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RE: New Fantasy RP - fred_18_2008 - 05-16-2011

Fredrick looked around bemused, "Whats going on here? One moment I'm trying out my new rifle and now i'm here....Ai!!!"

Fred18 shoves Fredrick back through a door that disappears a moment later. "Not now, the RP didn't even start yet." Looks around, "er...right, question, you put the archive currency, or is it used by both factions? later all." waves and leaves.

RE: New Fantasy RP - Frisk E. Coyote - 05-18-2011

Elemun is is a black metal derived from special ores found in one of the many mountains of Paradiso. It is special in a that it is practically indestructible, and can only be damaged or shaped by magic. It is used in making special relics as it can be charged with elemental magic. These relics are very powerful, and Elemun Ore is very hard to acquire (think of it as the quest to take the One Ring to Mt. Doom. XD) so it is very expensive.

Yes, time is kept the same way it is here. Unless you want me to make entire months and days for them. XD No. Same as Earth, yes, even the constellations. The only difference is that there are five moons.
In Paradiso, there are biomes of every type, from deserts and marshlands to arctic regions and oceans.

In Purgatorio, things are a lot more... sparse. Mostly barren lands, deserts and arctic regions. There is an abundance of special ores and metals, natural radioactive hot spots, volcanic regions and areas with high magnetic fields. A lot of these places have been converted into a Technotopia, several cities and many "super cities" the size of entire countries. You will all know your starting point when the RP starts.

From outer space, one would see Genesis as one world. But in Genesis itself, Paradiso is one world, while Purgatorio is a whole other one altogether. Both have two polar ice caps and are both round... but passing by certain mountains crosses one over to the other world. There are several hundreds of these mountain all over the world, all mimicking each others' placements in both worlds.

The war has been going on for just over 8,500 years, with many pauses in between. War has become a normal way of life, and skirmishes and battles are not that common nowadays, though they still happen. Both factions are just too evenly matched, and they have been in a stalemate for thousands of years.

1 Cred and 1 Eko is the Equivalent of $1.00 (One dollar). Just convert them to this world currency in buying a shovel or a pack of gum and you got the rates. X3

The currency in Archive is called "Credit/s", or just "Cred/s" for short. It is all electronic money. No coins or bills. More like credit card.

Sorry guys I'm having great bouts of writer's block lately, so I'll post the Archive specs a little later. Please be patient, and thank you very much!

RE: New Fantasy RP - johalt - 05-18-2011

Yay, he's back! X3 So... If you cross a mountain, you pass into another world? How does that work?

RE: New Fantasy RP - fred_18_2008 - 05-19-2011

boarders maybe, you know like harry potter, you walk in this world with jeans and a jacket, but over there in the wizarding world they wear robes and cloaks (and these robes are fashioned from like...the 1700-1800's or some such time). It's the same world, but two different people's live on it, one that uses mostly tech, the other mostly magic and a little bit of tech to get through the day to day stuff.

RE: New Fantasy RP - johalt - 05-19-2011

... Yeah, I think that's the best analogy I'm gonna get. Thx! ^^ so, i's Elemun a new element or an alloy/mixture? Can it be recreated (I realize of course fully that would be unlikely, but often something similar, if weaker, can in theory be synthesized)? i's there an equivalent "super metal" for Archive?

Also, don't worry if you're stuck. You could always come over and help wit my rp idea <_< >_>

RE: New Fantasy RP - Ferro Cordis - 05-19-2011

Hopefully this Rp starts!!! I so want to do it!!! And if there are no girls I make 3 2 for the Science side and 1 for the magic side so straight and bi people can have some fun! :D (Now that's six RP people I can control so this RP is more epic! lol.)

RE: New Fantasy RP - johalt - 05-19-2011

... I'm pretty sure there's some female chars in this... (you didn't read the whole thing, did ya?)

RE: New Fantasy RP - Frisk E. Coyote - 05-19-2011

There are a bunch of females here, including a handful of female NPCs I have on standby. X3 Gender won't really matter because sex won't be the main focus here, though romance can occur, yes, and sex is possible, but so that it won't get in the way and take up space, I'll make an alternate thread for the sexy parts. X3

And an explanation for the worlds? Magic. The mountains are gateways to each of the worlds, though only a handful of them are actually accessible. The magic society accepts this. There is no explanation for magic. Magic is magic. X3 Science tries to explain this as the mountains holding so many different elements (periodic table of elements, not fire/wind/water/etc) that generate various kinds of energy in clumps that open a stable passageway to the other world. They harnessed this energy and used it to make gateways.

On the other side, it's just magic. X3 They actually have to pass by the mountains to get to Archive, so it's much easier for Archive to invade Legendarius than Legendarius invading Archive.

Archive has TONS of "super metals". While Legendarius tries not to mine and discover things too much (CHANGE IS BAD!!), Archive discovers new things every day, whether they find it in their mines, or they make it artificially.

Elemun cannot be replicated. It's a natural element found at the tops of certain mountains (mountains that just barely poke the atmosphere no less). There is "False Elemun" found lower on the mountains, but it is cobalt blue in color, and not as powerful. Weapons made of Elemun and False Elemun are rumored to be among the most powerful ones around though.

Scientists have been doing experiments on an Elemun dagger they have taken from a fallen Saint hundreds of years ago. They are still trying to find a way to break it or make it malleable enough to forge (without magic mind you). The result is many new forging techniques, chemicals and energy equations. They have many other metals and alloys far more useful than Elemun, but they still really want to know why they can not break it. If they created a Dreadmech out of Elemun, they could do some serious damage with it.

Things they have found out about Elemun from experimenting with Elemun coins/medals retrieved from the battlefield:
*Doesn't rust.
*Exposing it to heat doesn't do anything to it, but it absorbs all the heat indefinitely, and can become (potentially) infinitely hot.
*It not only conducts electricity, it amplifies the voltage and amp drastically.
*It can cut through practically anything, even monomolecular fiber wire.
*Giving it severe doses of radiation can give it the cutting power of an atomic explosion.
*Sound waves travel through it faster than it does in standard solid, gas or liquid.

And many more. X3

RE: New Fantasy RP - deathseal1390 - 05-19-2011

so bascily it enhances sound, and eletricy if put into a staff somehow. someone keep it from the lighting mages D:

RE: New Fantasy RP - johalt - 05-19-2011

Interesting... *grins as semi-evil master mind kicks in* hehe, you're giving me ideas and plans psycho... Careful. X3 lol
on a serious note: ok, I'ma outa questions for now... I'm pretty sure the rest well figure out as we go, for me anyways.