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Pillow fight! - Printable Version

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- Shadowknight - 02-28-2006

If anyone asks we were here the whole time. *grabs DMX and shoves him into the sleeping bag* WHEEEE, *swings the bag around wildly smashing everything in a small radius* UGH I don't feel so good, *throws up on a very pricey looking painting of some lady smiling* I hope that wasn't expensive.

- DragonMasterX - 02-28-2006

*miracously gets out of the sleeping bag* Hello again! *jumps to the pillow fort* Bow!!! *pulls rope and roof opens making lots of pillows fall on shadow*

- Shadowknight - 02-28-2006

OOC: rewrites DMX's post so it reads, *pulls on a rope and a blanket tied to the ceiling falls away dropping pillows on Shadow* Sorry but it looks like the hosts aren't around so I'll make sure everything stays realistic, and opening roofs arent realistic even if you used a pull down attic because that would drop a ladder on me.

IC: Shadow dug out from under the pillows, "You'll pay for that." Starts grabbing the pillows around him and throwing them at DMX's fort*

- Seit The Reaper - 02-28-2006

*just sits there watching the whole because he knows if he gets up,something esle will hurt him*O_o.....

- Shadowknight - 02-28-2006

*throws another pillow which narrowly misses DMX and crashes into the wall, knocking down a painting, which lands on the aerosol can Shadow dropped earlier chopping off it's top, the can rockets down the hall crashing into a lamp, the lamp falls over and hits Seit on the head*

Shadow: *watches the whole thing* DOMINOES! Let's do it again.

- DragonMasterX - 02-28-2006

Domionoe?? yeah... quite uncommon... like this *grabs on pillow from his fort and the fort crumbles down* no wait... that wasn't supposed to happen...

OOC: Couldn't you make the stairs fall on you anyways? xP

- Yoosei - 02-28-2006

oh my god...he grabbed the pillow i threw him o_O
Matt Ishida walks away slowly and sits down cross-legged near the exit looking at the pillow fight

- Shadowknight - 02-28-2006

*notices a chord hanging from the ceiling* hah feel your own wrath of falling pillows, *pulls the chord which opens a trapdoor attic, a ladder hits him in the back of the head and he falls to the floor, a christmas tree, some dinnerware, countless antiques, and baby carriage fall out on him* ouch, *a katana falls out of the attic and lands right between his legs an inch from his crotch* eep, *faints*

OOC: Happy?

- Seit The Reaper - 02-28-2006

O.O;;;;*gets up only to falls on his back*.......not.....funny....*grabs pillow and rummages around it for his Hatchet*...where did i put that thing...

- DragonMasterX - 02-28-2006

OOC: You forgot the all hated and hard Christmas Cake that is always stuffed in there, but okay, you made a person happy here

IC: *walks to shadow's unconcious body* hmm... yup, when they said be careful with what you wish, they are serious... *removes katana and throws it up the attic* *low voice* dammit... it was supposed to fall... nevermind...

*walks away and starts rebuilding pillow fort while waiting for the fraking pizza to arrive*