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Pokerus X (A yiffeh Pokemon RP!)
(((I apologize for the brief absence. Holiday season, and all...)))

Milty, of course, was actually a bit heavier than most of her species...thirty pounds heavier, but not unbearable, the Miltank breed weighing in like a slightly tubby human would. Still, she didn't have the long limbs to keep herself elevated, opting to laying rather heavily on the tiring human's chest, rounded hips arched up.

Her face actually looked a tad sympathetic, smiling nervously, murring out a simple, sweet little apology...before taking the spent Arcanine's place in thrusting herself down upon the writhing human's cock, much cooler and actually soothing than the Fire-type before her...
OOC: I'm really sorry, got woken up at almost 5 in the morning on thrusday by my mom saying we were heading to a family wedding. Be nice if I was told about something like my cousin getting married at least a week in advance. So yeah I got stuck babysitting my grandma and pretending like I care about something. But enough ranting, I'm back and that's what matters.


"CHIC!" Torchic was flun forward by the surprise rear attack.

"Flame, aim at the ground and use flamethrower!" Shadow shouted quickly.

Flame did as he was told and opened his mouth wide as a torrent of flame shot onto the ground around him, scorching the ground and setting a large amount of surrounding area on fire. The flamethrower hit with enough force to propel flame onto his feet, preventing further damage.

Let's see how long she can battle in this kind of heat. Shadow thought, already starting to perspire slightly from the heat coming off the ground surounding them.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Fortunately for Ume... but far less so for Shadow... the only place she could find to escape the heat was him. She yelped from the heat once before leaping onto Shadow's head and hanging on for dear life.

OOC: lol Sorry... couldn't resist.
Justin gasped deeply from the sudden heavy weight that was put onto him by the cow-like pokemon laying ontop of him, making him lose a bit of his breath. At this point there was no turning back being pinned down by the a sex driven cow pokemon (lawl).

Then the boy gasped again as the Miltank had slid herself onto his cock moaning softly feeling yet more smooth yet tight vaginal walls sliding down his shaft. Except this time it wasnt a hot sex his cock was into, but cool and soothing one that made whatever was burning on his cock before had completely healed "G-god that..f-feels really good." he murred softly as his human hands tried to grasp the cow pokemon's rear and slowly started thrusting his 12 inches of cock into Miltank.
"HEY!" Shadow shouted at the umbreon as she stumbled a bit from the sudden added weight, "Get off me!" he said angrily as he grabbed her and attempted to yank her off.

"Chic?" Flame tilted his head to the side confused as he watched the Umbreon attack his partner, "Wait are we supposed to go after the trainer?" He turned around and looked at Sam, "Well if her's is doing it." Flame puffed out his chest as he reared back, readying his flamethrower attack.

"Flame! Get this thing off me!" Shadow ordered, still fighting with the frightened pokemon.

Flame didn't hear as he lunged his head forward, a stream of fire shooting out of his mouth aimed right at Sam.
"Stand tall and shake the heavens!" - Xenogears.
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
And Nath had his attention turned to the battle all the time. He had been watching, and he was still curious about the Vaporeon.... but, he had also witnessed the unsportsmanship. His eyes widened, as he saw the stream of fire, and immediately his hand shot for his Pokeball. "Erika! Stop that damn flame quickly!"

Throwing it in his traditional style - a flick-up before launching, the Espeon quickly started to run forward, before screeching a large Psybeam attack at the Flamethrower, causing it to ripple before splitting into tiny flames that just pettily hit the floor, before circling around Sam and coming back to Nath.

"Huh, that 'Flame' better watch what he's attacking..."
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds
Ume squealed loudly and fell off, landing on her back. (@.@ FTW :P)
Sam was worried about Ume, the heat was impressive, she wasn't suffering from it since she was a Dragon-type supposedly, but she really upset about her Pokemon, "Ume! Com," she was about to say it, but she saw the flamethrower heading for her and she immediatly fell backwards from fear, "Wait! I'm not!" she tried, but the flames were immediatly stopped, "Woah..." she sighed in relief as she saw Erika saving her. Her vision lifted towards Nath, "Uhm... thank you..."

Meanwhile, the female Swampert was staring at Ume, rolling her eyes at the Pokemon's stupidity, "And I thought rebels were cool" she huffed and kicked at the floor in frustration softly, yet unnoticeable.
[Image: FearthatPlushy.jpg]
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
The Mod Squad
Ume rolled onto her feet, a deep blush visible even through her fur "Sorry..." She apologized to Shadow meekly.
"Don't worry about it." Nath chuckled softly and smiled, before flapping his unchained wings twice behind him, before glancing at Erika. "But you're battle is still on... you might as well finish it, no?"

Erika glanced once at Ume, and sighed slightly, before yelling in the usual language that Pokemon spoke. "Come on! You don't need to apologize! Just go and take out that Flame guy! He nearly attacked your own trainer, remember!"
Gabumon Loverz
Shadow Dragon Pack (SDP)
Renamon's Army
Veemon's Followers
The Sabre Clan
Creative Minds