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Claria and Rick Clan Wars (Yumi / Fred_18 RPG)
I knew deep down I was a soft person...Not that I'd admit that. Looking around a feint glow caught my attention. It was a sword of somekind, and next to it was a note, it read:

Rick here is a fire sword just for you. There's no need to give me it back as I have two of them.
Lets just say its a peace offering.
P.S when I am asleep I have to warn you that I talk and walk in my sleep. Love you xxx and loads of huge

I glanced at Claira for a moment, wondering how someone could just blantingly put 'love you' in a note. I shrug, thinking it was a Fox thing, before picking up the sword. I had to admit, it was a fine sword, after a few fancy twirls I put it away with a grin and the phrase "boys and thier toy's" came to mind. A moment later though I frowned, re-reading the note and groaning. I better disarm the traps then if she's going to be sleep walking...and barricade the door for that matter. I set about doing just that before going to sleep in the couch, using a spare blanket. I wasn't shy, I'm catious...
Many times lost, many times found again.

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RE: Claria and Rick Clan Wars (Yumi / Fred_18 RPG) - by fred_18_2008 - 03-24-2010, 08:15 PM