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When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Printable Version

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RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 09-17-2010

"You two make such a lovely couple," he commented, grabbing his clothes and dressing himself. He then activated his watch and asked Rouge, "What lipstick color do you think would look good on you and your new girlfriend?" Once Rouge answered, he made the two tubes of lipstick appear for them, ordering for them to apply it to their lips.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-17-2010

"Oh! How about a nice bright white to celebrate my and Amy's engagement?" Rouge selected before she and her lover took the tubes and painted each others lips.

As they did that Noir returned look rather disappointed "I'me sorry master but these were the best I could find." the MILF bat said as she held up Amy's little black dress and some simple high heels. http://houseoffraser.scene7.com/is/image/HOF/I_125464929_00_20090730

"Well, that's not to bad, I mean it'd be better if she had more of a figure but for now it should do." Salem commented as she stood on the couch, leaning over King and effectively boobhatting the man "And you should really think about locking the windows, no telling what kind of perverts can sneak in and peep on you."

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 09-17-2010

King was surprised at the intruder, but calmed down when he realized who it was. "I agree. Maybe there's a grow and shrink function on these things," he whispered. "Girls, this is Salem, a close friend of mine. You shall call her Mistress though. You will obey any order she gives, unless I say different." He then handed Amy her dress and Rouge her bikini, smiling at their painted lips. ""Get dressed," he ordered, before walking to Salem. "Did you get Vanilla?" he asked, and once she responded, he would add. "I think I have an idea for what we can do with our slaves when we're not fucking them. Ever heard of Club Rouge, the fighting club? Why don't we make it into a different type of club, if you know what I mean."

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-17-2010

"Nice to meet you girls, and it's goddess not mistress. My ego needs much more attention than King's." Salem said as she hopped off the couch and showed King her watch "Yeah, and check out all these features I found." she said as she showed off all that she had learned about the watches since last they met "And what do you mean, like one of those strip joints with 'special offers' for vips?"

Meanwhile the girls finished getting dressed and bowed to their new owners, already waiting for their next orders.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 09-17-2010

"Yep. But with some stuff even for the normal guests. Here's what I'm thinking. I discovered something called the Rainbow Emerald inside the watch. We could break it down and use it as jewelery for the girls, maybe make special contacts for their eyes so they wouldn't be affected by its glow. We make the club girls only, so when they come in they'll probably be affected by the girls' jewelery. Maybe put in some aphrodisiacs into the drinks to get the girls hot and horny too. Finally, for the VIPs, they get to meet our girls in private rooms, and I've created special lipsticks that can make any girl my slaves kiss into slaves filled with love for the girl who kissed them, but even more love for the girls' owner, in other words, me. It shouldn't be too hard to extend the program to include you as well. What do you think?" he asked, done with his description of the place.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-17-2010

Salem listened closely and thought about the plan "Well, we'll certainly have enough emerald, the things huge and it seems there's one in each watch. As for the contacts we can use the sunglasses I found in our watches to help, seeing as they seem to block out hypnosis. Also I found an incredibly powerful aphrodisiac called Strawberry venom and instructions on how to make more should we run out, I'm also thinking of making it into a perfume too so that it starts taking effect faster...I'd say it seems like a perfect plan! Pack up your toys and we'll head down there asap." she laughed as she hopped onto King's back and held on "Also your carrying me for now, I've been walking all day and I'm friggin tired as hell."

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 09-17-2010

"Works for me," he smiled, running over to his slaves at Sonic speed. "Girls, follow me," he ordered, pressing the Upgrade button, empowering Amy with a golden beam, making her stronger and faster. He then pressed the copy button, copying Amy's strength and speed and adding it to his own, as well as letting him use his own hammer. "Lets go. Don't forget to lock the door," he declared, running out the door at a speed the other girls could keep up in, running to Rouge's Club.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-17-2010

Salem was able to hold on thanks to Knuckle's strength and laughed as they reached the club "I take it you met Sonic?" she asked as she took a moment to try the copy function on the girls as well.

The girls nodded and locked the doors and windows before chasing after their master, and once they reached the club the girls hurried ahead and held the doors open for their owners.

((They're your slaves so I'll let you decide if Salem can or can't use copy on them.))

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - MasterZero - 09-17-2010

King allowed Salem the power to copy his girls, but only if she would allow him to do the same when she had more powerful slaves. The two then entered the club, with King trying to put Salem down. He looked at the empty place and said, "Rouge, no offense, but this is no club. Its pathetic, in all honesty. If you want a real club, I say we change this place into a lesbian strip club!" He then began telling the girls his plans to turn the place into a lesbian strip club/lesbian whore house/trap for other women. "What do you girls think?" he asked the three.

RE: When science goes right! (MasterZero & Salem) - Salem A. Delgado - 09-17-2010

Of course she would allow the same, and as King spoke of his plans Salem began drawing them out. Putting everything King and her wanted into blueprints for the girls to follow "I also threw in some specially coded portal systems, that way we can build clubs in other worlds and we and the girls and move between them all the time." she said as she handed the designs to the girls, who quickly set to work on the club, making calls, re arranging and throwing out some things and so on "Well then, while they work on this why don't we go hunt for talent?" Salem said as she hopped back onto King's back.