, however, Master Tyranus. I agree that observation and patience are the keys to victory. Taking into account everyone's proposals, it is my humble opinion that we make use of subterfuge to learn more about our enemy, and perhaps sabotage their defenses. Knowledge is power after all, and you do so prize power, don't you?" The lion chuckled.

Tyranus growled, but said nothing, sitting up and crossing his arms childishly.

"We must know our enemies." Ace added simply. "And when we do, we'll know what, when, how and where to defend, and when we have proven ourselves an indomitable bastion of unity, we use the same strategy and attack. The tactic I propose involves whittling down their forces as they attack us until they do not have enough to defend against us. I also humbly suggest that from now on, members of our Cabal do not travel on their own." The Dark Arts Master concluded. "It is one thing to be accompanied by the coven, or loyal apprentices and students, but members of the Cabal should travel in twos or threes. These are dangerous times, after all... there is no telling what may come for us. With two or more masters, there is a far larger chance of survival."