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(Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Printable Version

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RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Salem A. Delgado - 05-08-2009

Blue smiled back and hugged her close "I'll always be there for you Luna." he promised, wishing he could take her away from this hell.

Lulu cradled Julia to her chest and began to rock her, humming softly as she did "Shhhhh, don't worry little one, I'll never let anyone hurt you again...Venra-baby, I want the ones who handled her till now tortured to match what they did to her." she asked as she stood lifting her fledgling in her arms "Shall I take your pet too? Or do you want me to break her later?"

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Maero - 05-11-2009

Luna's heart fluttered at the words and she hugged him tightly. "Th-Thank you Blue...so much.." She said tearfully as she felt her soul fill with supreme happiness, at least for a little while. She had never been showed love in this place, and even when she was free she had been alone. She was weak and obedient, and none would accept her as anything but a slave. None but Blue.


Venra frowned and shook her head. "I cant, I have no grounds to do so. I can report your complaint to the kitchen officials directly and have the workers in question chastised, but food and prisoners have no rights, they are just food, or in your case, pets. The kitchen staff are just doing their job, and even if they were overly cruel, I can not have vampires tortured like food or broken like prisoners simply because your meat is a little to tender." Venra sighed and gave Lulu a weak smile. "I am a war general, not a queen or a monarch. We are not like the filthy pests we fight, and there are few enough vampires as it is, Im sorry Lulu, its just impossible."

Venra stood up after Lulu and held out her own May, who was trembling from the cold and from fear as she was easily held out like a doll before the powerful vampire. "Please do, I still need to break my new pet." She said looking over at Blue. "And I have the best leverage ever. Isnt love wonderful?" Angela stood up behind her mistress and began to shake a little two. In a castle run by the undead, those who still required heat, especially after being soaked in warm water, were often neglected.

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Salem A. Delgado - 05-15-2009

"Fine, I let it go for now, but if this little one ever wants payback then I'll have no choice. And I like the way you think." Lulu laughed as she cradled Julia and tossed May over her shoulder "Pup, I want you t go with Venra baby and help her break her new pets, you know what will happen if you disobey." she said as sh carried the girls out stopping for a moment to grin back at Venra "You know, if you ever want to be a Queen I'll do anything to make it happen my little one." she purred before walking away.

Blue smiled kindly dowan Luna, and at hat moment he knew he was doomed, because he would do anything to protct her and make her happy.

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Maero - 05-17-2009

Venra smiled as her old mistress departed and then looked back at Blue and Luna. "Come on puppies! Its time to go back to the room and have some fun! We also have a guest, so please be as nice as you can to little Angela." Angela blushed a little but followed Lulu's orders and went after Venra as she began to get out of the tub.


May whimpered softly as she hung limply over Lulu's shoulder, her legs trembling the most as they traveled back to their room. Then Julia stopped crying to speak to her mistress for the first time since her true name had been forced out. "M-mistress...I am...going to get hurt...Im sorry...Im sorry about my name...I will be May for you...or August, or any name you want me to be...please...dont whip my hands again." On Julia's small clenched fists were many scars, crisscrossing lines of white that would never disappear. Any scars earned while living stayed with you in death and Julia would always have those to remember.

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Salem A. Delgado - 05-19-2009

Blue was quite as he lifted Luna and carried her bridal style, truth was he feared what Venra might do to her, but he knew that if he resisted it would only be worse.

Lulu sighed as she entered her room, sitting the girls on her bed Lulu took Julia's hands and kissed them gently "Your my childe now sweetie, no one can hurt you and you can do as you please, you don't even have to call me mistress unless you wish, I always treat my fledglings to whatever they want." she explained with a truly kind expression before turning her attention to May "You however, have no such luck."

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Maero - 05-21-2009

(Gah! What about Sinside Alley?! I dont want to leave little Sarah as she is!)

May whimpered softly and tried to back up on the bed, going to the very edge where the small naked wolf girls curled up whither tail at her side and looked fearfully at Lulu, uttering a few frightened growls in her own defense. Julia nodded but did not seem to hear anything she said as she hugged her legs to her body and cried a little more. "I dont l-like my name...please...give me a new one." She asked weakly.

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Salem A. Delgado - 05-22-2009

OOC: I think I might drop out of that one..though I am working on making another rape related rp if your interested?

IC:"I'll call you whatever you want deary." Lulu purred tenderly as she pulled her fledgeling into a hug, smirking at May as she planed what to do to her.

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Maero - 05-22-2009

OOC: I saw it. Looks fun I suppose. Sure, I will join, but does that mean you drop both this one and Sin Side Alley?

IC: Julia hugged back and snuggled her head between her mistress's head. She then looked up innocently and asked "Why does that girl have a tail?" May growled a little more but mostly looked terrified. She suddenly turned and jumped off the bed, running for door on all fours, her tail between her legs as she tried to escape.

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Salem A. Delgado - 05-23-2009

OOC: No I'll stay with this one. By the way, when do you plan on posting for Venra?

IC: In a blink Lulu was standing in May's path and caught her with ease "Because she's a pet werewolf, she belongs to Venra baby, that pretty lady I was talking to in the bath." she explained as she carried May back and sat on the bed with the poor were girl in her lap "But she's been a bad little girl so Venra wants me to discipline her." she smirked as she looked down on the tiny were-pup and made new plans "Why don't you help your mother punish this bad puppy?"

RE: (Silver and Salem A. Delgado's) Blood moon passion - Maero - 05-24-2009

OOC: Im waiting for some inspiration. Also, Im trying to figure out how what to do since all the characters there are controlled by me except for one, which is hardly any fun for me.

Julia nodded and said "Ok...if she has been bad. What do we do with her?" May whimpered and tried weakly to escape Lulu's grasp before simply curling up into as small a ball as possible and awaiting whatever would come. She whimpered softly as she did, frightened out of her mind by the vampires around her.