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*Turning to DMX* Bad argument, there's no bad argument in here! Wanna make something of it! Go ahead ! Try something!

The capsule contains a jumbo-sized bag of fresh, miniature marshmallows.
ugh...*melts them into Fluff* MUCH better! ^_^ *PB&F*

the capsule contained a peanut butter and fluff sandwich
*Gives to AWL* Not much for marshmallows...sorry.

The capsule contains a 55-gal drum of Marshmallow Fluff.
WOOT! *goes swimming in it* tasty!

the capsule contained a Kanpayo roll! ^_^

Capsule contains Chicken Dumplings instead.
*put them in some chicken broth and eats them up* Yum! Yum!

Capsule contains mass quantities of those floaty eye thingies.
eh? waht are you talking about ?_?

the capsule contained a 5-hour yiff session with Vook
*blinks blinks* O.O ... >.< ... O.O .... wow...

Capsule contains astonishment
*gets every DS game evar* o.o; *blink*

the capsule contained a DS Lite
Cool! *Slips it into my pocket* Now I just need some new games.

The capsule contains a bottle of Astroglide & a tube of KY.