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"Living It Up"(drugs, sex, rock ...)
I have this story, that I've been pondering in the confines of my mine for sometime. It involves Lucemon--rookie form, that is, who's been in Earth in the late 60s/early 70s, and is dragged into the world of the countercultural--drugs, sex, and get the idea.

If you read my fics, "Journey to the Center of the Mind", "Shot of Smack", "A Long Strange Trip", this story is part of that canon. It's somewhat, an OOC approach of Lucemon, who is obviosuly a crazed out white angel boy, that seeks the "utopia". It's just a story of a what if sceneario, and a commentary of the era--how the era was and what the hell was going on at the time.

The short-story has numerous drug references over heroin, lsd, uppers/downers, cocaine, and weed. I'm not a drug user--I've been called that by the "complaints" on, though, for the record, I'm not a drug user. Never been, never will be. I'm not depicting, the conditions that how life was in the early 70s, which in a sence, was how it was for people under 20 years old.

Lemons a plenty; my first attempt at lemons and what a first attempt it is. 4X5X(4 ways, 5 ways), slight BDSM here and there, 15U(under 15, if you catch my drift), and most things you would have in a "lemon" story, minus slash, which I do not write. I do support free speech and all, but I do not write yaoi/yuri lemons, I respect the authors and all, but's it not my thing. My lemons would have male/female sex, not same sex.

Characters(so far):
Lucemon(main character)
Ari Boulonge-Paffgen--the friend of Lucemon and and a fellow drug addict; a user of heroin,lsd, weed, uppers. Age 13. Based on a somewhat from a real person, somewhat. Dresses somewhat as a Louis XVII on occassion, adorns psychdelic furs and beads, black shoes.
Zoe Otley--15, a blonde California babe; a hot piece of tail; Ari would mention that he want "some" of her.

Kathy Bates--14, a local "city girl"(call girl) of San Francisco. friend of Zoe. User of heroin, hashish, and various uppers/downers.

Blake Chaloux--age 15, a friend of Ari's, and is a sort of a drug dealer/"manager" of Kathy.

Messages In This Thread
"Living It Up"(drugs, sex, rock ...) - by grandphoenix1 - 03-27-2010, 10:46 AM