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Defeating the Darkness within - Printable Version

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RE: Defeating the Darkness within - johalt - 08-09-2011

"Darkness i's the most misunderstood of all the elements," John, who had been seemingly uninterested in the conversation, suddenly piped in, "It i's the opposite of light. Where light i's energy in one of it's purest, visible, usable forms, darkness i's the void itself, the lack of any substance or energy, and gives us the contrast to define the other. Nothingness has never been completely understood, and has usually only been used by those who wish to use that fact to there advantage. But the void has a tendency of drawing in all else, making temptations harder to resist. And there i's always more void to fill, no matter how much i's done to attempt to fill it. Evil and darkness are two different things, though the coexist and overlap so often it i's difficult for most to differentiate the two. The tool does very little, if the master does not wish to use it so." suddenly his eyes turned to the table of food. "Hello there..." his mouth began to water, and he slowly approached the table, as if in a trance.

OOC: lol random moment of wisdom, sry if I stole somebody's thunder. Whaddya think?

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Casey the furry one - 08-09-2011

Bridget didn't say a word as the young boy spoke about darkness being evil. "I said large and darkness were two sides of the same coin. I never said they were the same thing. Also remember light doesn't equate to good, as darkness equates to evil. Now Kyle I know a necromancer who one of the nicest people you would ever meet. He helps families and people by giving them closer as long as their love ones haven't moved on. As well as fight evil using dark magics like animating the dead using the shadows strangle his foes," she explained there is a difference.

"Would you say your shadow fiend is a demon or more like a cross between a dragon and djinn. Where he is a trickster and enjoys shiny objects. He also usually returns the items he has taken before he is missed. Would you consider him evil or someone that would have your back when you need him?" she asked.

After a moment letting the kid think she went on, "Now there are white magic and black magic as you know. like blessing, healing, other similar spells for white magic. Black magic like curses, summoning demons, and other spells that dams a person. Yes it is true light magic typically leads the user to use white sooner or later, while dark magic does the same. Yet it is your choice to use those darker arts or not. Also do realize the odds are all the same for all of you," She stated letting him know there was a chance he could turn evil yet it same chance that all the kids face.

Had enough of listening and felt he had to speak up. He was practical in his views and liked to keep things simple. He walked over to Kyle and remembered what Bridget told about focusing. He formed a simple blade it rippling and dripping water since he was trying to keep the blade in a more fluid state. He slashed at the fox shirt soaking it. "Now if you think your going to turn evil we can kill you. If I do turn evil would you do the right thing and kill me?" he asked. He still wasn't sure if he was up to the task; but he was willing to try.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 08-09-2011

OOC: if i'm posting too often tell me, if just seemed like that would be the right time to have kyle respond to me.

IC: "i gusse your right..." he said softly to himself. he was sort of dissappointed in himself for assuming that darkness was in it's self evil and created to cause harm in others as well as assist those who wish to do so. and he looked down even further trying to keep to himself hearing about the necromancer and even his own shadow. "thank you..." he added feeling some what realeved before feeling the splash of water and his fear rose once more hearing the shark's word. and said trying his best not to sound scared though he was startled by the water. "i-i wasn't implying that....i was just worried i know one of the other weilders did so and i was worried the same would happen to me as well. and just like i said, you all seem nice and that last thing i'd want to do is hurt any of you. if anything i'd give my life seeing how you guys might be the only friends i have." he stated he had to think about what they just said and keep strong to himself. The last thing he'd do was give in to evil if he could. though shadow how ever was less intrested in the speeches being gave about darknes and evil. all it was worried about was one of the gems it saw. as soon as the others started talking it went as fast as it could and at the moment was working on trying to detach one of them wanting to keep it for himself.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Shadowknight - 08-09-2011

"You need not worry about all that," Michael smiled, "The crystals are simply tools, like any other weapon. If a man uses a knife to rob someone and kill them, is the weapon evil? If another man uses the same knife to protect someone he loves, is the weapon good? It all depends on the heart of the one using the tool as to it's allignment. Your powers will react to how you use them, but will not influence you if that is what you're afraid of." He explained a bit.

Lupe growled loudly at the shadow as it approached her, "If he enjoys taking shiny things that's fine, but tell him that if he tries to take anything from me I will find a way to hurt him." she threatened as she pulled her gem out of her pocket and moved it towards a diffrent one, still glaring at the shadow.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - johalt - 08-09-2011

OOC: That's pretty much what I said, yeah? Just over the course of three paragraphs insteada one, lol. ^_^;
Ps Your posting i's just fine... Well, maybe a little grammatically incorrect, but what I meant was the your timing i's alright.

IC: "Hoi," John called from the table. "If you guys don't stop gabbing and start eatin' soon, I can guarrantee ya there won't be any left." he was waiting patiently for the rest of them to start before he began his gorging, but he would not wait long.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - DragonMasterX - 08-14-2011


Quote:OOC: lol random moment of wisdom, sry if I stole somebody's thunder. Whaddya think?

I think you're making John knowledgeable on darkness for no other purpose than to show off, but that's just me. ^_^


Lizzy watched and listened on. She had never been good with words, and the ping pong discussion of elements and magic was starting to lose her even more. Then she saw Kyle getting soaked by Raziel's water blade and heard the shark boy speak of killing; it worried her.

At that point, she couldn't stop herself from chirping out, "Are you guys fighting...?" her ears drooped back against her skull, "Like, the bad kind of fighting?" she added; Lizzy loved to wrestle and struggle for fun, so her definition might have been different. The food didn't seem that alluring to her now that she was concerned about the others.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - johalt - 08-14-2011

OOC: ... They're on to us! Run Away! XD lol jk but seriously yes he i's a bit of a showoff/smartass at times; problem? X3

IC: John couldn't take it anymore. He began to chow down vigorously on the food in front of him. "Fight later. Food now." he grunted between mouthfuls.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Shadowknight - 08-15-2011

"Fighting isn't always bad Lizzie," michael smiled as he took a bite out of his meal, "All depends on why you're fighting, if you're fighting to protect someone or something important to you, then fighting is a good thing. However if you're fighting to take something or hurt someone, then fighting can be seen as a bad thing. Just like right and wrong, it all depends on where you stand." He said.

"We're fighting to protect our world and ourselves," Lupe spoke up, "that makes it right in my eyes." She said simply.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - Frisk E. Coyote - 08-15-2011

Jack mulled this conversation over, having kept silent the entire time. He was the youngest there, the quietest, and understood the least, but he was by no means slow, or stupid. He thought about what earth represented; reliability and a great sense of protectiveness. What did it mean? Did it mean he could be relied on? Did it mean he would be protected by the crystal, or would he have to use the crystal to protect others? He didn't know if he had what it takes to save others, and he didn't know if he was that selfless. He had always loved superheroes, and always wanted to be like them- protectors, defenders of the weak and innocent. But he wasn't a hero. He wasn't even a villain. He was the helpless victim, and it made him feel insignificant and weak.

Now the darkness was in his thoughts. He never thought of it as evil, as his entire life was spent hiding in the dark. The dark was safe, quiet, and peaceful. It was as calm as a moonless night, and it hid him from the light that his father's shadow was cast in. If darkness to him was a safe haven rather than something to fear or be wary of, what should earth be to him? Should he rely on his powers and just let it take over? Should he trust this power, or should he try to give it away to someone who would definitely be more worthy of it than he?

In the end, he found it hadr to think on an empty stomach. He was a skinny runt with very strong bones, but he was indeed half-malnourished. He'd have to eat and build up his strength if he wanted to fit in here... now if only he could find the courage in himself to step forward. In the end, he waited for everyone else to go ahead before joining them to eat.

RE: Defeating the Darkness within - deathseal1390 - 08-16-2011

(OOC: I kind of like the smart at times thing XD)
The shadow gave Luke a short glair before giving up on its desire for the shinnies for now, looking at the food, most wouldn’t think so but the shadow actually ate not because it needed to, but because it enjoyed doing so. Going behind john trying to be as stealthy as it gave him a few taps on his shoulder hoping he’d turn so he could nab the plate or the food on it. It looked and even drooled a bit at the food deer was one of its faves but never got to eat it because of Kyle’s family and before he knew it a bit of the shadow drool got onto his shoulder hiding as soon as it did not wanting to get caught hiding once more in his master’s shadow.
Kyle shivered in his wet clothes lightly, he hasn’t been with them for a few seconds and already he was starting to be hated it figured the most complicated and often times most hated element had to be his, he could only wonder how the last wielder got through this whole ordeal or if they had as hard of a time as he did. He looked at the older man and asked “uhh…sir, do you have any shirts I could barrow until mine dries?”