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RE: Bleach RPG - Disturbed - 04-24-2007


Chris was about to just go on and leave the person to his fate but his concience stopped him "..Damn..." he muttered. Looking up he saw a long ladder that went up to the fire escape which he used to get ontop of the roof where Blue was. "Fine fine..lets get you to a hospital...not gonna like this.." he grumbled as he picked him up piggyback style "hold on tight and..try not to bleed too badly." The hedgehog then lept down from the roof and ran towards Chika Town's hospital a couple blocks down.

(Soul Society: Shadow's Office)

Jena just sat with her legs crossed sighing deeply as there was no action called. In her position the robe she was wearing slightly openned to the point you could see her cleavage quite well.

RE: Bleach RPG - Shadowknight - 04-24-2007

What's the matter? Katt thought noticing Kurtz's tension and worry in his voice, What could possibly pose a threat to a captain, he doesn't even look like shinigami.

Meanwhile a short distance away Vulpin observed the scene, "Now it's three on one. Archaneous better know what he's doing. Bad enough the Shinigami now know there's an arcannar running about. I'd hate to reveal that there are more by running into a battle."

*Soul Society*

"Don't worry, if they're planning an attack we'll find out. With all the shinigami in the human world there's no way they can stay hidden forever." Shadow looked up, spotting Jena's prominent cleavage. He looked quickly back down at some papers on his desk trying to mask his slight blushing.

RE: Bleach RPG - Calibremon - 04-24-2007

Loki smiled up at her. "Mm good... I'm glad you're enjoying yourself..." she said softly, pulling the sash off her own robe, undressing as well. She smiled and sat back slightly, revealing her plump. curvateous ferret body.

RE: Bleach RPG - amaterasu - 04-24-2007

Archaneous could since Vulpin in the distance Great,hope she doesn't ruin my fun.He looked at Yoksen"Bring it weakling."

Yoksen pointed Serkoyo at Archaneous"Don't blame me if you get destroyed.Devour,Serkoyo."The blade split down the middle,forming two blades with a gap in the middle.The blades became sharper and seemed to release a high-pitched scream as it split"Now to destroy you."He charged at Archaneous,swinging his sword down with great force.

RE: Bleach RPG - Kurtz - 04-24-2007

"Katt, let's move. Far too long here, let's retreat for now." With that, Kurtz started to run quickly, a few Shakkada swords quickly floating above him as he made his retreat. "Come on! No time left!"


Using the speed he had on him, the black furred feline kept on running. Running as fast as he could, while keeping in mind the order within his head. As of such, the Hell Butterflies were, not working. They had to substitute with messengers.

Running along the top of the walls, the feline continued to run for a few more moments, before he flitted, his speed suddenly bursting as he arrived almost at the 4th Division's corner. "God, and they say I'm too slow..." He muttered, before starting to walk forwards towards the hut for the division.

RE: Bleach RPG - DragonMasterX - 04-24-2007

"I feel really lucky for this!" Liz giggled enthusiastically, "But hey I want a question answered. Why did you bring me here again?" she asked, thinking as she crawled next to the vixen.

RE: Bleach RPG - Calibremon - 04-24-2007

Loki looked up, confused. "Here as in 'Here', or here as in the Soul Society?" she asked, her hands still on Liz's breasts.

RE: Bleach RPG - Salem A. Delgado - 04-24-2007

*Shinto Shrine outskirts of Chika town*

Sleeping in the shrine yard Salem wakes up ears twitching "What *yawn* time is it?" *Shrine Keeper*Ah, you're awake, it's 4:50" "That means I've been asleep nearly twelve hours." *smirk* "The longest I've slept in three years." "I find that hard to believe." the shrine priest said with a chuckle "hn, anyway" Salem said srcatching his head "What's with all reiatsu I've been senseing lately?" "I'm not sure but it seems hollow attivity has really increased lately and from what I've sensed there seem to be a lot of shinigami out out there, if I had to guess, I'd say about four captains and three sub-captains." Salem smirked at this and said "You're right, except you missed one and they're are only three captains." "Then what are they then, the fourth one, and the one I missed?" the shrine keeper asked with a confused look on his face, Salem's expresion suddenly turned serious "Arcannar's." he said coldly

RE: Bleach RPG - DragonMasterX - 04-24-2007

"Mmmrrr..." she murred as she thought, before making another question, "What about both?"

RE: Bleach RPG - Calibremon - 04-24-2007

Loki smiled softly. "I brought you to the Soul Society because its a wonderful place, with lots of people like us; you'll soon forget you're well... y'know..." she pinched her nipples gently. "As fro bringing you here... this is my clinic for when I'm not out slaying Hollows. Souls still manage to get injured." she licked her chest slowly. "I wanted to make sure you weren't seriously hurt..." she said, caressing the spots on her body that had been wounded not half an hour previous.