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Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Printable Version

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RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-10-2009

Toma fininshing taping up Tina's diaper as he finished talking and she gives him a tight hug and kiss. "I love you sweety. I just never want to see you in the arms of other woman I would just go crazy!" Tina said as he snuggle into him.


The 2 laugh then leap at her Sora goes high and Ray goes low.

Near the door Impmon watchs with Yuki next to him as the boys get beat the hell up but go back at Tigress again and again. "Think I should stop them sweety? I mean its not like I care if they get hurt I mean they are too stuiped to know to stop fighting her its just I won't want to drag around their broken bodies all day."

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-10-2009

"I understand." Toma says with a smile. "I'd feel the same way about you and another man. So Tina please promise you'll be nice to Tigress. I'd really like it if you two could become friends as well."


Tigress rolls her eyes as Ray and Sora try to get at her again, this time from the left and right. I'll give them one thing they don't quit. She thinks before jumping up and hitting them both with a split-kick.


"Oh!" Yuki groans at the hit even as she laughs. "Good idea Impy, knowing those two they won't stop until they pass out. You'd better go save them."

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-10-2009

Tina snarls. "I will listen but you can't expect me to jump into this with open arms. I am willing to try and behave but thats all for now. I mean we came here to have fun with eachother not to chit-chat with your ex."


Impmon then leaps into the air and deilvers a hot punch to the right check of Tigress catcher her off guard then he tosses the passed out bodies of his buddies near the opening of the door. "You 2 take a rest this round. I will show this fur bitch her place! If I can make a Fight Master like Renamon into my slave slut in my younger years I can take down this hairball!" Impmon said getting into a Crane style attack stance.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-10-2009

Toma nods and gives her a quick kiss. "That's all I ask. Come on I'm sure the three of us can still have plenty of fun before Momma realizes we're gone."


Tigress recovers from the surprise attack and faces Impmon. She can't help but chuckle at his stance. Granted he clearly knew the basics of Crane's namesake but his form was sloppy and full of holes. "Hey, just so you know you have you right arm a little too high." Impmon falls for her deversion and launches herself at him when he looks up to correct his stance. She quickly delivers a palm strike to his chest, knocking him back into the wall.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-10-2009

Tina stops still and keeps hold of Toma's hand just short of the door. "What do you mean the 3 of us. There is NO 3 of us there's just you and me Toma! I said we can TALK. Now your thinking about going to rides with her?" Tina's hand squeeze Toma's very hard as she gets upset.


Impmon didn't see the hit coming and unlike others he can brace himself for it but it was to soon and he didn't have time as he was hit so hard his head bounce off the wall and he passes out onto the floor. "BOSS!!!!" Both Sora and Ray shot as they go over to see if he's dead or not.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-10-2009

Toma groans a little but still tries to calm her down. "T-Tina you're hurting me. Listen I just want to be polite and invite her to come along. We can still go on all the rides we wanted to! Please Tina I haven't seen Tigress in years, I promise to make it up to you but please let her hang out with us today."


"IMPY!" Yuki cries out and rushes over to Impmon, pushing Ray and Sora out of teh way as she does. She checks him and finds he still breathing before turning to Tigress and snarling. "YOU BITCH!" She charges right at Tigress and leaps at her.

"Bad choice." Tigress chides at Yuki's reckless attack. She throws a punch at her but to her shock Yuki's body changes into a bunch of leavs that scatter at her punch. "O_O Wh-What the-GAH!" Tigress groans and Yuki appears behind her and drives her knee into the back of the tiger's neck, driving her to the floor and knocking her out.

Yuki exhales and grins at her fallen foe. "And that, kitten, is what happens when a kung-fu warrior takes on a ninja."

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-10-2009

Tina is not a happy camper but lets Toma's hand go. "FINE!" Then she goes out to door and see's no Tigress outside. "Man is she still on the potty?"


Impmon starts to wake up and then wobbles ove to the downed kitty. "So what do we do with her? Rape and Rob? Take her to our place and fuck her over and over until we break her will and make her into our sex toy? Whats on your mind for this one dear?" Impmon said not caring what happend to the bitch.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-10-2009

"Well maybe she has a stomachache, she did have alot of junk food when we bimped into her." Toma tries to explain but in truth he was starting to get a little worried about her.


"Oh, no!" Yuki snaps, still glaring at Tigress. "I want her to suffer the most horrible fate there is! I want her humiliated in every possible way!" She looks over at Impmon and grins wickedly. "Impy, may I please have my magic leaves back? I only need one."

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - Tank Cop - 11-10-2009

Tina goes back to the seat she was at before then says. "Well then lets enjoy ourselves until she comes back." Tina said eating Tigress BLT and her fries as well.


Impmon stares at Yuki for a moment. "Just....One!" Impmon said trying to make Sure the spell he put on her still works. "Remember your only thing in the world that matters is ME!" He tosses her the bag of magic leaves then backs away to give Yuki her room to work.

RE: Susie's New Babies (Blankmind & TankCop) - blankmind12 - 11-10-2009

"We might as well." Toma shrugs and takes a few fries as well while he waits for Tigress to come out.


Yuki giggles and kisses Impmon. "Of course Impy. I'd never, ever use my magic against you sweetie." She gives Impmon a quick peck on the lips and takes out a leaf. She places it down on Tigress' head and starts chanting a spell. Once she finishes Tigress's body glows bright white and starts to shrink. In only a few seconds the glow fades and Tigress hes had shrunk down to the size of an infant and was lying naked under her now oversized vest. Feeling triumphant she turns back to Impmon and the twins and smiles. "You like where this is going Impy?" She asks, knowing Impmon had caught onto her plan by now.