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Bondage queens. - Printable Version

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RE: Bondage queens. - Maero - 03-18-2011

Naomi noticed the odd look the wolf in front of her gave her and listened as she spoke. "Hmm, odd, I must have left the door open, that room is normally sound proof. Anyway dear, Im afraid Im just a breeder, not a seller. I breed slaves for the slave markets, I dont actually handle the selling myself. The slave your just heard isnt even one I am at liberty to sell, she is a customer's slave that has been brought here to be bred. Also, your request is somewhat...odd. I mean, I dont know how a slave can be both aggressive and submissive, they are antonyms after all, one can not be if it is the other. I have slaves that are well behaved, and slaves that scream at me for hours. And again, I dont normally sell directly...unless you could make it worth my while somehow" Naomi smiled and waited to hear the wolf's response. If she didnt want to buy from her, then Naomi would direct her towards the actual market to which she sold a portion of her bred slaves.


Yumi shuddered as her pussy was rubbed. "B-But mistress..." She whined softly as her crotch was rubbed, blushing a little, helpless to resist. Erica walked over slowly, looking down at her feet and blushing hard. She stopped next to Mindy, awaiting orders. "Why cant she be the one that has to give birth?!" Yumi asked desperately. "It doesnt matter which one of us it is right? Please mistress, I will be good, good forever, just please spare me!"


Silvia smiled and opened up the bottle and put a little in her hands and rubbed a bit over Kitt's right nipple. If the reaction was good she would begin to smear the stuff all over her rack and then across her stomach, steadily making her way towards Kitty's crotch.

RE: Bondage queens. - Shadowknight - 03-18-2011

"Hmm, that's a good point, oh I've got an idea," Mindy clapped her hands, "Whichever one of you two sluts that pleasures me better, won't have to give birth." She grinned as she stripped, "I'd say that's a pretty fair battle."


At first it seemed like nothing was happening, but soon Kitt slowly began to break out in a slight sweat, beginning to fidget and moan even harder, her nipple sticking out from her fur in arousal.

"Ah just love that stuff, increases sensitivity and the like. Watch," Lupe smiled as she grabbed onto Kitt's nipple that hadn't had the gel smeared on it, rubbing and twisting it slightly, then grabbed onto the one that had been gelled and did the same. Kitt's reaction was much stronger, her head rolling back as she howled with pleasure, her whole body twitching and convulsing from the pleasure.

RE: Bondage queens. - Maero - 03-19-2011

"Y-Yes, that!" Yumi said almost excitedly, seeing a chance to escape being preganant. She immediately buried her face into Mindy's crotch, unable to use her arms at all due to the sleeve. She had already had practice pleasuring Mindy, so she already had a head start. On top of that, Erica stuttered for a moment and just stood there, blushing hard before coming over to try to pleasure Mindy. But the poor girl could barely reach Mindy's chest height, and Yumi was not going to let her get any action on Mindy's pussy. After trying for a moment, and getting shoved back by Yumi, the little girl fell on her rump and looked down helplessly, waiting for her to lose the contest. Erica was a timid, shy little thing, and she was much younger than Yumi was and not even half as strong. She simply sat there and waited, unless Mindy did something to make the odds more fair, Yumi would certainly win.


Silvia began to rub the stuff all over her, Smearing her stomach, all her breasts, her back, and even ass with the stuff. She stopped just around her pussy, and took one gel covered finger and began to play with Kitt's clit. "How long do you think she will last without cumming?" Silvia asked as he continued to pinch and flick her Kitty's sensitive love bulb.

RE: Bondage queens. - CaseyChimera - 03-19-2011

"Can I make it your while?" Ximena raised an eyebrow. "Are you kidding me? Is that you fancy way of saying you're willing to sell me one of your slaves at three times the cost? Let me put it this way. I've got more than enough resources at my disposal to buy this whole estate: lock, stock, and slaves. What do you say to that?

She waved her riding crop in Naomi's face. "Also, who said I'm buying. I said I wanted to 'look' at the merchandise, AKA window shop. If there was something to my specific tastes, then I would have made an offer. However, after finding out you're a breeder, I found that is impossible. That is until that little slave spoke up to her mistress back there.

That's the spirit I'm looking for. A slave that still has some fight left in her." She wacked her riding crop on her own hand. "That's the aggression I've been talking about. Someone who is willing to duke it out and still remain completely submisive to her mistress. To refine a slave to that precise degree is true beauty. It's what my late mistress taught me, and what I taught my last slave. She moved out to train her own slaves. Now I'm ready to train my next one, and I may have found her."

"B-But mistress..." The same slave whined in the same low tone. "Why cant she be the one that has to give birth?! It doesnt matter which one of us it is right? Please mistress, I will be good, good forever, just please spare me!"

"Hmm, that's a good point, oh I've got an idea," Her mistress said followed by a clap. "Whichever one of you two sluts that pleasures me better, won't have to give birth. I'd say that's a pretty fair battle."

"Y-Yes, that!" The slave said excitedly.

Ximena couldn't believe her ears. "So, that's what is going on back there. This slave is fighting for the chance to not get pregant." She portrayed a grin ear to ear. "Now that's something I would love to see. This is what I'm talking about before."

RE: Bondage queens. - Maero - 03-19-2011

Naomi scowled as Ximena spoke and stepped out right into her face and closed the door behind her to block out anymore noise. "Now listen here you." She said sternly. "By make it worth my while, I meant breeding rights to whatever slaves you might buy, not extra cash. Also, I really doubt that you have enough money to buy my "estate" as you call it, and its equipment and slaves. Just one of my untrained breeds is worth millions on the open market, and I have many many slaves. My equipment is one of a kind, all made custom and designed by ME. If you could find a price for this equipment, it would be worth billions in genetic research and alterations. Just the land alone is worth more than you can imagine, this little house is just sitting on top of my laboratory, which is safely tucked under ground. I dont know who you are lady, but it wasnt me who gave you directions to this lab, it wasnt me who drove here instead of to a standard supplier, and it isnt me who is standing half naked with a riding crop in front of my door. So if all you are going to do is sit here and mouth off to me then leave before I call security." Naomi reached behind her back and took out a small remote and pressed a button. Two segments of the lawn moved aside, revealing trap doors which opened exposed two security robots. "Now, if you still want to talk business, then fine, but change your tone and understand that you are my guest right now, not MY mistress."

RE: Bondage queens. - Shadowknight - 03-19-2011

"Come come, it's hardly fair if you don't even give your competition a chance," Mindy said as she pushed Yumi away a bit with one of her feet, beckoning over for Erica, "You, why don't you kiss and pleasure my feet?" She smiled at Yumi.


"Ah suppose that depends on her training," Lupe smiled, throughly enjoying the constant moaning coming from Kitt's gag as her body was no doubt consumed by unimaginable pleasure from the gel, "Doubt she'll last much longer though." She smiled as Kitt shivered from Silvia's touch, her cunt flooding with her love juices.

RE: Bondage queens. - Maero - 03-19-2011

(Who should pleasure Mindy's feet? Erica or Yumi?)

RE: Bondage queens. - Shadowknight - 03-19-2011

(Yumi, that's why she was smiling at her.)

RE: Bondage queens. - CaseyChimera - 03-20-2011

Ximena massaged the bridge of her nose. This is getting more troublesome than it's worth. "Do I have to repeat myself. I already told you some friends of mine gave me your address and I followed them. They're the ones who said who were a supplier. I don't have to give you their names, and I'm still kicking myself for not doing the research beforehand. I'll deal with them later when I get back.

Second, I stated my business, even though I didn't know you were a breeder at first glance. I would have left right now, but that little slave in the background really caught my attention. It's clear she's not one of yours. So, my business has shifted from you to her mistress." She gave a small chuckle. "However, that's going to be impossible since I can't phase through walls.

Third, this half-naked look as you call it is my slave buying oufit. I prefer to take my slaves head on with no drugs or restraints. For me, it adds to the thrill as well as assessing their real worth. The riding crop is my choice toy to discipline anyone, slave or otherwise, who really gets on my bad side. I could have choosen anything from my arsenal. However, given the situation, I've clearly underestimated you, so..." She stretched out her arm in front of her and dropped it. "See, even an aggressive mistress as myelf can be submisive.

And finally, that 'By make it worth my while' I made before was a joke. I knew exactly what you meant by it. I also know how much goes into these places. Even though I'm one of the more wealthy mistresses, even I know I can't put a stratch on this. I thought it would loosen the tension if I did a play on words, but it seems you have no sense of humor.

Now, with that out of the way, can you please get rid of your robo goon squad so I can proceed with my business.

RE: Bondage queens. - Maero - 03-20-2011

Noami rolled her eyes and pressed another button on her controller and the robots retreated back into their hidden trap doors. "Fine, but no more lip from you. Im a scientist and I am doing you a big favor by letting you into my lab to talk with a client. If Mindy wants you to go, then you go." She then opened the door and gave her directions to the play room, where Ximena would find Mindy, Yumi and Erica.


Yumi whined as she was pushed away. "B-But mistress, she isnt even trying hard to pleasure you, not like I am. Please mistress, I just want to do my best." Yumi begged softly before she began to lick Mindy's feet and kiss her toes, sucking them and licking them as well. Erica would blush softly and walk over. She would put her mouth on Mindy's pussy and gently blow over it first before she used her nose to stimulate Mindy's clit, her tongue teasing her as she did. Erica was well trained in pleasuring apparently, and was skillfully teasing Mindy, her attentions growing more and more pleasureful at an agonizingly slow pace, making sure that Mindy was always thirsting for more.


"Is there anyway to make her last longer or keep her from cumming?" Silvia asked, pulling away before Kitt could cum. "Kitty, you arent allowed to cum until I say so, do you understand?" Silvia said to her slave as she waited for Lupe to answer.