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Digimon Protectors - Printable Version

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- Master Grim - 10-01-2006

Spiritmon's barely-visible dragon-headed attack screams at Dragomon. Blasting the area with rainbow light and a massive explosion. At least we're doing something...

- xvdjdamienstryker - 10-05-2006

((For Record reasons... Dragomon and Daemon were still on the other side of the Gate...they didn't Set foot into the Sovereign's realm.....well...not yet))

**Dragomon at the moment...got his share of attacks...but with Spirit Wind coming at Dragomon...Daemon gets on the Defense with--

Daemon: EVIL INFERNO!!!!!!!!

**his Fire Power counters the Spirit wind.....Stalemate! All the while..their pawn...was losing to the light inside her...when TK kissed Kari...a little of the old kari ..catches on..as her Crest of light returns....as did a certain blue crest upon a rocker...All the while...Azulongmon returns to the scene

Azulongmon (behind Matt and Gabumon):.... it seems you appear to be observing a little much. Digidestined of Friendship...Shouldn't you also be helping your friends?

Dragomon (eyeing what's going on): We cannot lose this fight! (in his head) if we cannot have this child...we'll have to make our own

Daemon: Agreed! and i know someone who'll be glad to help us...first...take her darkness..

Dragomon: Agreed...Tentacle Claw!!

**As Kari returns her kiss to TK...she closes her eyes...as she puts her hands around him...but times were cut short...as Dragomon's attack comes at kari...as it goes through her body...like a ghostly hand..

Kari/Dark Kari: AAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What's happening!!!!!!

**Dragomon's claw..pulls away..draining the dark energy entrapped within Kari........the Dark Kari persona fades away...for now...as she fully goes limp again...in TK's arms**

Daemon: you got it! Good! now let's go!!

**Daemon is about to close the portal...as it looks like a change of plans have been pulled off...but with Digidestined and tamers still lookin for a fight...will it be too late..for EVIL!!??

- Lord Patamon - 10-05-2006

TK:*just as she was returning the kiss it got broke by her screaming and then he felt her going limp on his arms* Kari! *he gently shook the unconsious Kari* Kari please talk to me *gently lays her down and kept nudging her* Kari.........

MagnaAngemon:they escaped but I'm sure this will not be the last time we see them *he landed and dedigivolved*

Patamon:*he looks at Gatomon and blushes remembering the kiss he gave her* I..... we better check on Kari to see if she is okay *he goes closer to TK as he still is blushing*

TK:*he sighs in relief after check on her* she is just unconsious but there's nothing that looks bad on her

Patamon*:I saw Dragomon getting his tentacle inside Kari, I think he took something from her, maybe her darkness

- Gogglehead - 10-05-2006

\"Huh?\" Daisuke said shocked as the portal vanished leaving the lightning blasts to fly aimlessly into the sky. Lighdramon decended to the ground from his leap. On hitting the ground he skidded forward digging his claws into the earth to slow himself to a stop.

After recovering from the initial shock Daisuke noticed Hikari motionless in Takeru\'s arms. He leaped off of Lighdramon to run over to the two.
Lighdramon devolved back to V-mon and was right behind him.

\"Is she...\" Daisuke couldn\'t find the words to finish the sentance.

- Lord Patamon - 10-05-2006

TK:*looks at Davis* she is just unconsious, whatever Dragomon did to her tired her out

Patamon:*he started to think about the recent events* a dark Kari..... the breed...... *he then looks at Gatomon* I think that what Dragomon took from her was the Dark Kari out of Kari's body, I mean.... since we didn't let them take the full Kari they did the next thing they could, take the darkness Kari had in her

TK:*looks at Patamon* it makes sense *he then looked up at Azulongmon* Azulongmon what do you think?

- Lady_Knight - 10-06-2006

"OK......I'm officially confused..." Rika told her partner. Kyubimon dedigivolved back into Renamon.
"So am I, Rika," Renamon confessed. "Do you know what happened to the portal? And to those Digimon?"
"No idea," Rika told her. She saw the group gathered around Kari." What the... oh no!" Rika and Renamon ran over to the others. "Is she OK?" she asked Davis.

- Master Grim - 10-06-2006

Spiritmon tilted hir head at the out-cold Kari while following behinds Rika and Renamon quietly. I hope she's alright...

- xvdjdamienstryker - 10-08-2006

Azulongmon: As far as anything. goes... what you should know is that there is good and evill in us all...human and Digimon alike.. just as light and darkness exist in all of us... i believe all they did to Kari..was take the dark energy inside her... she will awaken soon...atfter rest..i believe my task worked.... i managed to get the other sovereign on my side...and we have helped in returning your Crest powers...

Gatomon was overcome with much inside her...the Kiss from Patamon...What happened to Kari...all her emotions led to her to be a tad Frozen..with a deep blush....tears flowed out from her eyes...seeing all that unfold..and all she did was nothing..... the Freezing stopped..when she ran away from the scene...Crying...**

Azulongmon: I believe this Dark Breed maybe a legion of Dark Digimon ...and i also believe they are behind the digiworlds uniting..and combining
into one....i don't think this can be stopped....but maybe..when the Digital world is fully combined..and merged...maybe we can find more allies...i believe we will need all the help we can get...for now..it would be best if you returned into the real world...Gennai and myself will alert you if need be.... i would also go after your feline friend

- Lord Patamon - 10-08-2006

TK:as soon as we make sure Kari is fine we will reagroup, also having the crests back sure gonna be useful.

Patamon:*he saw Gatomon running* Gatomon wait! Azulongmon I'll go after her *he ran after her, he couldn't let her run, in her state she could end missing and who know what could happen to her. After a while he finally managed to catch with her and hugged her gently, they were pretty far from the others but still in range to easily return but they didn't knew the others were getting ready to return to the real world* Gatomon what's wrong? if is about Kari she will be fine, she is just resting, don't worry *he held her close letting her cry on him*

TK:Azulongmon let Patamon go after her I'm sure he can help her, besides is more important that you, Gennai and the sovereigns keep investigating about this dark breed, Patamon and Gatomon are tough, I'm sure they will be fine *he picked up Kari on his arms and looked at the others* let's go home guys

- Yoosei - 10-08-2006

OOC: sorry for my absence around here... *sweatdrops*


Matt had his eyes wide open, as he let himself fall down on his knees. He was just useless right now; something stopped him from helping his friends. What could this mean he wondered. He questioned himself over and over again. Wondering why was he just not able to move and help his friends