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Magical Starsign.
OOC: That's awesome Shadow. Thanks!

"Yes miss!" Karomaru said, relaxing and trying to repeat what he had just done before. He concentrated, knowing as much as how the difficulty for casting this spell would be signifincantly higher considering its level. "Let's take it slow..." he thought, an orange aura starting to surround him as his magic started to become more apparent. He knew he now needed an incantation to learn how to activate it correctly, "Molten rock... Crimson flames... Allow me to harness your strength!" he said and opened his eyes, "Magma Armor!" he casted, the fire around him turning a blacker red, before the fire exploded all around him again, a 'geyser' of magma flowing up from under his feet and enveloping Karomaru.

Reno woke up at this and ran towards his Master, barking excitedly next to the gush of molten rock, which somehow was not burning nor harming its surroundings.

"Koh... FLERA!!" Karomaru shouted, the geyser disappearing as he made his appearance again, but this time his entire body was dressed in a clad, sturdy-looking armor made of crystalized magma; the suit went from his feet to his head, covering him with a masked helmet that only revealed his eyes. The room normalized after this.

OOC: Karomaru has learned Level 2 Defencive Spell: Magma Armor. *Profile Updated*


(Room 100)

With a small sigh of accomplishment and relief, Dorothy stood up straight and clapped her hands together, "That will be enough for today. You all did a great job! You only need to try be a bit more talktative, and to share your hypothesis, but for a first class, I'm impressed the many volunteers there were!" she expressed her gratitude with a sunny smile and invited them to leave, "You are free to go, class. We'll resume tomorrow!" she finished.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Serin noticed Katt finally returned. "Looks like this will have to wait." He then looked at Kat and concentrated. For a few seconds, nothing seemed to happen. Then, the ground under Katt started to rumble before it imploded, created a 2-foot deep crater with shrapnel flying everywhere in it.
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
"Hmm, very nice..." Vook thought, the magic in her claw disappearing. "The magic is strong, in this one..." she continued, before clapping with a smile. "Very nice, Karomaru! Most students are unable to master such a powerful spell, on their first try!" she congratualted him.

OOC: Yay, ripping off Star Wars quotes!
Gabumon Loverz
Renamon's Army
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Ryuu lifted up his head, shaking it no before lying back down. He was just there incase of an emergency and Katt needed to be called.

*Room 100*

"Awesome, fish time!" Slash shouted excitedly as he jumped up, "Fish fish fish fish."

"Alright, alright, we'll get your fish." Shadow laughed a bit, Wonder where I can get fish around here.

*Training area*

Katt didn't even flinch as the shrapnel bounced off her shield, "Impressive, not bad for a new student. However it's a bit spread out, do you think you could try focusing it a bit more?" she asked wanting to bring out the best in her students.


"Just as long as you're where your supposed to be when you need to be." Thorne said as she finally found the room she was looking for. A large door stood infront of her, runes emblazoned on the frame. She reached out slowly with a clawed hand, tapping the door, there was a flash of light as she did, Hmm, wards. Not surprising. Shouldn't take long to undo this amaturish work. she smiled under her hood as she held her hand against the door, a black aura wrapping around it and slowly creeping over the door.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ayumi chucked a couple pieces of weaponry into a chest, then decided the rest could wait and wandered out of the armoury, Koko trailing behind her lazily.

The teacher rummaged around in her dress for her cigarettes and lit one, enjoying the sunshine.

Ayumi could see Katt and her class in the training area a little way off and assumed the other teachers would be in classrooms.

Entering the main building, Ayumi headed down a couple of corridors, but stopped as she encountered a strange sight.

'Hey! You! Are you a pupil? Why are you wandering around way over here?' Ayumi asked suspiciously, narrowing her eyes at the hooded figure.

'What do you think you're doing with that door?! Oooh, you're in trouble, you know that?' The teacher said, raising her scythe aggressively.

all i ever wanted was the world.

Serin shhok his head. "From the few times I've managed to use it, the magic seems engineered towards being able to hit a target anywhere in the crater, no matter how they moved. Not to mention, against a low lying creature like me, there is no chance of survival."
[Image: FANTASY%20-%20IMAGE%20-%20Girl%20Warrior...ragoon.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Raze finally reached the outside training field. "So this is where all the amateur idiots train, is it?" he looked around and saw Katt from a dark corridor. "Hmph..." He pondered his options for a second. (If I use shadow needles, she would probably block... if I try for a throat cut she would likely hit me first...) Then he remembered the one way that would work best. (Ah! A Magi Duel! She can't refuse.) he appeared in front of Katt using teleportation, being careful to hide his face and features so that Katt could not identfy him. "Another teacher is asking for assistance, shall I lead you to her?" he said under a voice most different than what he taught her with.

Name: Raze... AKA Zane Flameburgh
Teacher/student: EX-Teacher
Race: Dark Elf
Age: 37
Sex: Male
Orientation: ...
Description: [Image: ShadowWarrior4.jpg]
Affinity: Shadow
Offensive Spells (Remember he is a master, and thus has mastered several spells):
Zanbato: Summons the ultimate shadow blade, can pierce even black ice.
Shadow Needle: In a millisecond these deadly needles pierce the enemy a thousand times. However, a strange shadow appears in front of you beforehand, making it easy to block.
Shadow Nova: Only a master of the darkness can use this move, gathers the energies of dark matter and unleashes on one spot, impossible to dodge, block, or divert. The only way to prevent is to kill the user, has a large charge time.
Defensive Spells:
Vortex: An unbreakable shield that sends any beam, weapon, etc to the other side of the shield. This spell can be used to teleport him.
True Darkness: Unleashes a black wind that pushes everything backwards, the winds run at 100mph.
Demonicka: Forms a dark aura around the user, giving user a demonic armor and unleashing the full potential of darkness, needed to use Shadow Nova. Only those with a heart full of vengeance and personal loss may use this skill. Requires pure hate.
*NEW*: Nightmare: Puts all those around him to sleep, does not work on darkbloods or shadow mages.
Weapon: Voltear- The ultimate evil sword, needed to make the Zanbato.
Familiar: Dragon King Midgard- Darkness
Backround: Will be revealed.
Other info:
Likes: None.
Dislikes: Unskilled mages, and the teachers who do not optimize their students to become true masters.

Name: Midgard
Species: Dragon King
Description: , has 8 large black wings with a single wing's span being 30 ft. The dragon himself is 20 ft high. He has four arms, each one having enough mana to outdo 20 familiars. On his back is spines starting at his forehead and ending at the bottom of his wings. He has yellow eyes. Finally, he has a 15ft tail.
Affinity: Shadow
Shadow Flare: Summons the darkness and light in the area, then firing off a large beam that creates a 100ft crater. ANyone caught inside is cursed and cannot heal any wounds they acquire, EVER.
Unholy Maelstrom: Creates a huge black wind aura that pushes everything back in a 50ft radius with 100mph winds.
Dragon Orbs: Summons four dragon orbs using the full power of the four guardian dragons, fire, water, shadow, and holy. They all separate into four thousand orbs, circle around the victim(s) causing an inescapable hurricane and shoot out beams of their respected element.
Mini Laser: Gathers up energy in a second, fires a beam that slices all the next second, and large dark explosions appear the last second.
"Hmm..." Dorothy evaluated the situation, would she truly need to have this individual talk with Shadow? After all, it had just been the first class. After thinking it over a few more times, she just forgot about their few clashes and decided to let it slip, after all, no damage had been done, except maybe to Slash's skull after Tina's self-defense show. "I should search for Ayumi now..." she reached down to pick her familiar up, "Come on Tina... we're off." She said, gathering her books in her bag and carrying Tina out of the classroom when all students had come out and passed by Shadow without uttering a word like she had planned to before, her hips swaying left and right as she walked towards the field.

(Room 309)

OOC: Ugh, doesn't help he's blond.


"YES!!" Karomaru cheered, but something was wrong, Reno kept barking. His body emitted cracking sounds and he seemingly couldn't move. "Uhh... I can't walk..." he said, laughing nervously, living the side-effects of a badly cast spell.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
OOC: Careful not to interrupt Raze and Katt's soon to be duel, it's a major story point.
OOC : My characters are out from the story. Sorry for inconvenience caused. :)
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[Image: 3813135.png] [img][Image: YVNJ5.gif][/img]
Renamon's Army
Creative Minds