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Furry College LIfe (Astaroth/Fred)
Crystal stops hugging her dad and looks at Fred and smiles at him.

The King looked at Fred the minute he spoke and shock his hand, "Well its nice to meet you Fred Delacruz, I am the king." He smiles and then looks at his daughter after thinking what Fred had said, "Crystal are you dating this boy?"

Crystal looks at his dad and answers, "Yes dad, I am she smiles and I love him very much."

The King smiles at Crystal and Fred, "Well this is the greatest news I've heard in a while!" He looks at Fred and shakes his hand, "Welcome to the family! Tomorrow you and my daughter are missing college and coming to the palace for a meal with the entire family!"
Creative Minds

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RE: Furry College LIfe (Astaroth/Fred) - by Astaroth - 04-16-2011, 08:11 PM