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Claria and Rick Clan Wars (Yumi / Fred_18 RPG)
I stood infront of the strike team, my weapon a shortsword tipped with poison strapped in it's scabbard on myside, and the firesword in its own scabbard on my back, replacing my usual combat sword. I prayed i wouldn't have to use it last second if at all in this battle, it was widely known that the flamingswords were of the Fox clan. It was my turn to be blessed, looked like Elder Silverfur knew i had the sword!

"...May You forever be known in well as your team." Elder Silverfur said mostly to Rick, giving him that significant look, before adding the team as an afterthought.
Richard Bloodmane looked down at his army at half strength, the other half ready to respond at a moments notice. He felt Ancient power coming from the strike teams, a sure sign of a good battle. He was glad to have given Rick command of the strike teams. He wrapped his cloak around himself as he made his way down for blessing, thinking of the victory ahead.

If he only knew...
Many times lost, many times found again.

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RE: Claria and Rick Clan Wars (Yumi / Fred_18 RPG) - by fred_18_2008 - 03-26-2010, 07:48 PM