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Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - Printable Version

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RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-28-2011

Austin turned around as if to greet his sister, but then noticed she wasn't donning her usual clothes... at least not in the upper section. "Are you wearing a guy's shirt?" he asked, not taking a genius to figure that one. Then he noticed how messed up her pants were, "Did you fall over and get dirty or something?" that was the only explanation his mind could come across.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-28-2011

Jess' eyes went wide at his comments. What the fuck is wrong with me? Why didn't I change first?! She looked down at her clothes again and tried to come up with an explanation. "I was hanging out with Stephen, and ended up with milk spilled all over me. The pants were fine but the shirt was soaked, so I had to borrow a shirt."

Yeah, that sounds believable. She sat down on the side of Austin's bed. "So, how was your day?"

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-28-2011

OOC: He's in the living room.


Austin cracked a small laugh, "What were you drinking from, a hose on full pressure?" he said with an arrogant tone, "Must've been a real mess," he shook his head, returning to his gaming. "Meh, after we got back, I got tired and went for a nap, had a weird dream. Woke up and it was this late, so I thought I'd play some games. Wanna play Mortal Kombat? I'll own you," he smirked.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-28-2011

OOC: Then I'm sitting on the couch

IC: Jess laughed. "No, I guess I'm just clumsy." She cocked her head as she thought about what he said. "What did you dream about?"

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-28-2011

Austin's eyes wandered off to the ceiling as he thought for a moment. "Dunno, kinda hazy now that I think about it," he shrugged, "Guess it wasn't that important. Something about a girl with blond hair having done something to you... Guess I should lay off those sci fi movies at night."

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-28-2011

Jess sighed. Oh thank God. She got up and headed off to her room. "I think I'll have to pass on that offer to play Mortal Kombat. I'm just really tired right now." She pulled of the jeans and tshirt and climbed into bed, not wanting to have to think about the day's events.

Maybe tomorrow won't be as hectic.

Jess woke up the next morning and pulled herself out of bed. She realized she was still wearing Jude's panties and stripped down, then headed to the bathroom for a shower. On the way, she called out to Andrew. "No matter what you hear, don't come in!" She closed the door and got in. Luckily, she managed to get through the shower without transforming, and went back to her room to get dressed.

She put on a clean pair of panties and a bra that actually fit, plus a yellow t-shirt and some clean jeans. Feeling slightly less plain than usual, she left without a baggie sweatshirt. She threw the t-shirt, jeans and panties she had borrowed into her bag, hoping to give them to Stephen at school.

She got out of her car at the main entrance to the building. She was still a little early, so she figured she could stop by Ms. Nell's room before first period. When she got there, the chemistry teacher didn't appear to be there yet, but a few sophomores from her first period class were sitting around.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-28-2011

Ms. Nell wasn't arriving yet. The sophomores of the first period hadn't even paid attention to Jessica, with her normal form being as insconspicuous as it would get. They were, however, talking loudly about the case of the 'raped' students from the day before.

"Did you hear? It was a girl that singlehandedly took them down and raped them!"

"It wasn't like that! She drugged them, and then when they were weak she beat them down! Only to rape them cruelly afterwards..."

The gossiping continued endlessly... the rumor became more and more fantastical each time. One of the rumors even spoke of a young girl with supernatural powers that held power over men, to allow her to make them do her bidding.

OOC: If that doesn't swell your ego, I don't know what will XD

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-28-2011

Jess blushed as she realized they were talking about her esacapade from the previous day. Looks like I've become a legend overnight. She looked at her watch. It was getting late and she would need to get to first period soon. As she turned to leave the classroom, she felt a very familiar tingling throughout her body.

Oh God, no!! Does my body have some kind of sick fascination with kids?! She tried to get out of the room but her legs buckled as they changed shape. She fell onto the floor as her breasts began to tear through her shirt.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - DragonMasterX - 02-28-2011

The four sophomores in the room hadn't paid attention to Jessica at first, but with the rattle she made, they turned their eyes towards her.

And there she was, her upper body raising as her tits swelled into their gargantuan forms. The boys hadn't noticed this yet, but their eyes went wide and their jaws dropped as they saw Jessica's pants stretching with her widening hips and growing behind. That rump was inflating like a balloon, yet much, far much sexier than one. "Is her ass... growing?" one of the guys voiced, unable to tear his eyes away from that image as he got an instant hard on due to his fetish for large rumps.

RE: Beauty's Curse. (For Clone Warrior and DragonMasterX) - CloneWarrior - 02-28-2011

Jess began to moan as she felt herself become aroused. Her ass began to tear through her jeans and panties, leaving her completely naked except for small shreds of her clothing. No! I need to keep control! I need to get out of here! She struggled to stand up, but once her transformation finished, she lost complete control of her limbs. Her arm took on a mind of its own as she began to vigorously finger herself.