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Insane Dreams - Printable Version

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RE: Insane Dreams - Casper - 05-03-2009


Who changed the topic of this post from insane dreams to super smash bros?

RE: Insane Dreams - UnknownH - 05-04-2009

Don't know but I think it might be better. heh heh

RE: Insane Dreams - Crim - 05-04-2009

Oh... really? Cause I really wanted to tell about my completely out of line sexy, slasher drightmare.

RE: Insane Dreams - Obli - 05-04-2009

Man, I haven't had any dreams lately. Without them, sleep is boring.

RE: Insane Dreams - Masquerade - 05-05-2009

I had a dream this weekend, but I can scarcely remember any of it. The part I do remember is sooooo weird. I was by some river looking out over the water. It was afternoon, getting pretty close to evening. I was with some other people that I have no idea that they were. But we were just relaxing and this business guy (suit, tie, nice shoes, slicked back hair) descends upon us from the sky in his...man-copter. That's right. A man-copter. It looked like a normal helicopter, but as he jumped out of it, he said "Ha! I've finally found you thanks to my man-copter." It was scary, and then I woke up. Creeeeeepy~~

RE: Insane Dreams - Obli - 05-05-2009


That is pretty weird. Man-copter. Hahahaha.

RE: Insane Dreams - Kurtz - 05-05-2009

Okay, yet another weird dream from me. As I've told some people, they've said my dreams are linear instead of non-linear. When I have a dream, it's not a mash of different images put together, but an actual feeling of being there, and something like a story in my head. I was in some kind of lab, with Flora (Yeah, Twokinds. First time it's happened) and some weird guy appeared from the top of the stairs and I started fighting him for some unknown reason.

Very weird thing is, after I woke up after Flora clinged to me, I had two cuts on my right arm that weren't bleeding, but I could tell any deeper and they would. I got freaked out since I don't have anything in my room that could cut me like that, and my nails aren't sharp; they are blunt.

Talk about my weirdest dream to date.

RE: Insane Dreams - Obli - 05-06-2009

I had a weird dream that I was in a church with my family from Texas and for some reason it looked like the church I used to go to as a kid, except is was way bigger.

The pastor was preaching and for some reason it switched into this weird part where me and my friends were climbing a wall and it looked like purgatory or something because everything was white except for the wall, which was grey. We were climbing and some parts of the wall had ropes and there was one rope that looked like those like charm bracelets that kids make except it spelled out "AP Calculus" and I grabbed it and slid down in to a shelf and sat on the shelf.

Then as I sat down I was in the church again and I felt really sick and I was delirious and I had a fever and my cousin Claudia didn't believe me so she felt my forehead and realised that I did have a fever and then I woke up.

RE: Insane Dreams - Masquerade - 05-06-2009

Last night, I dreamt that I went to the grocery store to buy some stuff, but I couldn't read anything like the labels telling how much the stuff costs. Well, it was a pretty uninteresting dream (from what I can remember) except for the part where I ate some pretzels. I could actually TASTE the pretzels in my dream. I mean, I had to cram a bunch in my mouth to taste them, but I did. =3 I almost missed the bus this morning but that dream helped me wake up. In the dream, my mouth was watering, and it turned out that I was drooling in real life, so I woke up. Yeah. I thought it was pretty funny.

RE: Insane Dreams - Obli - 05-06-2009

It was completely ironic because me and Masquerade were having a discussion about how we had never tasted anything in dreams and then HE DID! It's like his subconsious wanted to prove him wrong.