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Full Version: Digimon Capsule Game
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Disturbed: *runs up and tries to kick the mana bomb away but right when his foot connects with it the bomb goes off with a blueish explosion of mana* Oh shit!! *looks down and notices he now has five tails and his underside is now a glowy blue* they hell!!

The capsule contains mana radiation
what? *+99999999 MP* what? +99999999? i only have 237 mana >_>

the capsule contained a Heal Clip.
Gol: *heals self* I'm better!

Capsule contains 100 thousand volts!
Crimson: *fires a clip of bullets but they only heal* Dammit, what a waste.

Random Person: Huzzah, I'm not dead!

Zorromon: *cuts him in half as he passes by* So what did I miss?

The capsule contains a crazed Chocobo.
Disturbed: Son of bitch!! *sucker punches the chocobo*

Chocobo: KWAR!! *chases after Disturbed pecking at his head*

The capsule contains running away

Capsule contains a herd of evil chocobo!
OH NO YOU DONT! *throws a giant basket of Ghyshal Greens at them* eat up!!

hee~ now their all MINE! miney miney mine.....

the capsule contained stupid random crap.
EEEeeeww!! Dont put your crap in these thats sick!!

The capsule contains a tied up Renamon
Renamon: grr...

Me: ? *wraps it up and gives it to Disturbed* ^__^

the capsule contained a nice present for disturbed.
Disturbed: *pounces her to the ground and yiffs her hard and fast untill both of their orgasms erupt*

The capsule contains a volcano